More states set to follow Arizona's example


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Many legislators aim to copy Ariz. immigration law

BOISE, Idaho – Arizona's sweeping new immigration law doesn't even take effect until next month, but lawmakers in nearly 20 other states are already clamoring to follow in its footsteps.

If the federal government won't do its job, then the states have to step up.

If I were the employer, and my employees weren't doing what they were hired to do, I'd be in a firing mood, wouldn't you?

Come to think of it, we are the employers of the federal government, aren't we?
Problem is, Immigration is a federal issue, thus states can't push there own immigration laws...what if say Cali decided to open its borders , as a state law and grant them all as legal...would anyone say its ok, as states have the right to make there own Imigration laws? no....

Of course the Fed is failing, but if everyone did 2 things, put politics aside and used what is logically possible and could be fixed soon. But the Right does not want to piss of Hispanics by actually doing anything and both people on both sides have issue with the idea of ID Cards for employment that can't be faked ( I am sure they can but damn hard)
Problem is, Immigration is a federal issue, thus states can't push there own immigration laws...what if say Cali decided to open its borders , as a state law and grant them all as legal...would anyone say its ok, as states have the right to make there own Imigration laws? no....

Of course the Fed is failing, but if everyone did 2 things, put politics aside and used what is logically possible and could be fixed soon. But the Right does not want to piss of Hispanics by actually doing anything and both people on both sides have issue with the idea of ID Cards for employment that can't be faked ( I am sure they can but damn hard)

Yes, it's a federal issue, and yes, the fed is failing, and has been for decades. Maybe if enough states begin to take matters into their own hands, the federal governemnt will finally and at long last begin to do what it takes to protect national sovereignty.

Put politics aside and do what is logically possible and fair? Do what works, and political ideology be damned? The federal government will do that when pigs fly, Hell freezes, and San Francisco goes Republican, or maybe just when enough of the states begin to take over the problem themselves.
Problem is, Immigration is a federal issue, thus states can't push there own immigration laws...what if say Cali decided to open its borders , as a state law and grant them all as legal...would anyone say its ok, as states have the right to make there own Imigration laws? no....

Of course the Fed is failing, but if everyone did 2 things, put politics aside and used what is logically possible and could be fixed soon. But the Right does not want to piss of Hispanics by actually doing anything and both people on both sides have issue with the idea of ID Cards for employment that can't be faked ( I am sure they can but damn hard)

How do you feel about sanctuary cities? The federal law says you can not come in this country illegally, cannot work illegally, cannot use fake ID exc. and so on. But some cities have decided to over rule what the federal government says and have established sanctuary cities. Are they not pushing their own immigration laws when they have these types of cities?
Yes, it's a federal issue, and yes, the fed is failing, and has been for decades. Maybe if enough states begin to take matters into their own hands, the federal government will finally and at long last begin to do what it takes to protect national sovereignty.

Put politics aside and do what is logically possible and fair? Do what works, and political ideology be damned? The federal government will do that when pigs fly, Hell freezes, and San Francisco goes Republican, or maybe just when enough of the states begin to take over the problem themselves.

well first you need to accept that fact that, no we are not going to Deport everyone...That is a fantasy and not going to hard to do, and business would hate it, and people would get mad when all of the sudden there food costs and other areas jump up on them..or we have shortages.

those here now Illegal, you set up a system to get them into the system and at some point legal...provided they have no major criminal record...and you fine them for breaking the law to enter...those with major criminal records, you deport or jail.

we force employers to only hire legal workers...this would be be set up with enough time for companies to make sure there workers are legal, and for people to get a legal visa or green card. A better and universal system would be set up to verify legal status. this means you have to have something like a secure card to verify those who are scared of big can get immigration reform, or we can just open the border...if you don't want a way to check..then whats the point of the law.

we tighten the border security. this means more people, and more high tech,.....sorry but the build a well idea fails in many ways...the biggest being....the wall does not stop people...Penn and Teller did a nice thing on this before...had 6 illegals build a spec of what is being used....then had them get in groups of 2...and where given the most basic of tools, a wire cutter and small shovel....and timed what group would win, the one that went over...under, or threw....who one is not important key is all did in like 2 min or less. Unless we want some super wall that no one will want to pay for and would take many years to build, its not going to work as a key part of the security...

the biggest key will be in cutting off the reason to come we should do our best to help Mexico become a nation where it can offer jobs to its people...this will mean major Help on the Drug battle there...and the just as deadly but not talked about heavy flow of legal US guns into Mexico for drug lords to feed the killing.

In my view, this as good as your going to get with being realistic about what will actually pass as law, and what is physically possible. Its not perfect, but fact is its not going to one agrees on what perfect is.
How do you feel about sanctuary cities? The federal law says you can not come in this country illegally, cannot work illegally, cannot use fake ID exc. and so on. But some cities have decided to over rule what the federal government says and have established sanctuary cities. Are they not pushing their own immigration laws when they have these types of cities?

States can't overrule the fed on Federal issues. Immigration is a Federal issue...therefor they should be stopped.