Study: "Liberals Are Less Tolerant Online"

So true. I have never blocked anyone on a forum. But, I have been blocked many times by LIBS!!! It is difficult for them to accept having their sacred cow political FEELINGS contested and proven to be complete foolishness.

A few years ago I was fired even though I excelled at the job. The two guys I reported to were commie libs. I am fairly certain I was fired at least in part, because if my political beliefs.

Nothing gets libs more upset than someone who is conservative. Some of them would tolerate a rapist, murderer, etc..before they would tolerate a conservative. What does this say about them?
So true. I have never blocked anyone on a forum. But, I have been blocked many times by LIBS!!! It is difficult for them to accept having their sacred cow political FEELINGS contested and proven to be complete foolishness.

A few years ago I was fired even though I excelled at the job. The two guys I reported to were commie libs. I am fairly certain I was fired at least in part, because if my political beliefs.

Nothing gets libs more upset than someone who is conservative. Some of them would tolerate a rapist, murderer, etc..before they would tolerate a conservative. What does this say about them?

never a good idea to talk politics at work.
never a good idea to talk politics at work.

That's the thing. I never did. They did often. I chose to ignore their liberal foolishness for obvious reasons. I often got a daily dose of how stupid Bush was.

They must have assumed I was a con because I did not go along with them.
That's the thing. I never did. They did often. I chose to ignore their liberal foolishness for obvious reasons. I often got a daily dose of how stupid Bush was.

They must have assumed I was a con because I did not go along with them.

interesting. sorry you got dumped on but not surprised.
I have a super left wing uncle, he posted all sorts of left wing talking points crap, and complaining and attacking those on the right. Each time he would complain about someone on the right doing something, I would post a link to someone on the left doing the same thing. He unfriended me. Just like this article says they do. ;)

No loss on my part, but the results of the research come as now surprise.

I have been on one forum or another for 10+ years, and political talk has always been involved somewhere in there. And while I can't stand the bible thumpers and their pushing of religion, at least i know where they are coming from and what to expect. With the left, they are all over the place. It is no joke they use the alynski tactics, and dodge and change subjects constantly, eventually leading into personal attacks.
I have a super left wing uncle, he posted all sorts of left wing talking points crap, and complaining and attacking those on the right. Each time he would complain about someone on the right doing something, I would post a link to someone on the left doing the same thing. He unfriended me. Just like this article says they do. ;)

No loss on my part, but the results of the research come as now surprise.

I have been on one forum or another for 10+ years, and political talk has always been involved somewhere in there. And while I can't stand the bible thumpers and their pushing of religion, at least i know where they are coming from and what to expect. With the left, they are all over the place. It is no joke they use the alynski tactics, and dodge and change subjects constantly, eventually leading into personal attacks.

In their mind they are the saviors. They are fighting for "The Cause". They are the righteous ones. What else can they resort to when the evidence is staring them right in the face but to toss insults and demonize the opposition. If it aint working then it has to be somone else's fault.

It reminds me of the disaster in Waco some years back. The members of the cult were told they were facing Armegheddon and they bought it from their cult leader. When the fire started they would run outside, then realize they were going to belong to the enemy, so they ran back inside to burn to death with their leader. That's liberalism.
In their mind they are the saviors. They are fighting for "The Cause". They are the righteous ones. What else can they resort to when the evidence is staring them right in the face but to toss insults and demonize the opposition. If it aint working then it has to be somone else's fault.

I think there is a much more sinister reason. At least on the part of the leaders. Just what is their "cause" since it's been proven over and over that their policies don't work. Just like being on this socialist band wagon. All you have to do is look what's happened in Europe to know where we're headed if we don't change course.

Better yet, read about the socialism experiment the pilgrims tried.

In William Bradford's "Plymouth Plantation" the colony agreed to work as a collective. The people could then take what they needed from it. But after two years it wasn't working out. Confusion and tempers and even some who wouldn't work, caused them to be unhappy with that arrangement.

Bradford then gave each family their own plot to use as they saw fit and to keep the fruits of their own labor. That's when the colony began to flourish.
I think there is a much more sinister reason. At least on the part of the leaders. Just what is their "cause" since it's been proven over and over that their policies don't work. Just like being on this socialist band wagon. All you have to do is look what's happened in Europe to know where we're headed if we don't change course.

Better yet, read about the socialism experiment the pilgrims tried.

In William Bradford's "Plymouth Plantation" the colony agreed to work as a collective. The people could then take what they needed from it. But after two years it wasn't working out. Confusion and tempers and even some who wouldn't work, caused them to be unhappy with that arrangement.

Bradford then gave each family their own plot to use as they saw fit and to keep the fruits of their own labor. That's when the colony began to flourish.

The same thing happened to OWS. Socialism never prospers, it always turns inward because that's the nature of socialism. Stimulation from outside the collective needs to be constant to promote growth. Stunted plants are stunted for a reason; not enough external input. Even the bee has to leave the hive to bring something in for the hive to thrive.
Didn't the hippies of the '60's try it in communes? If it had turned out to work well, then we would all be living in one today. But they want to blame "capitalism" and "the man" for their own lack of effort. Today our high schools in the Los Angeles school district only have about a 40% graduation rate, and I would guess most of them couldn't pass a college entrance exam. It's not that they are stupid, they just don't want to do the work and aren't motivated.

This is a huge problem in other states too. I don't know what's going to happen to this country if we don't get a handle on our youth. We'll just continue to get more stupid voters who vote themselves stuff because they think they are entitled. Maybe we should go through another 1930's depression - would that wake anyone up?

Try standing in a long line for a loaf of bread and see how important a pair of Air Jordans are.
Didn't the hippies of the '60's try it in communes? If it had turned out to work well, then we would all be living in one today. But they want to blame "capitalism" and "the man" for their own lack of effort. Today our high schools in the Los Angeles school district only have about a 40% graduation rate, and I would guess most of them couldn't pass a college entrance exam. It's not that they are stupid, they just don't want to do the work and aren't motivated.

This is a huge problem in other states too. I don't know what's going to happen to this country if we don't get a handle on our youth. We'll just continue to get more stupid voters who vote themselves stuff because they think they are entitled. Maybe we should go through another 1930's depression - would that wake anyone up?

Try standing in a long line for a loaf of bread and see how important a pair of Air Jordans are.

The p-schools are a major problem. Nearly every major city in this country has terrible problems with drop outs and graduates incapable of thinking. The consequences are America is building a permanent underclass that is getting bigger and more demanding by the day. As with all things controlled by libs, the results are horrendous.

Is anyone doing anything to correct this problem? It seems to me all the education establishment does is demand more money for themselves, while continuing to fail generations of America's children...ultimately failing America altogether. Thanks libs.

As the poor class grows due to their inability to read and write effectively, which is a requirement to succeed in our society, they will demand more and more government benes the Commies (Ds) and progressive Rs will be only happy to provide. When the nation implodes from the spiraling debt load, then what happens? We just might see something resembling the French Revolution, which just happens to be exactly what the radical left has planned for all along.

Funny how that happens.