Poe Francis speaks against corruption in the Philippines.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2008
In a speech at Leyte, during his visit to the Philippines. Poe Francis spoke out against the corruption of the elite in te Philippines including President Aquino. This elite own most of the land. The Pope said we must put the poor first and en corruption. He went to Leyte to see the victims of the Typhoon. Aquino was offended by the remarks but something must be done to end the corruption where there are a few very rich and the rest are very poor


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It is reasonable to Assume that corruption is an important reason for so many living in poverty in the Philippines. The rich elite got control of most of the land from, Spanish times. Aquino owns half a town. They have refuse land redistribution. No reforms are possible until the elite rich share resources. The elite keep power through corruption
This denies the poor any right to elect the politician to help them rather then the rich. Despite being very fertile, The Philippines is one of the poorest countries in Asia The lack of progress in the Philippines compare to other Asian countries show the system needs reform. The Pope is supporting the local Cardinal in urging reform.
Lets pretend Australia is just like the Philipenes. Further that you are a.landowner. How much are you willing to give away ?

If you answer > 0 then why havn't you ?
I own a modest town house. It has enough room for me and my wife. Sometimes I give up my room for poor Filipino visitors. I also supported my wife's family and an unrelated foster child in the Philippines.

This is all we are asking the rich. To share their wealth a little. Progressive income tax has this aim but few of the rich pay taxes. The land they acquire is well beyond their needs and was acquire by political relations with corrupt politicians. I know of the bribery that goes on in the Philippines first hand. Unless the rich are prepare to share their wealth the Philippines will not survive in its present form. In the end all will be lost.
I own a modest town house. It has enough room for me and my wife. Sometimes I give up my room for poor Filipino visitors. I also supported my wife's family and an unrelated foster child in the Philippines.

This is all we are asking the rich. To share their wealth a little. Progressive income tax has this aim but few of the rich pay taxes. The land they acquire is well beyond their needs and was acquire by political relations with corrupt politicians. I know of the bribery that goes on in the Philippines first hand. Unless the rich are prepare to share their wealth the Philippines will not survive in its present form. In the end all will be lost.

I suspect there would be wide disagreement regarding what comprized "a little". The so called progressive taxes arecquite a lot.
Progressive Taxation varies from country to Country. Here in Australia tax rates are high, sometimes 50% on high income earners. But we have extensive social security for lower incomes. Even the rich can get rebates for what they call business expenses.
This does not apply in the Philippines in which few pay taxes .
Its high time an anti- corruption crusader was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. The Pope's message itches the ears of the burgeois classes like a wild bee. At best, it rings hollow in their ears. It takes a sadist to cruise through the squalor the downtrodden proletariat live in to cut short the selfish ego trips characterized by dipping filthy fingers into the till. Put paid to corruption and collective humanity will commence on their journey to Shangri-La.
Remmany you are right. The middle class in the Philippines will not listen to complaints about corruption. Even in the present election many support Marcos for vice President, We need a revolution not recycle family members of past dictatorships.
Remmany you are right. The middle class in the Philippines will not listen to complaints about corruption. Even in the present election many support Marcos for vice President, We need a revolution not recycle family members of past dictatorships.

Sometimes the evil you know seems better than the one you can only guess at.
In any event the holy see should stick to his day job, saving souls.
Land reform is always a problem when debating right wingers, especially the extremist kind. For instance, who can blame people for turning to Communism when the government neglects land reform? In fact, the Korean War was possibly won, but not the Vietnam one, simply cause the SK government promoted land reform.

However, in a conservative nation with improved education, there could be ways to find cracks in the system. For instance, the landowners might not have as strong a hold on their property as people think. Intellectually stronger peasants might find more social mobility.
Land Reform is the solution. Mrs Aquino revolution fail because she would not distribute land. Her family own hap a town while others have no home. That why it is waste of time election such people
Land Reform is the solution. Mrs Aquino revolution fail because she would not distribute land. Her family own hap a town while others have no home. That why it is waste of time election such people

Landowners have a tighter grip on their land when the population is uneducated. Without an education, there is only a small probability regular people will be able to obtain any land at all. However, a highly educated population eventually will chip away at a feudal system.