McCain & reinstating the draft.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2008
McCain On Reinstituting A Military Draft: ‘I Don’t Disagree’

21/08/08 -Think Progress - At a town hall meeting (21/08/08) , an audience member praised Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for his vow to “follow bin Laden to the gates of hell.” After a long question about veterans’ care, the questioner said she believed we needed to reinstate the draft, to which McCain seemed to readily agree:

QUESTIONER: If we don’t reenact the draft, I don’t think we’ll have anyone to chase Bin Laden to the gates of hell.


MCCAIN: Ma’am, let me say that I don’t disagree with anything you said.

source of this little tid bit.
McCain On Reinstituting A Military Draft: ‘I Don’t Disagree’

21/08/08 -Think Progress - At a town hall meeting (21/08/08) , an audience member praised Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for his vow to “follow bin Laden to the gates of hell.” After a long question about veterans’ care, the questioner said she believed we needed to reinstate the draft, to which McCain seemed to readily agree:

QUESTIONER: If we don’t reenact the draft, I don’t think we’ll have anyone to chase Bin Laden to the gates of hell.


MCCAIN: Ma’am, let me say that I don’t disagree with anything you said.

source of this little tid bit.

I remember you snapping at me because I replied to your question and you said it was not acceptable because it was off topic.

Now you post something totally not connected, Can you post your anti american stuff in another thread please.
How is THAT anti American?? This is a new thread about McCains views about reinstating the draft.

Are you for it or against it???
How is THAT anti American?? This is a new thread about McCains views about reinstating the draft.

Are you for it or against it???

I like a volunteer Military. So far the ONLY people to talk about a draft are liberals.
Charlie Rangel the democrat congressman from NY has twice submitted a bill to reinstate the draft. No one voted for it, not even Charlie Rangel, the only people talking about it are the Dems. Why the Dems want it is beyond me.

The military wants a military that is voluntary and so do most conservatives.
I like a volunteer Military.

me too. Would NOT like to see the draft reinstated at all.

( seems though, that McCain is alluding to a draft.........if not stating it openly. But that might just be politico speak. ....... ;) It is just that when these kinds of references are suggests that they are considering it. )
me too. Would NOT like to see the draft reinstated at all.

( seems though, that McCain is alluding to a draft.........if not stating it openly. But that might just be politico speak. ....... ;) It is just that when these kinds of references are suggests that they are considering it. )

Well I dont completely trust him, he has a big fat liberal streak running down his back, but I can bet you that obama is a big fat liberal with no conservative streak of any kind, not even a small speckle. So if McCainis flirting with the idea, Obama will bang the idea in the back of a limo probably :)
You probably like everything about him BUT that fat liberal streak running down his back :)

actually , No. And I just read an article written by a chap who was a POW with McCain. And this chap would KNOW a side of McCain not on display on the political arena now. He won't be voting for him either. Says, that he is not a person one wants anywhere near the "red button"......and that he has manipulated the info about his POW experience to exaggerate his "victim" role.

The latter is the impression I have of him too. (or one of them ;)

Does Obama have a position on the draft??? I have not heard it or might have missed it with all the info overload taking place. ;-)
Oh look, a freshly fabricated McCain smear...

"Disabled veterans, especially in this state, have horrible conditions," the woman said. "Their medical is substandard. They drive four hours one way to Albuquerque for a simple doctor's appointment, which is often cancelled. Our VA hospital is dirty, it's understaffed, it's running on maximum overload. The prescription medicines are ten years behind standard medical care. We have 700 claims stacked up at the VA office in Albuquerque. Some of them are ten--seven years old, waiting to be processed. In the meantime, people are homeless. My son is an officer in the Air Force, I'm a vet, and I was raised in a military family. And I think it's a sorry state of affairs when we have illegal aliens, having a Medicaid card, that can access specialist top physicians--the best of medical--and our vets can't even get to a doctor.

"And these are the people we tied yellow ribbons for, and Bush patted on the back. If we don't reenact the draft, I don't think we'll have anyone to chase bin Laden to the gates of Hell."

"Ma'am," the Senator responded, "let me say that I don't disagree with anything you said. Thank you, and I am grateful for your support of all of our veterans."

McCain was agreeing to the complaints about Veteran Care...

In June, McCain said it would take an “all-out World War III” to make the draft necessary

You missed that quote from the story, quite accidentally I'm sure, AND the source intentionally makes specious claims to McCain believing we are in WW3 and should reinstate the draft now... McCain NEVER said we were already in WW3 NOR did he say we should reinstate the draft as things currently are.
Oh look, a freshly fabricated McCain smear...

McCain was agreeing to the complaints about Veteran Care...

You missed that quote from the story, quite accidentally I'm sure, AND the source intentionally makes specious claims to McCain believing we are in WW3 and should reinstate the draft now... McCain NEVER said we were already in WW3 NOR did he say we should reinstate the draft as things currently are.

You know GenSeneca, I think if we ever really were to get into a WW3, we would not need a draft, at least half of the people in American would be happy to go and fight for our country. The other half I dont know.. but I know half would do it without being told
actually , No. And I just read an article written by a chap who was a POW with McCain. And this chap would KNOW a side of McCain not on display on the political arena now. He won't be voting for him either. Says, that he is not a person one wants anywhere near the "red button"......and that he has manipulated the info about his POW experience to exaggerate his "victim" role.

The latter is the impression I have of him too. (or one of them ;)

Does Obama have a position on the draft??? I have not heard it or might have missed it with all the info overload taking place. ;-)

I highly doubt anyone will ask him that question, the media needs to be careful with him and not let him say anything stupid that will scare people into not voting for him.

We will hear what he thinks about the draft After he is elected...assuming that will happen
from another source:

McCain wants the military draft back
August 20, 2008 08:27 PM EDT
views: 50 | rating: 8.7/10 (7 votes) | comments: 16
Today John McCain said what many suspected him to believe: reinstate the military draft and carry out more wars. After praising McCain for his vow to "follow bin Laden to the gates of hell," a town hall participant told McCain that we needed to reinstate the draft, to which McCain agreed:

QUESTIONER: If we don't reenact the draft, I don't think we'll have anyone to chase Bin Laden to the gates of hell.


MCCAIN: Ma'am, let me say that I don't disagree with anything you said.

Asked about the draft last September, McCain said, "I might consider it, I don't think it's necessary, but I might consider it if you could design a draft where everybody equally could serve."

Considering McCain's vow that "there's gonna be other wars" and that we could stay in Iraq for 100 years, a draft might seem reasonable to him.


.....Of course he is not saying it clearly or definatively.

Seems that every effort should be made to AVOID/PREVENT another world war.
from another source:

McCain wants the military draft back
August 20, 2008 08:27 PM EDT
views: 50 | rating: 8.7/10 (7 votes) | comments: 16
Today John McCain said what many suspected him to believe: reinstate the military draft and carry out more wars. After praising McCain for his vow to "follow bin Laden to the gates of hell," a town hall participant told McCain that we needed to reinstate the draft, to which McCain agreed:

QUESTIONER: If we don't reenact the draft, I don't think we'll have anyone to chase Bin Laden to the gates of hell.


MCCAIN: Ma'am, let me say that I don't disagree with anything you said.

Asked about the draft last September, McCain said, "I might consider it, I don't think it's necessary, but I might consider it if you could design a draft where everybody equally could serve."

Considering McCain's vow that "there's gonna be other wars" and that we could stay in Iraq for 100 years, a draft might seem reasonable to him.


.....Of course he is not saying it clearly or definatively.

Seems that every effort should be made to AVOID/PREVENT another world war.

Why do you care if America has a draft? You wont say what country you are from but where ever it is, why would you care?

I care because I am an American and it effects me personally and my children, but why would you care? Do you care if other countrys have a draft?
to answer the personal question you pose:

I may not live in the US at the moment.......but I did and still am "technically" amerikan. Specifically San Francisco and New Orleans. I have watched the nation I loved deteriorate while I lived there, and see its flaws even more clearly now. I have several citizenships and move around due to the fact that I am now retired. Where do I live?? On planet earth. Parts of which are of which need a jolly good spanking. (NOT WARS or stupid invasions based on lies. )

Now, there will be no more replies to my location , be it current or in the next few THAT Is NOT the topic.

NO, I do NOT like the path the US is on... and can't see it changing direction all that much in the the force of the current momentum is too great. Even with all the Obama talk of "change".........I don't think he will be able to make a dent of change as there is far too much entrenched now.......... and if he will be suicidal...... as sure as anything some jerk will assassinate him or try to. McCain is worse than bush when it comes to an autocratic approach and warmongering. He is a very angry man.......whos temper is barely in check. back on track.