Important feature of Conservatives 2010 Fall Elections


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
Reviewing the past full year of Obamas' success on the political stage here in America the plan for Conservatives action is now clear!
We must start at once to build a 'Special Campaign Fund" for this fall Congressional elections.
Conservatives must insist that president Obama visit every Congressional District that has a open election to our Congress. Obama is free to talk about any subject he wants as long as he ENDORSES the democrat party candidate. Obama must speak loudly and clearly against the Conservative candidate running in the G.O.P. He will be given as much time as he needs, he can lie , lie, and lie some more about the Conservative. He can BOAST , Brag , and Quote the deeds of his radical leftist democrat partner and its programs and agena.
We must pick up all expenses for Obamas' travel except his visits to Acorn , Rev, Wright , George Soros, or William Ayers.
One of the most important events in Massachusetts ,in the Special Election ,was having Obama come in on a Sunday and speak against SCOTT BROWN!!
After his words Brown jumped 8 points , 3 of which were a result of a 3 point shot!
As a LEFTIST friend of mine said , The democrats now refer to this Obama visit as the " DRED Scott " decision!!
We must use Obama as much as possible throughout our campaign, afterall he is President of ALL the People!!