Patrick Murphy elected to Congress who had an DWI arrest assulted a police officer


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South

Now where was M.A.D.D all this time? Yeah right HIPOCRISY !! Just like Womens groups on sexual harrassment when a Republican connects an sexual harrassment charge N.O.W and other groups protest and the media covers it. But when a Democrat who commits sexual harrassment AKA Bill Clinton and Gary Condit its all silence from N.O.W and other femine groups. You see M.A.D.D Mothers against drunk drivers have no desire to keep all drunks off the road. M.A.D.D will not condem liberals who do it? Remember Patrick Kennedy who crashed his car and D.C Police didnt issue an breathalyzer test or made him walk a straght line.

And WHERE WAS M.A.D.D? HIPOCRISY !!! Now lets see when a Drunk Republican hits the news and see how M.A.D.D reacts?
Did you hear about Jesse Jackson Jr? He was re-elected after 6 mos in the luney bin, and now he's being prosecuted for taking campaign funds and will probably get jail time.
But Jesse Jackson Jr didnt get behind a wheel of a car while intoxicated like Patrick Murphy a Patrick Kennedy did. And i didnt hear M.A.D.D protesting. Just wait til a Republican do this and democrats and M.A.D.D protests. I wanna hear what Sean Hannity says about that.

Now where was M.A.D.D all this time? Yeah right HIPOCRISY !! Just like Womens groups on sexual harrassment when a Republican connects an sexual harrassment charge N.O.W and other groups protest and the media covers it. But when a Democrat who commits sexual harrassment AKA Bill Clinton and Gary Condit its all silence from N.O.W and other femine groups. You see M.A.D.D Mothers against drunk drivers have no desire to keep all drunks off the road. M.A.D.D will not condem liberals who do it? Remember Patrick Kennedy who crashed his car and D.C Police didnt issue an breathalyzer test or made him walk a straght line.

And WHERE WAS M.A.D.D? HIPOCRISY !!! Now lets see when a Drunk Republican hits the news and see how M.A.D.D reacts?

You know, steve, when one lives in a glass house. . .he shouldn't throw stones!

Yes, Patrick Murphy was arrested WHEN HE WAS A TEENAGER (19 years old) for disorderly conduct. . .and the charges were dropped!

In the other hand, Allen West faced something entirely different!
Why don't you take the pain of reading this. . .what did you say? HYPOCRISY?

That night, South Beach, Miami: Patrick Murphy is thrown out of a club for fighting, covered in alcohol and unable to stand. Murphy then confronts and verbally assaults a police officer.”
Murphy, then 19, was arrested outside a bar in South Beach in 2003 on charges of disorderly intoxication and possessing a fake driver license. The case was ultimately dismissed. The candidate later called it “the biggest mistake of my life.”
In response, Murphy campaign adviser Eric Johnson told Roll Call that West should be wary about bringing up the past. “In 2003, [West] was criminally charged by the military with assault and for violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice and was subsequently kicked out of the military,” Johnson said. “And he’s attacking Patrick Murphy for drinking as a teenager, which I think is a silly attack.”
He Drove drunk behind of a car. Now tell me what M.A.D.D Mothers against drunk drivers will do when a Republican does it.

Link please!

I provided the only link that talked about Murphy being arrested and/or being drunk, and it sure wasn't while he was driving!

Are you condusing Murphy with Kennedy?
Both Murphy with Kennedy got behind the wheel in a car. But Murphy didnt crash his car cops caught him driving drunk. Kennedy crashed his car but D.C police wouldnt give him an sobriety test.
Both Murphy with Kennedy got behind the wheel in a car. But Murphy didnt crash his car cops caught him driving drunk. Kennedy crashed his car but D.C police wouldnt give him an sobriety test.

Then, if you are SO CERTAIN that Patrick Murphy was arrested for a DUY. . .why don't you provide the link?

You can't because HE WAS NOT! He was arrested OUTSIDE A BAR, at the AGE OF 19!

Here is another version of the same incident.
Now, shut up or put up!

Hypcrissy from M.A.D.D

Glad to see that you finally concede that Patrick Murphy was NEVER arrested for drunk DRIVING!

But, I notice that you were happy to present the "nasty behavior" of Murphy, yet you refused to acknowlege the "nasty behavior of Allen West!

So. . .you have never been drunk? Not even as a teenager!
I like Beer thats the only alcohol drink i had. I can control my drinking

How nice for you. Except that, face it. . .people who become very used to alcohol have an easier time "appearing" sober than Newbies with the stuff!
It is not surprising (although it is regrettable and not very wise) that a 19 year old would get drunk and not know how to handle being drunk. . . it seems to me that it just shows that he wasn't use to drinking large quantities of alcohol.

So. . .do you have any details of what Allen West did that led to his retirement and his being fined $5,000 for his action in the military?
Well, basically it all comes down to torturing a prisoner, which obviously some Republicans (including Cheney and Bush) find perfectly acceptable. So I assume you will say that it is a much greater crime for a 19 year old kid to get drunk and get into an argument with a cop than it is for a Ltn Colonel of the US military to torture a prisoner, right? West was VERY lucky to get away with a $5,000 fine and retiring. . .he could have been made to face a court martial!

U.S. officer fined for harsh interrogation tactics

Saturday, December 13, 2003 Posted: 6:16 AM EST (1116 GMT)

TIKRIT, Iraq (CNN) -- The commanding general of the 4th Infantry Division on Friday accepted a U.S. military investigator's recommendation and ordered administrative action against Lt. Col. Allen West, who was accused of using improper methods to force information out of an Iraqi detainee.

Prosecutor Capt. Magdalena Pezytulska said West should be tried for assault and for communicating a threat. "This is a case about a man who lost his temper," she argued. "There are consequences for [West's] actions."
When West testified that he had "no malice toward Hamoody" and that he "just wanted information," Pezytulska presented a document of West's typed statement following the August incident. She asked him to read his own written words to the court: "In my anger, I couldn't remember how many shots were fired."
After nearly 20 years of military service, West plans to move his family from Texas to Florida, where he said he hopes to start a new life [?QUOTE]
How nice for you. Except that, face it. . .people who become very used to alcohol have an easier time "appearing" sober than Newbies with the stuff!
It is not surprising (although it is regrettable and not very wise) that a 19 year old would get drunk and not know how to handle being drunk. . . it seems to me that it just shows that he wasn't use to drinking large quantities of alcohol.

So. . .do you have any details of what Allen West did that led to his retirement and his being fined $5,000 for his action in the military?
Well, basically it all comes down to torturing a prisoner, which obviously some Republicans (including Cheney and Bush) find perfectly acceptable. So I assume you will say that it is a much greater crime for a 19 year old kid to get drunk and get into an argument with a cop than it is for a Ltn Colonel of the US military to torture a prisoner, right? West was VERY lucky to get away with a $5,000 fine and retiring. . .he could have been made to face a court martial!
I like Beer thats the only alcohol drink i had. I can control my drinking
I like Beer thats the only alcohol drink i had. I can control my drinking
From Politico Breaking News

"GOP Rep. Allen West has conceded the election in Florida's 18th District to Democrat Patrick Murphy, he said in a statement to POLITICO. The Republican had been challenging the vote-counting process in St. Lucie County."