Republican congress is gonna give Obama what he wants but a deal comes with it


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Hello you don't get you want just because you want it. You gotta negotiate for it. Remember the Democrats were once in control when Bushs daddy was president? Yall remember this?
Remember that one huh? We all knew why he raised your taxes. Remember dessert storm? He needed congressional approval to liberate Kuwait from Saddam. And the deal was he agreed to these terms

Raise the gas tax 5 cents a gallon
Raise the BTU tax 15%
Raise taxes on Alcohol and Tabaco 10%

Now Obama doesn't get what he wants off the back. Hes gonna Cut taxes A WHOLE LOT OF TAXES and make the IRS and the NSA come clean. Hes gonna agree to give Edward Snowden Amnesty Then you have the GOP permission to attack Syria.
Now Obama doesn't get what he wants off the back. Hes gonna Cut taxes A WHOLE LOT OF TAXES and make the IRS and the NSA come clean. Hes gonna agree to give Edward Snowden Amnesty Then you have the GOP permission to attack Syria.

That's the funniest thing I've read all day.

Obama is going to attack Syria if he wants to. He doesn't give a crap what Republicans in Congress want, he goes around them all the time.

What Obama wants is for the Republican's to vote against it, so he has an excuse not to do it. Then he can turn it around and blame the Republicans for whatever goes wrong in Syria.

Catch up Steve, your falling behind here.:D
Hello you don't get you want just because you want it. You gotta negotiate for it. Remember the Democrats were once in control when Bushs daddy was president? Yall remember this?
Remember that one huh? We all knew why he raised your taxes. Remember dessert storm? He needed congressional approval to liberate Kuwait from Saddam. And the deal was he agreed to these terms

Raise the gas tax 5 cents a gallon
Raise the BTU tax 15%
Raise taxes on Alcohol and Tabaco 10%

Now Obama doesn't get what he wants off the back. Hes gonna Cut taxes A WHOLE LOT OF TAXES and make the IRS and the NSA come clean. Hes gonna agree to give Edward Snowden Amnesty Then you have the GOP permission to attack Syria.
when pigs fly
Do I know how to read these people or what?

David Axelrod ‏@davidaxelrod 31 Aug
Big move by POTUS. Consistent with his principles. Congress is now the dog that caught the car. Should be a fascinating week!
John Boehner doesnt remember what the Democrats pulled back in 1993. The Democrats made a deal with George H W Bush on attacking IRAQ and liberated Kuwait. Democrats simply told Bush they would approve it. But in return youre gonna raise taxes. He pledged he wouldn't raise taxes. Now John Boehner should tell Obama this. You want US to approve attacking Syria? Heres what we want in return.

Cut the Gas tax 10 cents a gallon.
Approve the Canadian pipeline
Lift coal restrictions.
And finally expand offshore drilling in gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast.

Then you get your war mr president.

The Plan would do this
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John Boehner doesnt remember what the Democrats pulled back in 1993. The Democrats made a deal with George H W Bush on attacking IRAQ and liberated Kuwait. Democrats simply told Bush they would approve it. But in return youre gonna raise taxes. He pledged he wouldn't raise taxes. Now John Boehner should tell Obama this. You want US to approve attacking Syria? Heres what we want in return.

Cut the Gas tax 10 cents a gallon.
Approve the Canadian pipeline
Lift coal restrictions.
And finally expand offshore drilling in gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast.

Then you get your war mr president.

The Plan would do this
Why stop there ? Some say they want sequester to go away.
You cant ask for too much. The Dems asked for 3 things Mr Bush to do. I put 4 things for Mr Obama to do if he cares about Syria just like Bush cared about Kuwait.
Hello you don't get you want just because you want it. You gotta negotiate for it. Remember the Democrats were once in control when Bushs daddy was president? Yall remember this?
Remember that one huh? We all knew why he raised your taxes. Remember dessert storm? He needed congressional approval to liberate Kuwait from Saddam. And the deal was he agreed to these terms

Raise the gas tax 5 cents a gallon
Raise the BTU tax 15%
Raise taxes on Alcohol and Tabaco 10%

Now Obama doesn't get what he wants off the back. Hes gonna Cut taxes A WHOLE LOT OF TAXES and make the IRS and the NSA come clean. Hes gonna agree to give Edward Snowden Amnesty Then you have the GOP permission to attack Syria.

We can always rely on Republican-psychics being WRONG.
Obama's a Sell-Out on Taxes? Not So Fast
Obama signs tax deal into law
Historically, when a nation turns away from God it ends in bondage to cruel fascist tyrants with no respect for humans or human rights. America is well on its way to disaster, especially now that the cruel fascists have proven they can win elections by fraud and will never be stopped if they do.

"well on its way to disaster"? if anything our freedom is increasing over 1776 we had slaves, women couldn't vote, gays were persecuted, etc..all "thanks" to freedom hating christians. As christians have less influence in our country, freedom has increased.
"well on its way to disaster"? if anything our freedom is increasing over 1776 we had slaves, women couldn't vote, gays were persecuted, etc..all "thanks" to freedom hating christians. As christians have less influence in our country, freedom has increased.
I'm not talking about the freedom to murder babies, the freedom to turn children into black hatred of white zombies, the freedom to do drugs without arrest, the freedom to assault cops for huge damage awards, the freedom to transfer working people's assets into the greedy hands of the non-working poor, etc.
I'm not talking about the freedom to murder babies, the freedom to turn children into black hatred of white zombies, the freedom to do drugs without arrest, the freedom to assault cops for huge damage awards, the freedom to transfer working people's assets into the greedy hands of the non-working poor, etc.
You clearly have no idea what you are 5alking about
Just right wing word salad lol