The climate change lie!

Liberals Are Prissy Girlymen Offended by the Manliness of Miners and Russians

China imports 82% of its coal from Indonesia and 17% from Russia. You can be sure that Putin will further enrich his country by increasing that export.

Our Green-bellied leaders, NYET! They've turned West Virginia into a Gulag.

Just to clarify only 6% of the coal China uses comes from imports. They produce more than 50% of the world's coal and will never stop relying on it and will never stop exporting it to poorer countries who will always need it.

Libtards are liars! They want you to think that if white western countries go green they can stop climate change but even if North America and the EU cut carbon emissions 50% in the next 20 years carbon emissions around the world will still rise.

It is all a lie!

World coal production: 7,741.6 million tonnes.
China coal production: 3,902.0 million tonnes


If this was truly an existential threat libtards should be lambasting China 24/7. Little retard Greta should be telling China "how dare you".

Not a word!

77% of those lithium batteries are made in China. What energy source is used for that?

80% of solar panels are made in China. What energy source is used for that?

China made more wind turbines the last 5 years than the rest of the world combined! What energy source is used for that?

Is this a conspiracy to enrich and empower China at the wests expense? Almost seems that way.
Let's talk about coal for a second because it proves what a lie this all is.

Look at the top 3 countries on the list of top coal producing countries.


Those 3 countries represent 45% of the human beings on this earth. About 30% of their energy comes from coal. Obviously coal is not used for cars and vehicles so another 30% of their energy comes from oil.

Who honestly thinks those 3 countries will reduce their carbon footprints in the next 10 years? Certainly not China who alone produces half the world's coal all by themselves.

In the last 20 years China's carbon emissions have grown 200%.
In the last 20 years Indonesia's carbon emissions have grown 100%
In the last 20 years India's carbon emissions have grown 130%.

The liars do not care because they are not white. Climate change is a lie to push a political and economic agenda in our countries.
Because they produce coal doesn't mean climate is a hoax. It virtually indicates it.
You can believe its a lie forever but it is happening and your opinion is still a lie. Youre ignorant to it because you know no better.
Youre not even prepared to read the science on it. Same old conspiracy rubbish coming from the low iq republicans.
Because they produce coal doesn't mean climate is a hoax. It virtually indicates it.
You can believe its a lie forever but it is happening and your opinion is still a lie. Youre ignorant to it because you know no better.
Youre not even prepared to read the science on it. Same old conspiracy rubbish coming from the low iq republicans.

This is over your head. 80% of the world will never go green so if you really believe this crap you might as well kill yourself. If you really believe this crap you would be demanding China change their economy. Instead you act like this is a game. Leave them along they have black hair and almond eyes! How damn retarded.

You do not even understand the argument I have made with 10 posts and numerous links. I'm talking about the real world not some computer models that some climatologist uses to prove a theory. The world will never stop producing and using fossil fuels and the population of the earth will never stop growing.
Here is the thesis. Prove that wrong.

Climate change is a white western obsession. The rest of the world does not give a shit. It is an idiot guilt ridden way for the west to downgrade their lifestyle to the benefit of China and everybody else.
This is not about hating anybody. I'm not the one calling for black brown and yellow people to stop procreating. I'm not the one who wants our tax dollars paying for abortions in Africa. That's the democrats.
This is over your head. 80% of the world will never go green so if you really believe this crap you might as well kill yourself. If you really believe this crap you would be demanding China change their economy. Instead you act like this is a game. Leave them along they have black hair and almond eyes! How damn retarded.

You do not even understand the argument I have made with 10 posts and numerous links. I'm talking about the real world not some computer models that some climatologist uses to prove a theory. The world will never stop producing and using fossil fuels and the population of the earth will never stop growing.
Youre rambling on with the same conspiracy theories it doesn't exist.
I've never said fossil fuel usage will stop.
If those countries chose to go down that track, let them. But it doesn't stop the fact the earth is warming.
Thats the sticking point for you. You won't believe its happening because of some left conspiracy.
Isnt it?
Let's talk about coal for a second because it proves what a lie this all is.

Look at the top 3 countries on the list of top coal producing countries.

In the last 20 years China's carbon emissions have grown 200%.
All the News That's Fit to Spit

That is more proof that viruses can't survive in "polluted" air. But the cronyvirus mafia won't allow that as an explanation of why China's death toll from Covid is an incredibly low 6,000.
All the News That's Fit to Spit

That is more proof that viruses can't survive in "polluted" air. But the cronyvirus mafia won't allow that as an explanation of why China's death toll from Covid is an incredibly low 6,000.

How about somebody criticizing China for not being honest about Covid cases and deaths? They shut down a city of 25 million over covid but report no deaths.
How about somebody criticizing China for not being honest about Covid cases and deaths? They shut down a city of 25 million over covid but report no deaths.
Influenced by Shallow Minds, Explanations Not Promoted Are Where the Truth Lurks

That's one way of explaining it, since no one on the Right is capable of realizing that "pollution" is antiseptic, despite all the evidence, as in China. Another way is that the virus has been in China for thousands of years and the Chinese became immune to it the hard way during pre-history. A fourth explanation, the favorite of Statists, is that China's draconian control over private lives is what kept it safe.
How about somebody criticizing China for not being honest about Covid cases and deaths? They shut down a city of 25 million over covid but report no deaths.
She shut down more than one.
Why should they report anything to anyone? What difference would that make? You haters think they should pander to your requests. Go away.
You mean nothing to China.
Youre rambling on with the same conspiracy theories it doesn't exist.
I've never said fossil fuel usage will stop.
If those countries chose to go down that track, let them. But it doesn't stop the fact the earth is warming.
Thats the sticking point for you. You won't believe its happening because of some left conspiracy.
Isnt it?

How ignorant. It is not a conspiracy theory. And acting like a dumb shit does not win an argument.

If 80% of the world does not change then according to you liars the world will come to an end according to the lie. According to you liars it should have come to an end already in the 90s! Saying you do not care what track these countries go down is ignorant beyond belief. It effects the whole world not just the countries that do not go green.
How ignorant. It is not a conspiracy theory. And acting like a dumb shit does not win an argument.

If 80% of the world does not change then according to you liars the world will come to an end according to the lie. According to you liars it should have come to an end already in the 90s! Saying you do not care what track these countries go down is ignorant beyond belief. It effects the whole world not just the countries that do not go green.
Youre a little mentally unstable and paranoid. You will never change my.opinion when you cast yourself as some know all about everything.
Believe what you want but don't brow beat me boy.
From a quote in 1988 from Prince Phillip husband of queen lisbet and father to moral ingrates and retards Charles and Andrew.

This post is being place on 4 threads.

The climate change lie(This one)
The covid statistic
A thread about Royals
The thread about elitists loving democrats

His royal highness a climate change activist!

I'm sure the libturds will defend it as humanitarian. I'm surprised he did not win a Nobel prize.

In 1988 this royal ass said this.

"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."
Piers Morgan owns animal rights ***** who justifies dumping paint on Big Ben in demonstration.

Her justification is an ecological crisis that is not happening and never has happened. Piers asks her about almonds and avocados since millions of bees are killed in the process of growing those 2 things. Don't the little guys count?