Hunting in Africa


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
Currently Belgium
I'd vote for Dame Daphne Sheldrick but she's too busy dealing with orphaned wildlife in Africa.
She invented formula for elephants and rhinos orphaned by poachers seeking tusks and horns.
One amazing lady.

You mean. . .like the Trump's sons who seem to enjoy nothing more than killing wild life?
You mean. . .like the Trump's sons who seem to enjoy nothing more than killing wild life?
No. They paid for that. Poachers kill illegally. The trump boys fees help pay for rangers to try and combat poaching.
Learn about conservation before making yourself look foolish.
No. They paid for that. Poachers kill illegally. The trump boys fees help pay for rangers to try and combat poaching.
Learn about conservation before making yourself look foolish.

Great! So. . .because the Trump boys and other cruel fools can PAY to kill the wild life, the animals are "less dead?"

And it is just fine for the "rich kids" to kill for fun, but it should remain a crime for those who make a living from that horrible trade to do the same?

Sick! Your logic is failing you . . .again!
no more amazing ladies then....

Oh, I believe there are LOTS of amazing ladies! But all of them are not in the news because they are lucky enough to have inherited fortunes!

I am very glad, though, that some of those amazing ladies do spend their money to see wild life. . .instead of killing it for "sport!"
Great! So. . .because the Trump boys and other cruel fools can PAY to kill the wild life, the animals are "less dead?"

And it is just fine for the "rich kids" to kill for fun, but it should remain a crime for those who make a living from that horrible trade to do the same?

Sick! Your logic is failing you . . .again!
This may come as a surprise but all animals die. Would you prefer they starve to death ?
These expeditions target animals at the end of their life expectancy and if there were no sport hunters the game preserve staff have to arrange to have them killed.
Why ?
There is only so much territory and each sort of animal needs so much.
Cecil the lion who people were so upset about was 35, that's the life expectancy of a male lion. They could actually live till about fifty but because of a shrinking habitat the male lions are killing themselves to claim their space and harem.
Sport hunters provide a needed service, pay to support conservation, support the local economy and even provide meat to the local population.
As I said, don't talk about conservation if you don't understand it.
This may come as a surprise but all animals die. Would you prefer they starve to death ?
These expeditions target animals at the end of their life expectancy and if there were no sport hunters the game preserve staff have to arrange to have them killed.
Why ?
There is only so much territory and each sort of animal needs so much.
Cecil the lion who people were so upset about was 35, that's the life expectancy of a male lion. They could actually live till about fifty but because of a shrinking habitat the male lions are killing themselves to claim their space and harem.
Sport hunters provide a needed service, pay to support conservation, support the local economy and even provide meat to the local population.
As I said, don't talk about conservation if you don't understand it.

Then you should never talk about kindness and wild life, and empathy. . .because you don't understand it.

There is no reason to massacre elephants, giraffes, and even lions. Life is not a sport. . .even animal's life! The ONLY thing you seem to be able to relate to is MONEY!

You remind me so much of the clown in the White House!
Then you should never talk about kindness and wild life, and empathy. . .because you don't understand it.

There is no reason to massacre elephants, giraffes, and even lions. Life is not a sport. . .even animal's life! The ONLY thing you seem to be able to relate to is MONEY!

You remind me so much of the clown in the White House!
So you do prefer animals starving to death. Nice.
So you do prefer animals starving to death. Nice.
seriously opposed to this.....

Trump said: 'My sons love to hunt. They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment.
'But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf.

No mate...... I would prefer to see an animal with a bright and alert pair of eyes crouched over his kill - a set of jaws ripping this fucking shitheads throat out and enjoying the iron taste of its warm blood in his mouth; I would prefer to see such a beautifully majestic creature like this living for the day and enjoying his territory and have the ability to roam free and safe away from the political niceties of some motherfucker enjoying his second amendment rights; one who cannot quite decide if it’s better to have a round of golf or.....words fail
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These expeditions target animals at the end of their life expectancy and if there were no sport hunters the game preserve staff have to arrange to have them killed. Why ?
Interesting that all these happened in Zimbabwe where the respect of human life is so highly prized and proudly defended by Mr. Robert Mugabe. I thus assume that the defence and rights for the indiginous wildlife must also be maintained to the same level of vigour and determination as that shown to his citizens?
seriously opposed to this.....
View attachment 944

No mate...... I would prefer to see an animal with a bright and alert pair of eyes crouched over his kill - a set of jaws ripping this fucking shitheads throat out and enjoying the iron taste of its warm blood in his mouth; I would prefer to see such a beautifully majestic creature like this living for the day and enjoying his territory and have the ability to roam free and safe away from the political niceties of some motherfucker enjoying his second amendment rights; one who cannot quite decide if it’s better to have a round of golf or.....words fail
And when they are killing themselves because there isn't enough territory ?
This isn't some pretty David Attenbotough wildlife special. Populations will be culled because they must be. It either costs money or it makes money. If it makes money then maybe it buys more land or at least rangers to manage it.
Time to understand the real world mate.
This isn't some pretty David Attenbotough wildlife special. Populations will be culled because they must be. It either costs money or it makes money. If it makes money then maybe it buys more land or at least rangers to manage it.
Time to understand the real world mate.
excellent summary......but moving on.... your thoughts on endangered species are....
Time to understand the real world mate.
I think you're right. I think I've have been duped and conned mercilessly by all those pussy-liberalhearted wildebeeste, zebras and springbok. You know the sort, these activists that just want the veld for their own selfish grazing without wanting to share the vast open spaces with the less numerous but more toothier activist groups, its always the majority that has to suffer for the minority! First sign of a crocodile or cheetah and they just run instead of facing the argument head on. Its easy to fall victim to this kind of spurious ill-informed neighing when the great white hunters come after your dik-diks, I mean it all just gets so trumped up. I feel rather abshed at being left out of the reservation especially since all you level head types understand the way of the world. I have read now of the atrocities carried out by lions and tigers and cheetahs for they have absolutely no regard for the rights of other animals. Even rhino's and elephants have shown their disdain to the human race by withholding their tusks and horns as a sign of their pretentious domination of the animal kingdom - shameful! Why should these vermin have protection.
You're right Africa is a small part of the world when not viewed with the Mercator Projection - its just a distortion of the truth. There is no room for these stupid creatures in such a confined space as Africa its much better to feed the pitifully meagre coffers of Mr. Robert Mugabe and his band of gorillas.
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Africa's protected wildlife acreage is 9% of the dark continent and shrinking.
That can only accommodate so many amimals. Ergo wildlife management.
Let it sort itself out and you create conflict between man and wildlife. WilD life always loses in this situation.
You can make jokes but it doesn't alter the fact that it's a huge problem in Africa, south and central america and asia.
Money helps and the game hunters you like to ridicule do quite a lot more to help than the hand wringing suburbanites by paying quite a lot in fees. The poachers pay nothing.
So have your fun but understand you are part of the problem and nit the solution