If UFOs are alien what has none made public contact

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Also if not alien what else could they be.
Next there a lot of talk about aliens or gods in the past of ancient man. Do you think there was.

How would the discovery of other intelligent species affect you.

And how do you think it would affect earth
Also if not alien what else could they be.
Next there a lot of talk about aliens or gods in the past of ancient man. Do you think there was.

How would the discovery of other intelligent species affect you.

And how do you think it would affect earth
Too much is unknown to predict these things.

What is their mission? Do they mean us harm? Do they intentionally or inadvertently threaten us? Can we communicate with them? What do they eat? What is a threat to their physical safety? Do they intend to breed with us? What powers do they have? Which species is dominant?

Just too many unknowns and variables.

I'm still trying to figure out Zombo.com

Zombo.com Is One of the Most Comforting Places on the Internet (2:20)

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Star trek touched on many social issues of the day and historical events .
It was so much more then a scifi show .
Mash qas also a show that did much the same
I have seen a lot of documentaries about possible aliens in times gone by and it would explain a few things about gods in different cultures and how some customs and stories are similar from around the world.. A Alien culture would have looked at us a few thousand years ago as children at best .Not claiming they were here or not. Just accepting the possiblity they did stop by load up on resources such as food or ? And go about thier way.
It's popular in modern times to think of alien just being hostile and looking at us as we were at and that made very well be but they could also look at us as a young civilization striving to do better and maybe an example of what we can be one day if we allow ourselves to be.
It would be if you are no older than 10.
You idiots have to be kidding.
Now you're thinking aliens are here. You need meds.
Star trek was a very revolutionary tv show. Many of the things they pretended to have eqt wise are becoming reality's. It showed a kiss between a black woman and white man that was unheard of

As for aliens yes boris i am 100 percent sure there are other intelligent life forms

in the universe. Can not say for a 100 percent that they have been here before or are here now.
But I do think there are other beings . can not say if others are smarter or dumber or
have the ability to to travel such huge
distances .I don't know if we will ever meet .
We dont have the technology for interstellar travel. But just think we have not even had electricity as a common thing for all that long of time.
A older species say 500 to 1000 years older then our that has advanced as we have may have over come the barriers we look at as impossible .
Star trek was a very revolutionary tv show. Many of the things they pretended to have eqt wise are becoming reality's. It showed a kiss between a black woman and white man that was unheard of

As for aliens yes boris i am 100 percent sure there are other intelligent life forms

in the universe. Can not say for a 100 percent that they have been here before or are here now.
But I do think there are other beings . can not say if others are smarter or dumber or
have the ability to to travel such huge
distances .I don't know if we will ever meet .
We dont have the technology for interstellar travel. But just think we have not even had electricity as a common thing for all that long of time.
A older species say 500 to 1000 years older then our that has advanced as we have may have over come the barriers we look at as impossible .
You would be convinced.
I've seen less nuts in an almond orchard.