Lies told by Georgia officials covering up the fact of tens of thousands of fraudulent 2020 votes are now exposed

Investigators examined the ballots in the batches and box identified by Voyles, but all had been creased and none appeared to have been marked by a computer. Voyles then told investigators she may have been mistaken and gave them another box number. Investigators determined the box-batch combination she cited didn’t exist.

Lol. Right wing *****
Why had the boxes been closed up in a warehouse for months while Democrats were actively suing and jailing Americans for claimingh Democrats committed 2020 voting fraud? Were Americans unaware that the evidence might show the Democrats had committed fraud just as those being jailed had claimed? Many Americans were likely unaware that government officials were locking up unrefuted evidence of fraud while Democrats knew exactly what they were doing by hiding the evidence of fraud.
Why had the boxes been closed up in a warehouse for months while Democrats were actively suing and jailing Americans for claimingh Democrats committed 2020 voting fraud? Were Americans unaware that the evidence might show the Democrats had committed fraud just as those being jailed had claimed? Many Americans were likely unaware that government officials were locking up unrefuted evidence of fraud while Democrats knew exactly what they were doing by hiding the evidence of fraud.
Name someone jailed merely for claiming fraud occurred, lying *****
Name someone jailed merely for claiming fraud occurred, lying *****
There would no doubt have been far fewer conservatives arrested and charged with attempting to overthrow a legitimate election if the Democrats had not hidden evidence proving the election was not legitimate.
There would no doubt have been far fewer conservatives arrested and charged with attempting to overthrow a legitimate election if the Democrats had not hidden evidence proving the election was not legitimate.

so you can't name a single one. not one. lol.
you would look less stupid if you'd stop lying :)

GA Poll Worker Confesses UNDER OATH That 10 to 20 THOUSAND Biden Absentee Ballots They Counted Were FAKE

Suzi Voyles, a veteran Fulton poll manager who audited the Nov. 14 recount at Georgia World Congress Center, testified she examined several stacks of ballots of about 100 ballots each from a cardboard box marked “Box No. 5 — Absentee — Batch Numbers 28-36.” She said these ballots “came from the ballot [drop] boxes that had been placed throughout Fulton County.”

“Most of the ballots had already been handled; they had been written on by people, and the edges were worn. They showed obvious use,” she wrote in her Nov. 17 affidavit. “However, one batch stood out. It was pristine. There was a difference in the texture of the paper,” and these mail-in ballots hadn’t been folded even though they ostensibly had been removed from envelopes.

All but three of the 110 ballots in the “State Farm Arena” bundle — which had been labeled “identical ballots” — were marked for Biden.

The identically marked ovals next to Biden’s name were the most “alarming peculiarity.”

This is what is known as a credible eyewitness account of a crime and should have been properly investigated by officers whose job it is to investigate serious allegations of criminal activities.
I must have missed where it was proven fraud. Can you highlite that bit.

She was eyewitness to exactly what?
Prove it lying ***** lol
Do you know what happened tom the thousands of pristine ballots an election worker testified under oath that she saw?

1. 11-30-20. Judge ordered election officials to stop altering data on voting machines from 3 Georgia counties under suspicion of having committed fraud.

Judge freezes voting machines in 3 Georgia counties - POLITICO
Judge freezes voting machines in 3 Georgia counties

The suit is one of two cases filed in federal courts last week by Sidney Powell, an outspoken Texas attorney.

A Georgia Republican Party poll watcher looks over voting machine transporters being stored at the Fulton County Election Preparation Center on Nov. 4, 2020, in Atlanta. | Jessica McGowan/Getty Images


11/30/2020 08:20 AM EST

Updated: 11/30/2020 04:15 PM EST

A judge assigned to a Republican-led lawsuit alleging widespread fraud in the presidential election in Georgia issued an order late Sunday night blocking plans to wipe or reset voting machines used in three counties in the state.

2. 6-8-21. The judge ordered the ballots that he had previously locked away from 'outsider" investigators for more than 6 months to be unsealed, but not to be examined by "outsider" investigators.

Why a Judge Has Georgia Vote Fraud on His Mind: ‘Pristine’ Biden Ballots That Looked Xeroxed | RealClearInvestigations

Brian Amero: The judge, a donor to Democrats, ordered ballots unsealed for inspection after poll workers swore under oath Biden votes looked fake.

Adding to suspicions, she noticed that all of the ballots were printed on different stock paper than the others she handled as part of a statewide hand recount of the razor-thin Nov. 3 presidential election. And none was folded or creased, as she typically observed in mail-in ballots that had been removed from envelopes.

In short, the Biden votes looked like they’d been duplicated by a copying machine.

3. 6-24-21. Judge finally allows a lawsuit, filed to go forward.

Judge allows Georgia ballot review case to move forward (


Judge allows Georgia ballot review case, originally filed in December 2020 to move forward

The suit seeks, in part, to inspect some 147,000 absentee ballots in Fulton County to determine whether there are illegitimate ballots among them.

Election workers count ballots at State Farm Arena in Atlanta, on Nov. 4, 2020.Jessica McGowan / Getty Images file

June 24, 2021, 7:50 PM EDT

ATLANTA — A judge on Thursday allowed a lawsuit alleging fraud in Georgia’s most populous county during the November election and seeking a review of absentee ballots to move forward.

Originally filed in December, the lawsuit says there is evidence of fraudulent ballots and improper ballot counting in Fulton County. The county, county elections board and county courts clerk had filed motions to dismiss the lawsuit. They argued, among other things that the the lawsuit was barred by sovereign immunity, a principle that says state and local governments and can only be sued if they agree to it.

After holding a hearing on those motions Monday, Henry County Superior Court Chief Judge Brian Amero, who was specially appointed to preside over the case, agreed. He ruled that the constitutional claims against those three entities are barred by sovereign immunity and dismissed them. But he also granted a request by the petitioners to add the individual members of the county election board as respondents in the lawsuit instead.

4. 10-13-21. After denying "outsiders" the right to examine the ballots the judge had locked away from them, the judge threw out the case for two reasons: 1. "Insider" investigators claimed they had examined the ballots and found no fraud, and 2. Those who filed the lawsuit had no legal standing to file the suit, for the same unjust reason that so many other court cases had been rejected.

Judge dismisses lawsuit seeking a deep inspection of Georgia ballots ( 10-13-21

Georgia ballot inspection case dismissed after no fraud found

Last major lawsuit over state’s 2020 election thrown out

Superior Court Judge Brian Amero on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit seeking to inspect 147,000 absentee ballots from Fulton County to search for counterfeits. (Alyssa Pointer /

By Mark Niesse

Updated Oct 13, 2021

A judge dismissed a lawsuit Wednesday by Donald Trump supporters who sought to inspect absentee ballots from last year’s presidential election, a decision that came a day after Georgia investigators told the court they were unable to find any counterfeit ballots.

Superior Court Judge Brian Amero’s ruling ended the last remaining major lawsuit over Georgia’s 2020 election and prevented an outside review of Fulton County’s 147,000 original absentee ballots.

The judge’s order is the latest in a series of decisions against supporters of the former Republican president who have asked the courts to help them pursue suspicions of fraud or reverse the results of the election.

State election officials have said there’s no indication of fraud after three ballot counts and multiple investigations. In last year’s presidential election, Democrat Joe Biden defeated Trump in Georgia by about 12,000 votes.

Though Amero’s decision was based on the legal principle of standing — the plaintiffs hadn’t suffered a specific injury that would give them a right to sue — he reviewed the evidence before making his ruling.
Last edited:
Do you know what happened tom the thousands of pristine ballots an election worker testified under oath that she saw?

1. 11-30-20. Judge ordered election officials to stop altering data on voting machines from 3 Georgia counties under suspicion of having committed fraud.

Judge freezes voting machines in 3 Georgia counties - POLITICO
Judge freezes voting machines in 3 Georgia counties

The suit is one of two cases filed in federal courts last week by Sidney Powell, an outspoken Texas attorney.

A Georgia Republican Party poll watcher looks over voting machine transporters being stored at the Fulton County Election Preparation Center on Nov. 4, 2020, in Atlanta. | Jessica McGowan/Getty Images


11/30/2020 08:20 AM EST

Updated: 11/30/2020 04:15 PM EST

A judge assigned to a Republican-led lawsuit alleging widespread fraud in the presidential election in Georgia issued an order late Sunday night blocking plans to wipe or reset voting machines used in three counties in the state.

2. 6-8-21. The judge ordered the ballots that he had previously locked away from 'outsider" investigators for more than 6 months to be unsealed, but not to be examined by "outsider" investigators.

Why a Judge Has Georgia Vote Fraud on His Mind: ‘Pristine’ Biden Ballots That Looked Xeroxed | RealClearInvestigations

Brian Amero: The judge, a donor to Democrats, ordered ballots unsealed for inspection after poll workers swore under oath Biden votes looked fake.

Adding to suspicions, she noticed that all of the ballots were printed on different stock paper than the others she handled as part of a statewide hand recount of the razor-thin Nov. 3 presidential election. And none was folded or creased, as she typically observed in mail-in ballots that had been removed from envelopes.

In short, the Biden votes looked like they’d been duplicated by a copying machine.

3. 6-24-21. Judge finally allows a lawsuit, filed to go forward.

Judge allows Georgia ballot review case to move forward (


Judge allows Georgia ballot review case, originally filed in December 2020 to move forward

The suit seeks, in part, to inspect some 147,000 absentee ballots in Fulton County to determine whether there are illegitimate ballots among them.

Election workers count ballots at State Farm Arena in Atlanta, on Nov. 4, 2020.Jessica McGowan / Getty Images file

June 24, 2021, 7:50 PM EDT

ATLANTA — A judge on Thursday allowed a lawsuit alleging fraud in Georgia’s most populous county during the November election and seeking a review of absentee ballots to move forward.

Originally filed in December, the lawsuit says there is evidence of fraudulent ballots and improper ballot counting in Fulton County. The county, county elections board and county courts clerk had filed motions to dismiss the lawsuit. They argued, among other things that the the lawsuit was barred by sovereign immunity, a principle that says state and local governments and can only be sued if they agree to it.

After holding a hearing on those motions Monday, Henry County Superior Court Chief Judge Brian Amero, who was specially appointed to preside over the case, agreed. He ruled that the constitutional claims against those three entities are barred by sovereign immunity and dismissed them. But he also granted a request by the petitioners to add the individual members of the county election board as respondents in the lawsuit instead.

4. 10-13-21. After denying "outsiders" the right to examine the ballots the judge had locked away from them, the judge threw out the case for two reasons: 1. "Insider" investigators claimed they had examined the ballots and found no fraud, and 2. Those who filed the lawsuit had no legal standing to file the suit, for the same unjust reason that so many other court cases had been rejected.

Judge dismisses lawsuit seeking a deep inspection of Georgia ballots ( 10-13-21

Georgia ballot inspection case dismissed after no fraud found

Last major lawsuit over state’s 2020 election thrown out

Superior Court Judge Brian Amero on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit seeking to inspect 147,000 absentee ballots from Fulton County to search for counterfeits. (Alyssa Pointer /

By Mark Niesse

Updated Oct 13, 2021

A judge dismissed a lawsuit Wednesday by Donald Trump supporters who sought to inspect absentee ballots from last year’s presidential election, a decision that came a day after Georgia investigators told the court they were unable to find any counterfeit ballots.

Superior Court Judge Brian Amero’s ruling ended the last remaining major lawsuit over Georgia’s 2020 election and prevented an outside review of Fulton County’s 147,000 original absentee ballots.

The judge’s order is the latest in a series of decisions against supporters of the former Republican president who have asked the courts to help them pursue suspicions of fraud or reverse the results of the election.

State election officials have said there’s no indication of fraud after three ballot counts and multiple investigations. In last year’s presidential election, Democrat Joe Biden defeated Trump in Georgia by about 12,000 votes.

Though Amero’s decision was based on the legal principle of standing — the plaintiffs hadn’t suffered a specific injury that would give them a right to sue — he reviewed the evidence before making his ruling.
Right no credible evidence d7h
prove they are irrefutable. lol,
you'd look less stupid if you lied less
A judge locked away evidence of fraud one month after the election, preventing investigators from examining the evidence. An eyewitness testifies under oath six months later to having seen reams of fake ballots, so the judge unlocked the sealed evidence, but did not allow "outside" investigators to examine the evidence. After friendly or "insider" officials examined the evidence and as well, and after other courts had rejected voting fraud cases on the nonsensical claim that "outsiders" have no standing to bring voter fraud cases to court, the judge threw out the case without having ever allowed "outside" (i.e. Trump-supporting) investigators to examine the evidence.

Democrats cannot claim the handling of the evidence was non-biased and thorough. In fact, the whole case was corruptly handled from start to finish.
A judge locked away evidence of fraud one month after the election, preventing investigators from examining the evidence. An eyewitness testifies under oath six months later to having seen reams of fake ballots, so the judge unlocked the sealed evidence, but did not allow "outside" investigators to examine the evidence. After friendly or "insider" officials examined the evidence and as well, and after other courts had rejected voting fraud cases on the nonsensical claim that "outsiders" have no standing to bring voter fraud cases to court, the judge threw out the case without having ever allowed "outside" (i.e. Trump-supporting) investigators to examine the evidence.

Democrats cannot claim the handling of the evidence was non-biased and thorough. In fact, the whole case was corruptly handled from start to finish.
so you can't prove it is irrefutable.

you'd look less stupid if you lied less
Mark cannot prove anything. All he does is harp on the same old stale crap every day.
Trump LOST and LOST by seven million votes.

He is a criminal and should be imprisoned.