I wonder how they would react and feel ?

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

I wonder how they would feel and act if it was their family that were murdered and shot in front of their kids or the other way around , their mommy's and sisters and lady friends that were raped alive and dead then mutilated . or their baby's that were beheaded and burned alive , their homes burned . their parents killed . Would they protest in favor of those who did it ?
Gaza is hamas
Nope it's a war on hamas not a war on Gaza try to pay attention
And they are protesting Israel's treatment of Palestine and palestinians not protesting in support of hamas
You morons are such simpletons life is complex time to grow up
Nope it's a war on hamas not a war on Gaza try to pay attention
And they are protesting Israel's treatment of Palestine and palestinians not protesting in support of hamas
You morons are such simpletons life is complex time to grow up
Gaza is Hamas lug nut . The people of Gaza make up Hamas support Hamas hide Hamas .Hamas is their government they voted in power .
Every where the people who call themselves people of Palistine they have been run out of Several Muslim nations for terriost acts trying to overthrow their government etc
No more Hamas no more terriost attacks from Gaza .
I'm sure if it was your friends and family who were raped mutilated burned beheaded and kidnapped you would feel the same
Gaza is Hamas lug nut . The people of Gaza make up Hamas support Hamas hide Hamas .Hamas is their government they voted in power .
Every where the people who call themselves people of Palistine they have been run out of Several Muslim nations for terriost acts trying to overthrow their government etc
No more Hamas no more terriost attacks from Gaza .
I'm sure if it was your friends and family who were raped mutilated burned beheaded and kidnapped you would feel the same
Why doesn't Israel and the world say war on Gaza then ***** instead of war on hamas? Duh
You are a political *****
gaza is hamas dumb ass they are the political arm of gaza and supported by gaza *****
No they aren't *****
Is American the same as Democrats because Biden won the last election even though he got only 80 million votes out if 350 million people?

You say the dumbest things
No they aren't *****
Is American the same as Democrats because Biden won the last election even though he got only 80 million votes out if 350 million people?

YYou say the dumbest things
Gaza residents are are Hamas they support it and voted for it. They support terriost and then cry like liberals when they are made to pay for their actions much like Hunter Biden is crying blaming other because his daddy loves him and because he got caught breaking the law and is crying now poor me just like Gaza
Gaza residents are are Hamas they support it and voted for it. They support terriost and then cry like liberals when they are made to pay for their actions much like Hunter Biden is crying blaming other because his daddy loves him and because he got caught breaking the law and is crying now poor me just like Gaza

well, a minority voted for it a number of years ago. half of residents weren't even alive at the time. duh.

so you agree, america = democrats since biden won the last election? lol. you're so stupid