Taiwan problem is much ado about almost nothing


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. A crippling drought exacerbated by a record heatwave has spread across half of China and reached the normally frigid Tibetan Plateau, according to official data released ahead of more searing temperatures on Thursday.

The world’s second-largest economy has experienced over 70 days of heatwaves, flash floods and droughts — phenomena that scientists say are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change.

Southern China has recorded its longest continuous period of high temperatures since records began more than 60 years ago, the agriculture ministry said this week.

Experts have said the intensity, scope and duration of the heatwave could make it one of the worst recorded in global history....

Source Link: https://punchng.com/china-hit-by-drought-after-record-heatwave/

2. In ancient China, a natural calamity often signalled to the Emperor that Heaven or the Super Being was going to revoke his Mandate and a change of dynasty was on the horizon. Just imagine the consequences if the drought and record heatwave persist for several years in China -- the Emperor will have no choice but to put on his New Clothes. 😇

In my opinion, however, the current natural disaster is a gentle reminder to the Chinese leader by the Super Being or Mother Nature that its wrath packs more punch than the visits of one million US Congressmen and 100,000 Pelosis to Taiwan, the mischief of 10,000 "Taiwanese Queens" and the hostility of 1,000 Americas combined. If there is any valuable lesson the Chinese leader can ever learn from the current natural calamity, he should put aside the Taiwan problem, leave it to future generations or let Nature take its course. Instead of wasting valuable time, energy and resources over the Taiwan problem, he should:

(a) Settle all border problems with China’s southern and south-eastern neighbours at once. This would close the "loopholes" that can be exploited by the US to drive a wedge between China and other countries.

(b) Focus on the development of the country for the good of his people.

P.S. There won't be any "Chinese Renaissance" if the Chinese leader (who is regarded as a paper tiger or the greatest idiot on earth by his counterpart across the Strait for helping her to stay in power) continues to fret over the Taiwan problem which is, after all, much ado about almost nothing.

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