real conservatives are finally getting tired of anti-american trump behavior

There is ample evidence that voting machines were corrupted to inflate votes for Biden in 2020.

You must be the only one who saw it because the GOP did an audit and found nothing.
Election officials, Democrats, and machine owners have blocked forensic investigations of the machines,
That is a blatant lie. There was no forensic investigation permitted like every other election. You are still sulking about being beaten. Trump was a dickhead and the voters said so.

even to the point have having some investigators charged and jailed for attempting to access the machines.
No. They broke into the room where the machines were attempting to steal them. That is well documented and is in video idiot. Get your facts right. They should go to jail because they were the ones wanting to rig an election. They are now before the courts so who do you think is in the wrong.
What method would you use to prove voting machines were corrupted if leftists block investigations of the machines?
Wrong again. No one is allowed to investigate unless they have approval and democrats had no input into them breaking in. You've lost the plot and are a liar.
Even more importantly, why did officials block investigations that could have proved the machines were not corrupted to produce fake votes in 2020?
They didn't. The GOP audit found nothing, the machines were tested and found nothing and officials have the right to stop nutters like you wanting investigations into something that didn't happen..

Your whole premise is based in Trump lies and propaganda. Surely all these people heading for jail should convince you they are responsible for the fraud. Not democrats.

Wake up to yourself you fool. It's over and you lost. Trump is a fraud and will go to jail. His cohorts are going down also but here you are, a Neville nobody from nowhere who has all the evidence needed to overturn the election.
And you expect the world to believe that? Stick to your prayers boy. You're nothing.
Nah you don't want to do that you keep whining about stolen votes and investigating machines with zero credible basis
You say the dumbest things
All Democrats can do is slander those who want verification that thousands of unverified ballots were legitimate, because they cannot verify the ballots were legitimate.
All Democrats can do is slander those who want verification that thousands of unverified ballots were legitimate, because they cannot verify the ballots were legitimate.
You couldn't convince a single court lol
Judges want credible evidence not whining and fairy tales

Get back to me with your whin8ng after you verify all of trumps 2016 ballots lol
You must be the only one who saw it because the GOP did an audit and found nothing.
No, hundreds of voting machines were never forensically examined, no matter how many machines you think were examined.
That is a blatant lie. There was no forensic investigation permitted like every other election. You are still sulking about being beaten. Trump was a dickhead and the voters said so.
Are you calling me a liar for saying that forensic examinations of voting machines were blocked by officials who did not want the machines examined?
No. They broke into the room where the machines were attempting to steal them. That is well documented and is in video idiot. Get your facts right. They should go to jail because they were the ones wanting to rig an election. They are now before the courts so who do you think is in the wrong.
That's right. Officials who blocked investigations of the machines even had investigators arrested for attempting to examine the machines.
Wrong again. No one is allowed to investigate unless they have approval and democrats had no input into them breaking in. You've lost the plot and are a liar.
Exactly. Why did officials not want questionable voting machines examined by forensics experts unless those officials were convinced fraud may be found?
They didn't. The GOP audit found nothing, the machines were tested and found nothing and officials have the right to stop nutters like you wanting investigations into something that didn't happen..
News break: No voting machine fraud will likely be found where no investigations of machines are allowed.
Your whole premise is based in Trump lies and propaganda. Surely all these people heading for jail should convince you they are responsible for the fraud. Not democrats.
Trump did not convince me Democrats committed fraud, Democrats did by refusing to allow investigations that could have proven no fraud was committed if that was indeed the case.
Wake up to yourself you fool. It's over and you lost. Trump is a fraud and will go to jail. His cohorts are going down also but here you are, a Neville nobody from nowhere who has all the evidence needed to overturn the election.
I don't deny that Trump lost and Democrats committed massive voter fraud.
And you expect the world to believe that? Stick to your prayers boy. You're nothing.
You couldn't convince a single court lol
Judges want credible evidence not whining and fairy tales

Get back to me with your whin8ng after you verify all of trumps 2016 ballots lol
Who would even try to get a court to prove no fraud occurred? What a silly idea. Courts do not do investigations of massive voter fraud. That is the job of investigators and Democrats clearly prevented, not encouraged, investigations into evidence of fraud.
Who would even try to get a court to prove no fraud occurred? What a silly idea. Courts do not do investigations of massive voter fraud. That is the job of investigators and Democrats clearly prevented, not encouraged, investigations into evidence of fraud.
You kept bringing up that stupid idea
Because you are a legal *****

But you agree Trump won with unverified ballots and yet you keep whining about bidens ballots duh
Who would even try to get a court to prove no fraud occurred? What a silly idea. Courts do not do investigations of massive voter fraud. That is the job of investigators and Democrats clearly prevented, not encouraged, investigations into evidence of fraud.
You lost every court case
You must enjoy looking stupid
No, hundreds of voting machines were never forensically examined, no matter how many machines you think were examined.
How could you possibly know that although it supports your feeble lie. You don't know how many were examined.
Are you calling me a liar for saying that forensic examinations of voting machines were blocked by officials who did not want the machines examined?
Yes I am calling you a liar.
The officials blocked anyone who did not have good reason or the necessary authority to examine them. It was not the officials call but rules are in place to stop nutters like you from interfering in the process.
That's right. Officials who blocked investigations of the machines even had investigators arrested for attempting to examine the machines.
Wrong again dickhead. They were not investigators but Trump allies who barged their way in without permission. It is breaking the law and they should be arrested.
Exactly. Why did officials not want questionable voting machines examined by forensics experts unless those officials were convinced fraud may be found?
There were no questionable voting machines. The officials were obeying the law unlike the thugs who tried to stand over them. Why can't you get that through your thick skull. Are you brain dead or something. Paranoid with hate.
News break: No voting machine fraud will likely be found where no investigations of machines are allowed.
Ask the GOP auditors if they found anything. I know you won't because you know I'm right.
Trump did not convince me Democrats committed fraud, Democrats did by refusing to allow investigations that could have proven no fraud was committed if that was indeed the case.
Democrats DID NOT refuse access. You are a blatant ignorant silly fool.
I don't deny that Trump lost and Democrats committed massive voter fraud.
There is no evidence of fraud and you know it. You are paranoid with hate driven by your religion and stupidity. You don't have the capacity to think logically.
USA is full of low IQ nutters like you and they are mostly republican godbotherers.
You lost every court case
You must enjoy looking stupid
I didn't even test whether or not I had jurisdiction to expose voter fraud evidence in court, but I agree that most courts found a way to avoid airing the details of voter fraud in their courtrooms. None of that excuses the Democrats for refusing to cooperate with voter fraud investigations.
How could you possibly know that although it supports your feeble lie. You don't know how many were examined.
How can you say no voting machines or few voting machines were corrupted in the 2020 election when you have no evidence from non-biased forensics examiners proving the machines had not been corrupted?
Yes I am calling you a liar.
The officials blocked anyone who did not have good reason or the necessary authority to examine them. It was not the officials call but rules are in place to stop nutters like you from interfering in the process.

There is no evidence that election officials blocking Republicans from examining machines did not block all non-biased forensics examinations of voting machines. Democrats committed massive fraud and then committed massive obstruction of trustworthy investigations.
They were not investigators but Trump allies who barged their way in without permission. It is breaking the law and they should be arrested.
Democrats and elections officials did not allow any non-Democrat investigators to examine their machines except in a few cases where Republicans obtained a court order forcing election officials to allow non-biased investigators examine the machines for evidence of corruption. The non-biased investigators who did examine the few machines that were examined did find evidence of corruption.
There were no questionable voting machines. The officials were obeying the law unlike the thugs who tried to stand over them. Why can't you get that through your thick skull. Are you brain dead or something. Paranoid with hate.

Democrats claim there were no corrupted voting machines, yet they blocked Republican forensic examiners from examining the machines. If the machines had not been corrupted there would not have been any reason to object to the examination of the machines.! 7-19-21

Flashback: Democrats Said Voting Machines Can Be Hacked, Votes Can Be Switched
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