Leave New York while you are still alive

Mayor DB's latest rant is a threat to lay off 22,000 NYC employees if the Feds dont bail him out. This is the same guy who wanted the Feds to give him 30,000 respirators which cost about $30,000 each. He wanted these for free and he was very critical when he didn't get the full amount. Never grateful but always angry at anyone who is not as liberal as he is.
This is the guy who forced nursing homes to accept Covid patients and this decision has killed many hundreds of patients and made NYC the Covid death capital of the country.
And now 22,000 city employees may be on unemployment soon.
DB has managed to single handedly create an exodus of people moving out of NYC for safer pastures. He cut the police and now he is cutting everything else.
This dim wit may just be the most incompetent mayor of all time.
It will be interesting to measure statistics in NYC a year from now. We can see what percent of the population DB ran off, see how bad crime is and see how many departments are too shorthanded to do their jobs.
My suggestion to residents of NYC is to leave now because it is only going to get worse.
The NYC post office reported an incredible 56,000 requests in March 2020 to forward mail out of NYC. This was in March. I would be willing to bet the number is double that for July.
DB and Andy, you two may be the worst in history and this exodus is mainly on your shoulders. A tax rate on income of 12.7% and sky high property tax is to blame. FL has zero income tax and most counties have reasonable property tax. The annual property tax on my house is about $1300. And I live in middle class suburbia. And NO state income tax. NONE.
NY residents, git while the gittins good.
I just read that NY's tax receipts are down 46% from last year. And DB and Andy want to raise taxes. Never a thought of lowering expenses for any department except the police.
This is the liberal mind set that has created this untenable situation and the NY leaders just want to make it worse.
Liberalism is a financial disaster waiting to happen.
As the exodus continues, a major real estate appraisal company in NYC reports that apartment vacancies in Manhattan are +122% greater than this time last year. That means the number of vacant units is over double last years total. This creates a situation known as over supply and also says that rents are about to take a dip.
DB and Andy, you guys are doing a super job !!!
Yeah .... right !
This is from Spectrum News which is a news outlet in NYC.
Over the last weekend 43 people were shot. The same weekend in 2019 had 4 shot.
So this weekend over 10 times as many NYC citizens were shot as the year before.
DB blames the crime and the exodus on Covid 19. And Andy C agrees. So a virus with symptoms like the flu makes you pick up a pistol and shoot your neighbor?
DB and Andy, nobody in their right mind believes you. Fess up, tell the truth and enforce the law instead of sacrificing New Yorkers to political correctness. DB, you were elected to do your job and have a responsibility to the citizens who pay all the bills in NYC. And you have failed and failed miserably. And Andy C is just as guilty.
If you dont start doing your job, Trump may have to do it for you.
The latest DB threat is aimed at the EMS workers. Around 400 jobs are on the chopping block. And DB is putting all the blame on Covid.
These Democrimers all seem to be cut out if the same mold. They never take responsibility for their own mistakes. Always blame someone else.
The fact that NYC was Covid Central for the US and now crime has doubled and tripled has nothing to do with the exodus.
Way to go, DB. Way to go. Another smooth move. Another Democrimer who has backed himself into a corner due to his own liberal leadership.
The NY Times, one of the most liberal rags in the country, reported that over 400,000 residents have packed their bags and moved out of the Big Rotten Apple. And if the NY Times says 400k have moved out the actual number is likely much greater.
Zillow reports prices in San Fran have dropped around 5% and listings for sale are almost 100% over last year.
And neighborhoods in LA have turned into tent and cardboard box cities as tax payers leave and homeless take over. Drugs are everywhere and crime rates have taken off through the roof.
All of this is due to totally incompetent Democrime leadership.
It costs a lot less to live in a small town, there will be less chance of becoming a crime victim and the mayor and police may actually try to protect you.
So join the exodus and get out of the rat hole big cities run by Dems and find a smaller town with more conservative leadership.
You will have more $ in the bank, your family will be safer and you are more likely to make it to Social Security age.
The latest count in NY state shows there are 436,000 covid cases. With a population around 20 million this is close to 2.5%.
Way to go, Andy. More cases than California and half the population. And if you ask Andy about these sky high numbers he will blame some one else.
And in NYC there is a new boutique condo. They have recently dropped prices by -46%. Since these units are valued in the millions of dollars this a huge cut, in the millions per unit.
People moving out and the Covid scare have created lower demand and the result is an oversupply of units. Oversupply means there are more units available than there is demand for.
The exodus continues.
Andy and DB are blaming everyone else but not themselves.
Move out of NYC before the value of your property drops more.
I agree that population density contributes to the spread of disease. When Coumo forced nursing homes to accept Covid patients he condemned hundreds of elderly people to death. I have lived in suburbia or in the country all my life and the thought of living in the city is revolting to me.
But NYC is one of the priciest places in the US and wages for working people are not high enough. Smaller towns may not have Broadway but many more people can afford to rent an apartment or a house. They also dont have organized crime preying on the population. The drug cartels and street thugs are in NYC and not in smaller towns or in the country.
If someone wants to pay $3,000 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment that is their call. But a burger flipper can't pay that and still eat.
The incompetent and liberal mayors make decisions in line with the politics of PC. And the tax paying citizens pay for these decisions and pay dearly.
I like no state or city income tax, reasonable property tax, and no cop cars on my street cuz there ain't no crime.
The latest crime statistics are in for NYC and it ain't purty.
Arrests for the week of May 24 for gun crimes were 113. For the week of June 7 arrests went down to 72. For June 28 arrests plunged to 22. The number of shootings followed the opposite pattern.
During the week of May 24, shootings were 23. The week of june 7 shootings were 40 and skyrocketed to 63 for the week of June 28.
Do you see the pattern here? Arrests go down and shootings go up.
And DB blames this on everyone but himself.
Get out while you are still alive. The Democrimers in NY that are running the show dont care about the honest tax paying citizens. They pander to criminals in the name of political correctness.
If you are black you are getting hit very hard with the current crime wave in NYC. Based on June 2019, shootings involving black victims has increased +177%. This is almost 3 times as many victims. In June 2019 10 blacks were murdered. In June 2020 the number was 27. Again almost 3 times as many dead.
Mayor DB says Black Lives Matter. But the evidence shows he could care less. Supporting BLM may help get him reelected but under his command the black murder rate is up almost 3 times.
If you are black, I hope you will give serious consideration to leaving NYC and moving to a smaller more conservative town. Smaller town have lower prices for houses and taxes and you are more likely to be safer.
Get out while you can.
According to the NY Times, an incredibly liberal rag, shootings in NYC in August were 91 in 2019 and 242 on 2020. Murders were up 50%.
DB and Andy blame this all on Covid but it is not that simple. DB cut the police budget by a whole bunch, thousands have been released from prison early and the DA had waived bail for many. So criminals get arrested and then released.
Makes no sense at all to me but it seems to appeal to the twisted liberal mindset.
NYC is a sewer and if you live there you can find many smaller towns with lower taxes and way less crime. Get out while you are still alive and solvent.