Our Culture's Sick Obsession with Children and Sexuality

Yo Daddy!

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022

Our Culture's Sick Obsession with Children and Sexuality​

By Laura Hollis

December 15, 2022

I'll start with a point made by writer Sam Thielman in an opinion piece for NBC News online two years ago. The country was up in arms about the film "Cuties" being broadcast on Netflix. The movie featured 11- and 12-year-old French girls in a dance competition; their performances included twerking and other sexually provocative moves while wearing skin-tight costumes.

Thielman dismissed the outrage as nothing more than "a cynical ploy" by "the pedophile-obsessed American right, driven by QAnon."

It should be clear at this point that anyone concerned for the well-being of children, regardless of their political persuasion, has good reason to be shocked and outraged about the disturbing amount of pedophilia in the country, as well as sex trafficking at the southern border, and the pervasive obsession with immersing children in sexual content generally. But many of our cultural gatekeepers share Thielman's condescension.

Every week brings more headlines about children being exploited, abused, manipulated or exposed to material that they lack the intellectual and emotional maturity to understand or process.

"This is abuse. And yet when these instances are exposed, the media jumps not to the defense of the children, or their distraught and irate parents, but to the defense of the abusers."

actually this is a problem i agree with, although progress is being made. not long ago, children were sexually abused frequently (often by parents or other close relatives) and it was swept under the rug. See the catholic church for an obvious huge problem.

also beauty pageants for young children. they should be banned.

What is the youngest age for child beauty pageants?
Age divisions are generally broken as follows: 0–11 months, 12–23 months, 1–3 years, 4–6 years, 7–9 years, 10–12 years, 13–15 years, and 16–18 years. For boys, sometimes two age divisions would be merged such as 0–3 years, 4–6 years, etc.
did you read my post, *****?
respond intelligent to it? no. lol.

you're so stupid.
actually this is a problem i agree with, although progress is being made. not long ago, children were sexually abused frequently (often by parents or other close relatives) and it was swept under the rug. See the catholic church for an obvious huge problem.

also beauty pageants for young children. they should be banned.

What is the youngest age for child beauty pageants?
Age divisions are generally broken as follows: 0–11 months, 12–23 months, 1–3 years, 4–6 years, 7–9 years, 10–12 years, 13–15 years, and 16–18 years. For boys, sometimes two age divisions would be merged such as 0–3 years, 4–6 years, etc.
When I was in the Army, after work, a few of us would hang out at the house where the counter culture prevailed.

Long hair, "alternative" music,* hash, pot, wine and other intoxicants.

Many of my Army buddies wore their hair long, dressed as Hippies, loved to get high and listen to alternative music before they were drafted or enlisted.

One guy had a dog who was just one of our gang, and the owner sometimes used to encourage us to gently blow marijuana smoke toward his ears.

I just assumed that the pooch liked it. And if we enjoyed being in an altered state, why wouldn't the dog?

Is that that rationale behind having sex with children???

Because adults enjoy sex, why wouldn't kids enjoy it, too?

* White Rabbit, Lynrd Skynyrd, Jefferson Airplane, Mountain and etc.
When I was in the Army, after work, a few of us would hang out at the house where the counter culture prevailed.

Long hair, "alternative"* music hash, pot, wine and other intoxicants.

Many of my Army buddies wore their hair long, dressed as Hippies, loved to get high and listen to alternative music before they were drafted or enlisted.

One guy had a dog who was just one of our gang, and the owner sometimes used to encourage us to gently blow marijuana smoke toward his ears.

I just assumed that the pooch liked it. And if we enjoyed being in an altered state, why wouldn't the dog?

Is that that rationale behind having sex with children???

Because adults enjoy sex, why wouldn't kids enjoy it, too?

i doubt many pedophiles think or care if the child enjoys it. It seems to be about their needs, not the childs of course. Not that i'm an expert on it (far from it), but in coverage of such cases i've never heard the "i did it so the child could enjoy it" "defense".

Our Culture's Sick Obsession with Children and Sexuality​

By Laura Hollis

December 15, 2022

I'll start with a point made by writer Sam Thielman in an opinion piece for NBC News online two years ago. The country was up in arms about the film "Cuties" being broadcast on Netflix. The movie featured 11- and 12-year-old French girls in a dance competition; their performances included twerking and other sexually provocative moves while wearing skin-tight costumes.

Thielman dismissed the outrage as nothing more than "a cynical ploy" by "the pedophile-obsessed American right, driven by QAnon."

It should be clear at this point that anyone concerned for the well-being of children, regardless of their political persuasion, has good reason to be shocked and outraged about the disturbing amount of pedophilia in the country, as well as sex trafficking at the southern border, and the pervasive obsession with immersing children in sexual content generally. But many of our cultural gatekeepers share Thielman's condescension.

Every week brings more headlines about children being exploited, abused, manipulated or exposed to material that they lack the intellectual and emotional maturity to understand or process.

"This is abuse. And yet when these instances are exposed, the media jumps not to the defense of the children, or their distraught and irate parents, but to the defense of the abusers."

Well you're the one promoting religion and it's full of ring reamers.
The hypocrisy of you to mention it knowing you support paedophilia priests etc. You grub.
Well you're the one promoting religion and it's full of ring reamers.
The hypocrisy of you to mention it knowing you support paedophilia priests etc. You grub.
You think we should leave Christianity because some of those from YOUR orientation lack self control?
You think we should leave Christianity because some of those from YOUR orientation lack self control?
It's not democrats doing it. It's republican godbotherers like you. You promote it. You participate in it but you blame democrats????
Are you mad?

To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.
You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.
The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.
It's not democrats doing it. It's republican godbotherers like you. You promote it. You participate in it but you blame democrats????
Are you mad?

To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.
You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.
The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.
You should sell used cars.