Getting hot yet?

In fact, in USA with regard to proven reasons for climate, you have never left the dinosaur age. It's not an idea because cutting emissions will happen and you can't suck eggs.

What scientific proof do you have to assume otherwise?
Did god send you details? Maybe it's just the same old lame brained republican hate towards democrats and everything they do.
That's a very ridiculous assumptions but you believe there's a god so ridiculous assumptions come naturally to you.
I touched in this before. Climate fruitcakes like you all fell into line by attacking her because of her youth.
Not a word about the message she was delivering because without evidence it's more difficult to sustain your ignorant position.
Aren't you pleased you opened your big mouth and made a fool if yourself? I am.
Greta is a stupid little kid leftists brainwashed to propagate their unscientific claims on gullible rubes worldwide.

Greta is a stupid little kid leftists brainwashed to propagate their unscientific claims on gullible rubes worldwide.

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That could be the case which is why you should ignore her but you're not.
The climate change agenda agenda is what you and other republicans creeps should be focusing on but you choose to make the whole thing about because she is young.
In the meantime the globe is warming but fuck that. Let's apply more pressure on Greta and the climate problem might go away.
Yeah right. That's typical head up your arse republican thinking.
That could be the case which is why you should ignore her but you're not.
The climate change agenda agenda is what you and other republicans creeps should be focusing on but you choose to make the whole thing about because she is young.
In the meantime the globe is warming but fuck that. Let's apply more pressure on Greta and the climate problem might go away.
Yeah right. That's typical head up your arse republican thinking.
There is no global warming crisis except for the fictional science alarmism being promoted for reasons totally unrelated to the weather.

There is no global warming crisis except for the fictional science alarmism being promoted for reasons totally unrelated to the weather.

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Might I remind you that approximately 300 active volcanoes around the world at the one time. Over many years that number has declined by hundreds yet the climate is still warming and can be proven by science and data available to everyone. It's only idiot godbotherers like you that don't encourage facts. Republican religious lies seem to suffice for that.