I have a working theory.

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
I'm not sure why Joe Biden lied about coming from a coal mining family.
Or why he lied about being a professor and teaching classes.
Or why he lied about graduating top in his class with 3 degrees or why he lied about being arrested in south africa or marching for civil rights.
Or sold china and india 50 million barrels of oil from our emergency reserve or called hunter the smartest man he knows.
Or why he hired a failed mayor who had a. Transportation scandal as mayor to handle our transportation problem Lol hes done a great job by the way lol.
Or why he hire a Russian educated shop lifter who hates America to be in charge of our banking system or why he hired a mentally ill cross dresser who fat as a pig to be 8n charge of our childrens health and welfare system.
I do however have a working theory based on joes past and present performance and general logical thinking.
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Yeah....he'd be more-than-happy to compare resumés with you, Skippy.
Sure be happy to do so I worked for a chemical company making experimental medications and chemicals , I also worked on the space shuttle the eelv and several small rocket systems for Boeing and Lockheed . I was also in business for myself on 2 occasions .
I managed a clean room in the areo space field And unlike Joe I did work for a private university thats in the top 100 list and I did teach classes. for 11 years.
Joe is a politician and was a life guard . And from his actions and lies printed above it pretty well tells you every thing you need to know about him. Hes stupid.
But what about you whats your resume ?
Sure be happy to do so I worked for a chemical company making experimental medications and chemicals , I also worked on the space shuttle the eelv and several small rocket systems for Boeing and Lockheed . I was also in business for myself on 2 occasions .
I managed a clean room in the areo space field And unlike Joe I did work for a private university thats in the top 100 list and I did teach classes. for 11 years.
Joe is a politician and was a life guard . And from his actions and lies printed above it pretty well tells you every thing you need to know about him. Hes stupid.
But what about you whats your resume ?
Perhaps you and Joe Would like to talk about something simple such as how to Perform a passivation procedure on stainless steel in preparation for being used on the space shuttle or space craft in the fuel and gaseous supply lines and proper sampling procedures using freon in a class 20 clean room.
Or we could talk about the distillation procedure for freon for reuse .
Or the proper use of a mass spectrometry to identify peaks in organic compounds .
Sure be happy to do so I worked for a chemical company making experimental medications and chemicals , I also worked on the space shuttle the eelv and several small rocket systems for Boeing and Lockheed . I was also in business for myself on 2 occasions .
I managed a clean room in the areo space field And unlike Joe I did work for a private university thats in the top 100 list and I did teach classes. for 11 years.

Of course, you did.
You just haven't mastered basic-English or sentence-construction, yet!!

Of course, you did.
You just haven't mastered basic-English or sentence-construction, yet!!
Yes I did . Tell me how many space ships and chemicals have you worked on my BOY.
Speaking of sentence structure lets look at your hero Joe.

Im sure you learned a lot of technical skills working the grill ar micky dees.
I also work for digital eqt and ma bell installing thier data and switching eqt in thier central offices .
Mainly in pa and new jersey but all along the easter sea board .

Perhaps one day when you move out of your moms basement you can post some pictures of yourself flipping burgers or working at the drive up. Can you say do you want fries with that with out getting confused like joe biden or do you need a teleprompter like Joe ?

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I under stand joe got pretty good at letting little kids play with his leg hairs as a life guard.
Sounds perverted to me but he did brag about it
As soon as I heard joe Biden claim he would lock down covid cure cancer unite America and that hunter was the smartest man he knows O knew that anyone who voted for him was either intoxicated or a ***** .
I have to wonder if Joe believes his own lies like his dead from the neck up voters.I mean seriously blow hole joe can tell some real whoppers. I think be expects his voters to be stupid enough to buy his lies.And they do lol !!!!