Palestinian Land


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Possibly no subject is the last 150 years has been as contentious as the ownership of land in Palestine.

The first approach taken was the slogan : "a land without people for a people without land".

A similar approach was undertaken by british colonial settlers who designated australia terra nullius

when Palestinian resistance to the taking of their land occurred the argument changed.

Now it was said or inferred Palestinians had never owned any land. They were just itinerant workers who came from egypt.

I would be interested in an informed discussion on this topic, as I have done much research on this topic.

Comrade Stalin
British Library
Possibly no subject is the last 150 years has been as contentious as the ownership of land in Palestine.

The first approach taken was the slogan : "a land without people for a people without land".

A similar approach was undertaken by british colonial settlers who designated australia terra nullius

when Palestinian resistance to the taking of their land occurred the argument changed.

Now it was said or inferred Palestinians had never owned any land. They were just itinerant workers who came from egypt.

I would be interested in an informed discussion on this topic, as I have done much research on this topic.

Comrade Stalin
British Library
Before calling Palestinians the rightful owners of the modern land of Judea you must first prove they are rightful owners.
Maybe we can start with this two volume report from 1945 which deals with the land laws over several centuries.

available at

Comrade Stalin
5 Arab nations attacked Israel in 1948 after Britain designated a portion of the land the British controlled for a Jewish homeland. The Arabs lost and Israel became the officially recognized owners of the land of israel given them by God and by Britain. The Arabs driven out of Israel moved into Gaza which was under Egyptian control after the 1948 war. Other Arab nations refused to allow Palestinians to flee Gaza, thus forcing Palestinians to become pawns in the never-ending wars between Israel and Arabs.
Possibly no subject is the last 150 years has been as contentious as the ownership of land in Palestine.

The first approach taken was the slogan : "a land without people for a people without land".

A similar approach was undertaken by british colonial settlers who designated australia terra nullius

when Palestinian resistance to the taking of their land occurred the argument changed.

Now it was said or inferred Palestinians had never owned any land. They were just itinerant workers who came from egypt.

I would be interested in an informed discussion on this topic, as I have done much research on this topic.

Comrade Stalin
British Library
There never was a

5 Arab nations attacked Israel in 1948 after Britain designated a portion of the land the British controlled for a Jewish homeland. The Arabs lost and Israel became the officially recognized owners of the land of israel given them by God and by Britain. The Arabs driven out of Israel moved into Gaza which was under Egyptian control after the 1948 war. Other Arab nations refused to allow Palestinians to flee Gaza, thus forcing Palestinians to become pawns in the never-ending wars between Israel and Arabs.

Its like talking to a rock with him ,
its like talking to a rock with him ,

a flattering simile and i am greatly honoured

"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven..."

Matthew 16:18-19​


Comrade STalin
a flattering simile and i am greatly honoured

"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven..."

Matthew 16:18-19​


Comrade Stalin
Tell us comrade, how many Russians did you starve to death today?
5 Arab nations attacked Israel in 1948 after Britain designated a portion of the land the British controlled for a Jewish homeland. The Arabs lost and Israel became the officially recognized owners of the land of israel given them by God and by Britain. The Arabs driven out of Israel moved into Gaza which was under Egyptian control after the 1948 war. Other Arab nations refused to allow Palestinians to flee Gaza, thus forcing Palestinians to become pawns in the never-ending wars between Israel and Arabs.

obviously you have not read the sources i provided.

Please supply a reference..

Comrade Stalin
Red Sea
That is why Egypt will not let a single one cross the border
They had problems with them in the past.
There . ever nation that has had them do.they even tried overthrowing governments.
Israel has tolerated them till now.
I heard a rumor that involved a home land in Africa for them.
there is no such thing as an alternative history

there is only history

and i provided an exhaustive document..which you did not please do not try to be does not suit you...

and this subject was covered exhaustively by myself, on this forum 10-15 years ago.

do some scholarship..there are many many books on this subject

Comrade STalin
That is why Egypt will not let a single one cross the border
a reasonably comprehensive smear against the kind people of egypt..unfortunately all too common on this forum

"Palestinians in Egypt refers to the Palestinian refugees who fled or were expelled to Egypt during the 1948 Palestine war, and their descendants, as well as Palestinians expelled from Jordan, following the events of Black September. Palestinians and their descendants have never been naturalized and so keep the distinct status of Palestinian refugee. Some Palestinians, mostly Christians,[1] received Egyptian citizenship through marriage with Egyptian nationals or by other means.

There was also an earlier wave of Palestinian immigration, in which Palestinian Christians settled in Egypt and other surrounding countries, fleeing genocides during the Ottoman era, along with Lebanese and Syrians, forming what was known as the "Shawam" (شوام) Christian community.

The 1922 census of Palestine lists 1,612 Palestinians as living abroad in Egypt: 614 Muslims, 756 Jews, and 242 Christians.[2]

Estimates of the size of the Palestinian population in Egypt range from 50,245 to 110,000.[1]

but then...apostles for the zionist project love smears and dis-information..they even have a government department for it..

for some strange reason. residents of gaza have no desire to being driven into the furnace of sinai..

maybe because their parents and grandparents were driven off their land once already..

the hapless IDF has once again persecuted christians by bombing them out of their homes

Comrade Stalin
Foodless in GAZA