Supreme Court Rejects Campaign Spending Limits

Freedom to take any sense of power away from PEOPLE...because Companies will have more and more say, and us the people less and less.

Corporations are not physical beings, corporations cannot cast a ballot.

Corporations are simply a group of individuals (people). Its those people who have the ability to cast ballots. People also have the constitutional right to organize (incorporate) for the purpose of making political donations.

Now why should you complain about corporations having influence in elections when you simultaneously support a "Mixed" economy? All the fears you have about corporations having too much influence over public policy are a direct result of allowing a "Mixed" economy.

Corporations would have little incentive to pump money into political campaigns if we had a Free Market Capitalist economy whereby the state was barred from interfering with the economy. No more sweetheart deals and generous political donations to politicians, no more tax payer subsidies to corporations on the taxpayers dime, and no more legislation to benefit one corporation or industry at the expense of others.
Corporations are not physical beings, corporations cannot cast a ballot.

Corporations are simply a group of individuals (people). Its those people who have the ability to cast ballots. People also have the constitutional right to organize (incorporate) for the purpose of making political donations.

Now why should you complain about corporations having influence in elections when you simultaneously support a "Mixed" economy? All the fears you have about corporations having too much influence over public policy are a direct result of allowing a "Mixed" economy.

Corporations would have little incentive to pump money into political campaigns if we had a Free Market Capitalist economy whereby the state was barred from interfering with the economy. No more sweetheart deals and generous political donations to politicians, no more tax payer subsidies to corporations on the taxpayers dime, and no more legislation to benefit one corporation or industry at the expense of others.

They may as well have a ballot. Hell soon maybe we wont need ballots, we can just let the great corporations vote for us. And well if they want free markets....I guess now they can just buy as many votes as they need to get it. yay for Democracy..

I hear Bank of America just said it was going to run for Senate...After all it has the same rights as a person.
They may as well have a ballot. Hell soon maybe we wont need ballots, we can just let the great corporations vote for us. And well if they want free markets....I guess now they can just buy as many votes as they need to get it. yay for Democracy..
Why would companies ever vote for Free Market Capitalism when that would necessarily eliminate any power they have over politics? They wouldn't, they would simply push for a more "Mixed" economy, where profits are privatized and losses are socialized - like we saw in the recent market meltdown.

I hear Bank of America just said it was going to run for Senate...After all it has the same rights as a person.
For someone who fancies himself as having superior intellect to us backward thinking hillbillies, you fail to understand that its the rights of the individuals who make up corporations that are being respect and protected and that corporations have no individual rights.
They may as well have a ballot. Hell soon maybe we wont need ballots, we can just let the great corporations vote for us. And well if they want free markets....I guess now they can just buy as many votes as they need to get it. yay for Democracy..

I hear Bank of America just said it was going to run for Senate...After all it has the same rights as a person.

This is typical of the hysterical raving we get from leftists who can't figure out why they keep losing.

That, plus "I don't read your posts" after he quotes them and replies to them.

Why would companies ever vote for Free Market Capitalism when that would necessarily eliminate any power they have over politics? They wouldn't, they would simply push for a more "Mixed" economy, where profits are privatized and losses are socialized - like we saw in the recent market meltdown.

For someone who fancies himself as having superior intellect to us backward thinking hillbillies, you fail to understand that its the rights of the individuals who make up corporations that are being respect and protected and that corporations have no individual rights.

Evry member of that company has a vote do they not? The company takes evry stockholder and workers money and uses it to Bribe and buy votes...but they don't ask the shareholders and workers for a vote do they? No

If people who work for the company wish to have a voice, they can have it...But the company is not a person, it is not a equal to a person, and should not be able to buy Elections becuse it happens to have the money to do so.
Evry member of that company has a vote do they not? The company takes evry stockholder and workers money and uses it to Bribe and buy votes...but they don't ask the shareholders and workers for a vote do they? No
Neither do Unions.

Unlike you, I would like to remedy the problem by limiting governments power, not by destroying individual liberty.

If people who work for the company wish to have a voice, they can have it...But the company is not a person, it is not a equal to a person, and should not be able to buy Elections becuse it happens to have the money to do so.
As I have said, this is only possible, and seen as "practical", in a "Mixed" economy. There would be almost no incentive for corporate donations to a political campaign in a Free Market Capitalist economy.
Corporations are not physical beings, corporations cannot cast a ballot.
Well, gee willikers...that certainly goes without saying...BUT {and that's a HUGE BUTT} they donate funds {large amounts of funds} to get Joe Smooe elected and then they come a calling...'Say Senator, it appears that there is a project that my state could use and I just happen to have a construction company that is needing a project to do'!!!
And then WHAM-BAMM before you know it you have a BRIDGE TO NO WHERE that shouldn't have been built but was slid into another appropriations along with some other big PORK PROJECTS and the hand that feed the campaign gets to walk away with some serious tax dollars to build a BRIDGE TO NO WHERE just because somebody owed someone else for some serious cash outlay so they could be elected. :cool:
Corporations are simply a group of individuals (people). Its those people who have the ability to cast ballots. People also have the constitutional right to organize (incorporate) for the purpose of making political donations.
Yes, that certainly sounds all simplified and should be such a honest measure of our political process...but I know you know that just saying it should be isn't quite the way in which we've been allowing it to work and as each Presidential/Senatorial election ramps up with more campaign financing then so do the projects that get dealt out to those 'GOOD FINANCIAL BACKERS';)
Now why should you complain about corporations having influence in elections when you simultaneously support a "Mixed" economy? All the fears you have about corporations having too much influence over public policy are a direct result of allowing a "Mixed" economy.

Corporations would have little incentive to pump money into political campaigns if we had a Free Market Capitalist economy whereby the state was barred from interfering with the economy. No more sweetheart deals and generous political donations to politicians, no more tax payer subsidies to corporations on the taxpayers dime, and no more legislation to benefit one corporation or industry at the expense of others.
Well...IMO, having the Supreme Court {5-4} to undo McCain Feingold has just allowed the sweetheart deals/projects to just become MEGA-BILLIONS and more BRIDGES TO NO WHERE will be popping up all over this great land!
Here's my predictions:

1. Automatically and without question, Obama is a one-term president only. That you can bet on at the track.

2. Pelosi's career and most of the Congressional dems will be replaced by name-only dems [blatantly, with an "in your face"] attitude.

3. And finally, the democratic party will be a footnote in history books, should their mention even be allowed in them by the new American For the Corporations, By the Corporations and Of the Corporations.

Team-Obama has about eight weeks to kick ass and show teeth, to fight, literally as if it is life or death. Because it is. The last remaining vestige of a barrier between corporations totally owning our destiny has been removed.

4. Goodbye affordable, universal healthcare.

5. Goodbye remedies for global warming.

6. Goodby privacy and free speech.

Really, it's just "goodbye democracy", in a nutshell. This is it, the last seven inches of the trojan horse that the rich corporations and overlords our founding father set up our country to escape has just slipped past the gate. It's all downhill from here..
well enjoy it, you can yell your view...the big buisness or Union your against, will spend 10 million bucks to give theres...who will win you or them?

Companies, Americans super voters

my union that I am forced to pay uses my money to advocate for people I would never want and usually vote against.
My union has more voice than I do

I have more voice than a homeless person, I can at least help pay to get my message out even if it were via youtube. Does that mean I should have to shut up because I have more ability to a voice than a homeless person?
From The Declaration Of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Head's up team-Obama..
Does anyone know what John McCain's reaction was to the Supreme Court decision? I'm just curious because it was partly his baby that got slapped down today and I'm sure he had something to say on the matter?
Good point. The only pimp I saw from the GOP making a comment was a smirking John Boehner commenting on how good this was for the country.

Jeezus H. Christ. I don't get really upset about news as a rule since there is so much to get upset about it could kill a person. But the moment I heard that news hours ago and right up to the present time I feel absolutely sick to my stomach. I could barely choke down dinner and I feel like I'm going to puke. There is something so scary, so viscerally wrong about this point in our history as a country that I'm actually physically affected by it.
I don't get really upset about news as a rule since there is so much to get upset about it could kill a person. But the moment I heard that news hours ago and right up to the present time I feel absolutely sick to my stomach. I could barely choke down dinner and I feel like I'm going to puke. There is something so scary, so viscerally wrong about this point in our history as a country that I'm actually physically affected by it.
We joke about it over at the Peoples Cube...

Worst. Week. Ever.
By Raznochinets Pewkov
1/21/2010, 9:50 pm

I'm full of despair. This is probably the Worst. Week. Ever. Definitely a week that will go down in infamy.

Just a short summary if you've been in the gulag, or under a rock.

1) Marcia "Martha" Coakley ran such a poor campaign that she should have her Party Card revoked. Losing Ted Kennedy's seat ... for shame. Rethuglicans are to blame since they stole the Democrats seat. It was our seat, and we want it back, dammit.

2) Supreme Empress of the House, Nancy Pelosi came out today to say that healthcare died. Because of the lack of healthcare, 100's of millions of people will die over the next few years as a direct result. We need to get the memo out that the Rethuglicans are to blame for these deaths.

3) Comrade Hugo Chavez leaks the news that Our Military weapon tests triggered the Haiti earthquake. Somebody needs to tell him to shut up. If he keeps blabbing about like this, he'll ruin the Party.

4) The Peoples' Radio, Air America, files for bankruptcy. We must get His Holiness to use his slush fund bailout funds to save or create these jobs.

5) The IPCC came out to say that they've abandoned the deadline for climate change promises. The Goracle has been silent on this issue, we need to get him back out on the road to start promoting Global Warming again. We need to get back on track with this. Nevermind the news, the Himalayas are still melting.

And ... for the worst news of the decade ...

6) Today, 1/21/10, a day that changed the political landscape for years to come, the Supreme Court ruled that Corporations can spend freely to support or oppose candidates for president and Congress. If you have the stomach for it, you can read the info here. As I was listening to the Evil Hugh Hewitt, he was making the argument that this court ruling killed the Fairness Doctrine.

... another round of vodka so I can forget this week.