Men of Gaza are animals and terrorist perverts

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes no wonder some support them as they are animals

Yes no wonder some support them as they are animals
And they want to spread THEIR values here in America.

When you watch the Cenk Uygur video where he defends bestiality, you see a snapshot of the whole clash of values thing.

He's a Muslim man from Turkey who speaks English well enough to have a TV show and yet he doesn't know enough about our society to realize we find his support of bestiality completely repugnant and disgusting.
We have not seen such behavior sense ww2 when the Nazis were in power, What kind of men can burn babes alive and behead them cut the unborn for the womb rape and mutilate the dead and living and so much more.
The acts of beasts and some democrats here support gaza .
Hamas has 30,000 fighters and who knows how many people in Gaza support them perhaps hundreds of thousands do in Gaza . They are beasts perhaps its from all the inbreeding in Gaza over 50 percent of marriages are inbreed. That would help explain the mental captaincy and behavior to some degree.
We have not seen such behavior sense ww2 when the Nazis were in power, What kind of men can burn babes alive and behead them cut the unborn for the womb rape and mutilate the dead and living and so much more.
The acts of beasts and some democrats here support gaza .
Hamas has 30,000 fighters and who knows how many people in Gaza support them perhaps hundreds of thousands do in Gaza . They are beasts perhaps its from all the inbreeding in Gaza over 50 percent of marriages are inbreed. That would help explain the mental captaincy and behavior to some degree.
Pajama Retard might say that Christians burn, rape, behead and defile the dead bodies of the innocent.
Everything the righteous Right Wingers have been saying the past 8 years in support of Trump, MAGA and America and in opposition to the Democrats, the Left, Obama and Biden and the corrupt Deep State and the dishonest mainstream media, is now becoming plain for all to see with complete clarity.

The Democrat subversion of our nation is unraveling before our eyes.

"The truth will out."

CNN (10:41)

you have weird fantasies about me.
do I need a restraining order?
See what what I mean he thinks every one here has fantasists about him or is obsessed with him or gay.
What a Narcissistic Personality Disorder this meat head has .
I think hes a sick puppy but is beyond help..
You know liberals suffer from a higher then average mental illness expectantly in certain groups .
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