The "Convenience" Of A Dictatorship


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele, who has described himself as the "World's Coolest Dictator," has in less than five years transformed El Salvador from a country infamous for its record on murder and gangs to a nation with one of the lowest homicide rates in the Americas.

That record means he is all but certain to be re-elected in a presidential election on Sunday for another five-year term - despite a constitutional
bar on immediate re-election, voter worries about the economy, and criticism of his draconian crackdown on civil and human rights.

Under him,
more than 2% of the adult population of the Central American country is behind bars and several constitutional rights have been shelved, prompting critics to call him a modern day autocrat.

But Salvadorans weary of years of gang violence can live in ways unimaginable before.

Rights groups have denounced the arbitrary arrests of innocent people, torture, and deaths of prisoners in custody.

"They can take anyone at any time and do whatever they want," said Laura, a teacher who declined to give her last name for fear of
reprisal. "This isn't democracy."

Still, she said she planned to vote for Bukele, adding that for her there were "no
good options."

El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele, who has described himself as the "World's Coolest Dictator," has in less than five years transformed El Salvador from a country infamous for its record on murder and gangs to a nation with one of the lowest homicide rates in the Americas.

That record means he is all but certain to be re-elected in a presidential election on Sunday for another five-year term - despite a constitutional
bar on immediate re-election, voter worries about the economy, and criticism of his draconian crackdown on civil and human rights.

Under him,
more than 2% of the adult population of the Central American country is behind bars and several constitutional rights have been shelved, prompting critics to call him a modern day autocrat.

But Salvadorans weary of years of gang violence can live in ways unimaginable before.

Rights groups have denounced the arbitrary arrests of innocent people, torture, and deaths of prisoners in custody.

"They can take anyone at any time and do whatever they want," said Laura, a teacher who declined to give her last name for fear of
reprisal. "This isn't democracy."

Still, she said she planned to vote for Bukele, adding that for her there were "no
good options."

Bukele has nothing on Biden. Biden has in just 2 years turned America into a 3rd world fascist Democrat Socialist state where the rights of non-Democrats are regularly violated to please the corrupt Democrat party and preserve its godless agenda.
Bukele has nothing on Biden. Biden has in just 2 years turned America into a 3rd world fascist Democrat Socialist state where the rights of non-Democrats are regularly violated to please the corrupt Democrat party and preserve its godless agenda.
Well if that's the case, give me Biden's economy any time.
God blesses silly old pricks also. Don't worry.
View attachment 11058
.'s called WINNING!!!!!
Winning by hook or crook is not really winning.

Daily Caller’s ‘Rigged’ Reveals The Shocking History Of Voter Fraud In America | The Daily Caller 1-30-24

Daily Caller’s ‘Rigged’ Reveals The Shocking History Of Voter Fraud In America


January 30, 20243:04 PM ET

You might think that rigged elections are a hallmark of petty dictators, banana republics and third world despotism. But the unfortunate reality is that election fraud is about as American as apple pie.
In the Daily Caller’s latest documentary, “Rigged,” we expose the decades of election interference, manipulation, and yes — rigging — that brought America to the brink in 2020. We prove that election fraud isn’t some rare phenomenon or abstract threat. It is lamentably a time-honored American tradition dating back centuries — of which both parties have been guilty.