I'd like to see a breakdown of where taxes went.

I did not get my feathers ruffled until I was accused of not wanting to pay my fair share of taxes to take care of those who won't.
I think we all pay enough taxes to take care of the sick and needy. Honestly, I don't know how much more we are supposed to give up. When is it ever going to be enough.

The problem is that the producers are not giving, it is the mis management of what is given. That's why I said I wanted to see a break down. Then we would know how much is squandered on B.S. pork projects, like $4000.00 toilet seats and so on.

It is NEVER going to be enough, Government workers will always need a pay raise or extra holiday, there will always be people who find working beneath them and want government hand outs.

Until the day you die and beyond what ever you are paying will never be enough. The government is getting bigger and bigger and they need more and more.
It is great that you arew so obsessed with this when the real reason you are so deep in the finacial **** is that your hero Bush started two illegal wars and let the banks run riot.
Instead of screaming your personal virtues while blasting anyone else who disagrees with you, finding a breakdown isnt all that difficult. It took me about 1 minute and I have the equivalent of a dial up connection. If you are so self reliant, do your homework. But because I already took the now three minutes of my life to help you. Here is a good link.
That is a very nice breakdown, but it is very generic. There is no acccounting of the wasteul projects (in detail). There really is no way to account for every cent given to the system. I don't think even the politicians want us to know how they waste the money.

But just that I asked, infuriated most on the left of this forum... and caused most of them to accuse me and others of being selfish.
The wasted projkects that consumed the most cash are the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan.

Do you oppose them or are you loking for stuff that helps poor black people by any chance?
Keeping Americans safe is not an option. It is funny that you have so much faith in the government when it comes to doling out peoples hard earned money, but no faith, that it made the right decision to take the fight to the terrorist. And remember that was a decsion (like all decisions) that was voted on by the congress.

As for the poor, there are those indeed who need help that can't help themselves... I've said it numerous times.. let's help those who really need it. I feel we pay enough to take care of those.

But lets stop pretending that all the folks on the govt payroll and all those who want to join are in those situations where they can't find employment, it is that they won't find employment. And that is the folks I have the issue with.

Letting the government (and I mean both dems and repubs) just run rampid with money for dumb projects is insane. That money could actually go to where it is inteneded.

some examples of waste

$375,000,000 for an unrequested and unneeded amphibious assault ship in the state of Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.);

$700,000 for the Admiral Theater in Bremerton, Washington, the district of House appropriator Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), despite a $4.2 million privately-funded facelift; and

$500,000 for the Olympic Tree Program in the state of Senate appropriator Robert Bennett for the 2002 Winter Olympics.
Keeping Americans safe???

Are you for real???

America has done more for the recruitment officer at Al Qaeda than anything OBL could ever have done.

Attacking Iraq on trumped up charges is keeping America safe???

What from exactly?
There were no trumped charges. UN sanctions were being ingored. Many attempts to dimplomatically sove them were tried. To no avail.

You are such the caring bleeding heart.. We should have just let Sadam Hussein do whatever he wanted.

But remember, you are way off topic .. again. That's seems to be a pattern with the left.

When out of real answers, change the subject.
This is not off topic. It is about where trillions of tax dollars have been spent

There were no WMD in Iraq. Even the half wit of president Bush admitted that.

Iraw were compliant with UN regulations on WMD.

Your government took your money to steal oil for their own oil companies.

They got away with it because of the gullibilty of people like you.

And all you want to find is $10 spent on a lebian help centre to jump up and down in horror when the truth is your own government stole your money to kill innocent people to enrich their own companies.

And you cannot see it because it would throw into doubt your child like faith in Bush. You express the kind of views that made the world hate America.

Fortunately you are now marginalised.

Your views are history.

Oh and BTW what do you think is a bigger threat to Amwericans?

Iraq or the fact that 40% of the country has no medical insurance and could well die prematurely from diseases they cannot afford to treat?

Your own government kills more Americans than Saddam Hussein ever did or ever could have done.

Think about that.