Proud Boys Leaders: TRUMP Caused Jan. 6 Attack!!!!

He would say anything to help his case
Are you suggesting Trump didn't cause it?
The court doesn't need his deposition. They already know.
Trump has future charges to come over that and maybe then you will accept you backed a fascist. You republicans are very poor judges of character but then again, you only ever wanted to stop democrats. The country's demise never entered it.
Are you suggesting Trump didn't cause it?
The court doesn't need his deposition. They already know.
Trump has future charges to come over that and maybe then you will accept you backed a fascist. You republicans are very poor judges of character but then again, you only ever wanted to stop democrats. The country's demise never entered it.
it wasn't trumps fault ,maybe you democrats have a reality issue
it wasn't trumps fault ,maybe you democrats have a reality issue

McCarthy says Trump ‘bears responsibility’ for Capitol riot​

The House GOP leader makes clear he does not support impeachment, even as he publicly rebuked the president

maybe you are just a *****.
actually you clearly are a ***** :)
Senator Rob Portman called Trump’s words to the mob before the riot “inexcusable,” and Senator Dan Sullivan “condemn[ed] former President Trump’s poor judgment in calling a rally on that day, and his actions and inactions when it turned into a riot.”

more republicans blaming trump, *****.lol

McCarthy says Trump ‘bears responsibility’ for Capitol riot​

The House GOP leader makes clear he does not support impeachment, even as he publicly rebuked the president

maybe you are just a *****.
actually you clearly are a ***** :)
Your such a peace maker type