Let's Play, "Who's this"!


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2023
If you described what the actions of the ideal Manchurian candidate would be, might they be thus? (in no particular order): 1. Sow discontent in your own population, especially as-in, one discreet group verses another. 2. Use historic differences and exaggerate at will if useful. 3. Exhibit ambivalence to international allies and enemies so friends can’t predict aid & comfort and enemies seek opportunities to take an inch on their way to getting a mile. 4. Weaken your economy by spending in all the wrong, unproductive, zero-return ways possible. Spend now, tax now, regulate now, recombobulate or negate agreements of prior administrations; leave legacy costs to successors. 5. Expand governments’ reach into life, liberty and the economy. 6. Adopt the Green agenda to ruin what is, in favor of unproven concepts. Above all, change directions unpredictably and keep them guessing.

Is it necessary to be the leader for anything in particular, or can the guy making the final decisions just drag his feet a little? Promise this, deliver that; focus on the immaterial and quibble rather than getting to the heart of the matter; surround yourself with like minds so you don't have to occasionally cut off at the ankles an effective voice not quietly following your direction; mumble about not moving, “too fast”. Jimmy Carterize it. Be ambivalent, but appear studious (to sheeple). Lollygag. Use well-worn pejoratives to describe your enemies.

Sound like anyone you know?