questing for Mark

You started another whole thread about me
Prov8ng your obsession, stalker
God cares for all humans and desires that every one would turn to Him for salvation. Rebels who reject Him in favor of sin will be forgotten of God after a horrible judgment and death sentence.
God cares for all humans and desires that every one would turn to Him for salvation. Rebels who reject Him in favor of sin will be forgotten of God after a horrible judgment and death sentence.
thanks for the sermon, rev
I suggest that Mark has overdosed on Vacation Bible School.
Are people who wear garments of more than one fiber sinners?
Are people who eat shrimp sinners?
Are people who get a tattoo sinners?
Should these sinners be condemned to eternal punishment for these horrible sins?
I suggest that Mark has overdosed on Vacation Bible School.
Are people who wear garments of more than one fiber sinners?
Are people who eat shrimp sinners?
Are people who get a tattoo sinners?
Should these sinners be condemned to eternal punishment for these horrible sins?
Every one sins dumb ass . You know as a human we cannot but sin. What is important is your intent when you sin and what the sin is . I know I have sinned big time . I like to drink and fight and chase women and more. We all sin.
Your backward ignorant comment just show your ignorance on religion .

My beliefs are unusual as I think both religion and evolution can go hand in hand when you take man out of the picture . They actually go well together as that spark of like is still unknown.
You fail to answer the questions posed. Is shrimp eating, getting tattooed and wearing blended fabrics an actual sin?
All these are banned by the Old Testament.

Liking to drink is not a sin. Even drinking is not a sin. Perhaps getting drunk and punching people is sinful, but getting drunk and falling asleep does not harm anyone but ones self.

The Christian Religion is itself quite ignorant. The Bible says the believing that Adam and Eve making a poor dietary choice was a reasonable justification for condemning the entire human race to eternal punishment. I see that as bogus nonsense.
Adam and Eve is simply a mythical tale used by priests to guarantee them a prestigious position in society and a nice income for not all that much work.
You fail to answer the questions posed. Is shrimp eating, getting tattooed and wearing blended fabrics an actual sin?
All these are banned by the Old Testament.

Liking to drink is not a sin. Even drinking is not a sin. Perhaps getting drunk and punching people is sinful, but getting drunk and falling asleep does not harm anyone but ones self.

The Christian Religion is itself quite ignorant. The Bible says the believing that Adam and Eve making a poor dietary choice was a reasonable justification for condemning the entire human race to eternal punishment. I see that as bogus nonsense.
Adam and Eve is simply a mythical tale used by priests to guarantee them a prestigious position in society and a nice income for not all that much work.
O you were asking me , drinking in excess is a sin .
You problem is you do not know right from wrong evil from good.
I don't enjoy being drunk at all. Two beers are my limit, and then only occasionally.
I do not think drinking in excess is a sin, it is just a dumb thing to do. If you know you are a mean drunk and likely to start fights, then perhaps it could be a sin.

I certainly do not need an annoying jerk to serve as my Jiminey Cricket .
I suggest that Mark has overdosed on Vacation Bible School.
Are people who wear garments of more than one fiber sinners?
Are people who eat shrimp sinners?
Are people who get a tattoo sinners?
Should these sinners be condemned to eternal punishment for these horrible sins?

Mark 3:27-29
King James Version

27 No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.​


Mark 3:27-29​

King James Version​

27 No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.​

28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:​

29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.​

Thanks for the sermon, rev