Rush Limbaugh says I am ‘ashamed of my country’


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Rush Limbaugh said Thursday that for the first time he’s “ashamed” of the United States — this as President Barack Obama and Democrats plead to the public to urge Congress to reach a deal on the sequester.

“Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in my life, I am ashamed of my country,” the conservative commentator said on his radio program.
He added: “To have our common sense and intelligence insulted the way it’s being is — it just makes me ashamed.”
Limbaugh’s comments come as Obama and Democrats are warning Americans about what they say will happen if Congress doesn’t avert sequestration, the automatic $1.2 trillion in federal spending cuts over the next decade that are scheduled to take effect March 1.

Im ashamed of America too. The stupidity we allow dumb,Stupid idiotic people to vote. What does USA really stands for?

a little closer look at that he said as opposed to what someone says that he said

RUSH: Folks, I'm sorry here. I can't help but think that we are all being played for a bunch of fools, a bunch of suckers on this sequester business. I don't know. Are you like me? Do you really think 800,000 people are gonna lose their jobs in the Pentagon because we cut $22 billion? Do you really think air traffic control's gonna shut down? Do you really think there aren't gonna be any meat inspectors? Do you really think that all of these horror stories are going to happen? I don't.

22 billion is a lot of money until you realize we're pis*sing away 3.5 TRILLION.

and this fear mongering is nothing new

I feel like I've been here. This is deja vu all over again. I remember the 1995 budget battle. That involved a legitimate government shut down. That wasn't just $22 billion we were not gonna spend. We're still gonna spend $3.5 trillion. We're just not gonna spend $22 billion, if it happens.

I've been doing this long enough now to start seeing the repeat cycles on everything. I don't care whether it's the debt limit or the fiscal cliff or continuing resolution or the budget crisis of 2008 or TARP or the auto bailouts, and now the sequester, it's the same playbook.

shine the spotlight on the trivial to distract people from the 800lb gorilla in the room.

and its working

there is a lot to be disappointed about in our once fair land.
Thats what happens when you elect Democrats into the federal government. Where was the Tea Party people on election day? Theyre supposed to throw Obama out along with other democrats. Bosses all over America are starting to fire people when you re-elect Obama. And im taking a stand too. I WILL NOT TIP MY WAITRESS as long Obama is monkeying around in the oval office