Israel’s Biblical Psychopathy


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Guyenot's contention is that Jews in general, and Israelis specifically are suffering from collective psychopathy, hone over thousands of years

" Zionists, even the most bloodthirsty of them, are not individual psychopaths; many of them are loving and even self-sacrificing persons within their own community. Rather, they are the vectors of a collective psychopathy, which means a special way (we may call it inhuman) by which they collectively see and interact with other human communities.

This is a crucial point, without which we can never understand Israel. Calling their leaders psychopaths is not helpful. What we need is recognize Israel as a collective psychopath, and study the origin of this unique national character. It is a matter of survival for the world, just as it is a matter of survival for any group to recognize the psychopath among them and understand his patterns of thinking and of behavior.


Israel, the Jewish State, is the psychopath among nations. It acts towards other nations in the way a psychopath acts towards his fellow men. “Only psychiatrists can explain Israel’s behavior,” wrote Israeli journalist Gideon Levy in Haaretz in 2010. However, his diagnosis, including “paranoia, schizophrenia and megalomania,”[6] is mistaken. Considering Israel’s absolute self-righteousness, dehumanization of the Palestinians, and its extraordinary capacity to lie and manipulate, we are dealing with a psychopath.

Israel’s collective psychopathy is not genetic, it is cultural, but it was formed is very ancient times, and so it is embedded in the ancestral subconscious (whatever that is): it ultimately comes from the jealous god invented by the Levites to control the starving tribes they set out to conquer Palestine some three thousand years ago. By birth, Israel is the nation of the psychopathic god.

Yahweh, “the god of Israel,” is an angry and lonely volcano god who manifests toward all other gods an implacable hatred, and ends up considering them as non-gods, him being, in fact, the only true god. This very clearly characterizes him as a psychopath among gods. By contrast, for the Egyptians, according to German Egyptologist Jan Assmann, “the gods are social beings,” and harmony between them guarantees harmony in the cosmos.[8] There was, moreover, a degree of translatability between the pantheons of various civilizations. But Yahweh taught the Hebrews contempt for the deities of their neighbors—making them, in the eyes of these neighbors, a threat to the cosmic and social order. Yahweh is essentially, says Assmann, a theoclastic god: “You must completely destroy all the places where the nations you dispossess have served their gods, on high mountains, on hills, under any spreading tree; you must tear down their altars, smash their sacred stones, burn their sacred poles, hack to bits the statues of their gods and obliterate their name from that place” (Deuteronomy 12:2-3).

Comrade Stalin
Guyenot's contention is that Jews in general, and Israelis specifically are suffering from collective psychopathy, hone over thousands of years

" Zionists, even the most bloodthirsty of them, are not individual psychopaths; many of them are loving and even self-sacrificing persons within their own community. Rather, they are the vectors of a collective psychopathy, which means a special way (we may call it inhuman) by which they collectively see and interact with other human communities.

This is a crucial point, without which we can never understand Israel. Calling their leaders psychopaths is not helpful. What we need is recognize Israel as a collective psychopath, and study the origin of this unique national character. It is a matter of survival for the world, just as it is a matter of survival for any group to recognize the psychopath among them and understand his patterns of thinking and of behavior.


Israel, the Jewish State, is the psychopath among nations. It acts towards other nations in the way a psychopath acts towards his fellow men. “Only psychiatrists can explain Israel’s behavior,” wrote Israeli journalist Gideon Levy in Haaretz in 2010. However, his diagnosis, including “paranoia, schizophrenia and megalomania,”[6] is mistaken. Considering Israel’s absolute self-righteousness, dehumanization of the Palestinians, and its extraordinary capacity to lie and manipulate, we are dealing with a psychopath.

Israel’s collective psychopathy is not genetic, it is cultural, but it was formed is very ancient times, and so it is embedded in the ancestral subconscious (whatever that is): it ultimately comes from the jealous god invented by the Levites to control the starving tribes they set out to conquer Palestine some three thousand years ago. By birth, Israel is the nation of the psychopathic god.

Yahweh, “the god of Israel,” is an angry and lonely volcano god who manifests toward all other gods an implacable hatred, and ends up considering them as non-gods, him being, in fact, the only true god. This very clearly characterizes him as a psychopath among gods. By contrast, for the Egyptians, according to German Egyptologist Jan Assmann, “the gods are social beings,” and harmony between them guarantees harmony in the cosmos.[8] There was, moreover, a degree of translatability between the pantheons of various civilizations. But Yahweh taught the Hebrews contempt for the deities of their neighbors—making them, in the eyes of these neighbors, a threat to the cosmic and social order. Yahweh is essentially, says Assmann, a theoclastic god: “You must completely destroy all the places where the nations you dispossess have served their gods, on high mountains, on hills, under any spreading tree; you must tear down their altars, smash their sacred stones, burn their sacred poles, hack to bits the statues of their gods and obliterate their name from that place” (Deuteronomy 12:2-3).

Comrade Stalin
God gave the land of Israel to the Jews. End of story.
Thank you.

A better description of the zionist mindset could not have been posted.

Comrade Stalin
When you can't prevail by doing the RIGHT things or following the traditional ethos, I can understand how you would choose to identify with the evil Communist ideology and be acknowledged as an evil person who must be contended with.

But let's call a spade a spade.

You're a fucking loser.
Idiots believe the land created God, not that God created land.
No. Idiots don't believe that and you're a liar.

There's no evidence that you silly god created anything. You believe it because you're a delusional confused godbotherer.

It's a common trait amongst people with addictions.
When you can't prevail by doing the RIGHT things or following the traditional ethos, I can understand how you would choose to identify with the evil Communist ideology and be acknowledged as an evil person who must be contended with.

But let's call a spade a spade.

You're a fucking loser.
No comrade, it is you who the loser.

Everyone has heard about the Shoah, ad nauseum I might add, but hardly anyone mentions the 26 million Soviet dead killed by
the hitlerite filth.

However, Comrade Stalin and the brave Soviet people crushed the invasion.

The huge fund of compassion, created from the Shoah, has been well overspent by the atrocities and warcrime in Gaza.

Besides, you can always tell when someone is losing the argument - they feel the need to use ad homiem logical fallacies.

Do better.

Comrade Stalin
Zionists are right about one thing. God gave the land of Israel to the Jews. That fact will never change.
It will not change because it is not a fact.

There was no god, real or imagined involved in the satanic blasphemy that is Israel.

Mainly Holocaust survivors drove out the local people and in 1967 started the six day war in their quest for lebensraum.

The settler government in Palestine has been a complete disaster, starting numerous wars, oppressing the local people
and building concentration camps and ghettoes.

Much like another government 90 years ago.

Comrade Stalin
Still fighting Nazis
No comrade, it is you who the loser.

Everyone has heard about the Shoah, ad nauseum I might add, but hardly anyone mentions the 26 million Soviet dead killed by
the hitlerite filth.

However, Comrade Stalin and the brave Soviet people crushed the invasion.

The huge fund of compassion, created from the Shoah, has been well overspent by the atrocities and warcrime in Gaza.

Besides, you can always tell when someone is losing the argument - they feel the need to use ad homiem logical fallacies.

Do better.

Comrade Stalin
Eat shit.

There's your equivalent.
No comrade, it is you who the loser.

Everyone has heard about the Shoah, ad nauseum I might add, but hardly anyone mentions the 26 million Soviet dead killed by
the hitlerite filth.

However, Comrade Stalin and the brave Soviet people crushed the invasion.

The huge fund of compassion, created from the Shoah, has been well overspent by the atrocities and warcrime in Gaza.

Besides, you can always tell when someone is losing the argument - they feel the need to use ad homiem logical fallacies.

Do better.

Comrade Stalin
Comrade Stalin angered God by murdering Christians.
It will not change because it is not a fact.

There was no god, real or imagined involved in the satanic blasphemy that is Israel.

Mainly Holocaust survivors drove out the local people and in 1967 started the six day war in their quest for lebensraum.

The settler government in Palestine has been a complete disaster, starting numerous wars, oppressing the local people
and building concentration camps and ghettoes.

Much like another government 90 years ago.

Comrade Stalin
Still fighting Nazis
The Palestinian squatters never bought the land, never settled the land, never won the land in war, but want to drive Israel off their land and steal it for themselves now that Israel has turned the desert into an oasis.