The Greatest Poetic Justice of My Lifetime

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
Will be when Biden loses to Trump in November. I’m watching the establishment have their way with protestors tonight just so some snobby kids can have their fancy graduation ceremonies. Sorry but stoping a genocide is the most important thing on Earth and I’m afraid many are going to have to learn that the hard way. To everyone with the empathy to see it for what it is thank you. To everyone else you are the reason why the world will always have problems.
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Will be when Biden loses to Trump in November. I’m watching the establishment have their way with protestors tonight just so some snobby kids can have their fancy graduation ceremonies. Sorry but stoping a genocide is the most important thing on Earth and I’m afraid many are going to have to learn that the hard way. To everyone with the empathy to see it for what it is thank you. To everyone else you are the reason why the world will always have problems.
And you do not think trump will support Israel also.
And you do not think trump will support Israel also.
That’s irrelevant to punishing Biden. I’m dealing with my candidate alone. If he can’t be who I minimally need him to be then he will be ousted. And there’s only one way to oust an incumbent president who has rigged his nomination. So go ahead and have the blood on your party’s hands for a while. Innocent people will be killed no matter who is in charge. Biden has made that very clear to me. The only difference will be Trump won’t give out fake sympathies and words that mean nothing. He’ll just own up to being a savage killer.
And if democracy ends or America goes to hell then fine we deserve it. Trump is just the one who can do it faster.
Trump has no plan to stop genocide in Israel.

The conflict between Israel and Palestine cannot be solved by war and violence.
Neither side can exterminate the other.\
Neither side can force the other to move.

So any solution will be diplomatic, and Trump sucks at diplomacy.
Electing Trump will clearly make for MORE genocide, not less.
Trump has no plan to stop genocide in Israel.

The conflict between Israel and Palestine cannot be solved by war and violence.
Neither side can exterminate the other.\
Neither side can force the other to move.

So any solution will be diplomatic, and Trump sucks at diplomacy.
Electing Trump will clearly make for MORE genocide, not less.
Of course he doesn’t. But that’s why I’m mad because Biden is doing the same thing Trump would do only with pretending like he cares about Palestinian lives when he doesn’t actually. Too much damage has been done to justify Biden anymore. A ceasefire is just the bare minimum now. There needs to be war crimes trials and sanctions on Israel. Biden should be sued for being complicit. The time of establishment politicians left or right sweeping this under the rug is over. Everyone can now see how corrupt they all are when it comes to Israel.
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I hate Biden more than I ever imagined I would. Trump and his scandals are nothing now after what this evil piece of shit has done.
So you hate Biden because you say he is doing exactly what Trump would do. You make no sense.
Yeah it does make sense. Because I wanted Biden to be different from Trump and not enable a genocide. Just because Biden pretends he values human life doesn’t mean he’s doing anything proactive to back it up. So fuck him. That’s not my president at all.
Yeah it does make sense. Because I wanted Biden to be different from Trump and not enable a genocide. Just because Biden pretends he values human life doesn’t mean he’s doing anything proactive to back it up. So fuck him. That’s not my president at all.
You have no idea what Biden is doing or saying. It s clear that he and Blinken have spent a lot of time and energy trying to stop the killing. Netanyahu is the guilty party here, he is the one that ordered the IDF to destroy Gaza.

What would Trump have done? Nothing. He cannot shut up most of the time, but he has nothing to say about what Biden should do.
You have no idea what Biden is doing or saying. It s clear that he and Blinken have spent a lot of time and energy trying to stop the killing. Netanyahu is the guilty party here, he is the one that ordered the IDF to destroy Gaza.

What would Trump have done? Nothing. He cannot shut up most of the time, but he has nothing to say about what Biden should do.
Trying to stop it by continuing to fund it without any trace of hesitation? John Kirby said he’s found no evidence of a genocide. That’s Biden’s spokesperson. They say one thing at times but we can all see that they truly mean the opposite. Trump will be the same or worse but at least he won’t put on this fake show that the Biden administration is doing. This is just asinine. And it’s a damn shame that our only chance at stoping the genocide is being led by people who won’t. So we have to oust them from leadership so that we can be a better party that can actually stop it eventually.
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Trump has no plan to stop genocide in Israel.

The conflict between Israel and Palestine cannot be solved by war and violence.
Neither side can exterminate the other.\
Neither side can force the other to move.

So any solution will be diplomatic, and Trump sucks at diplomacy.
Electing Trump will clearly make for MORE genocide, not less.
Really how many wars did Trump get us involved in ? Well tell us how his diplomacy methods failed and how compared to Joe.
Trump signed on on a deal to give the Taliban everything, but he was chicken to actually withdraw. He deliberately left Biden with an impossible situation.

Neither the Democrats nor the Trumplings will call the Israelis genocidal.
Biden is trying his best to end the conflict.
Trump would do nothing.
And if democracy ends or America goes to hell then fine we deserve it. Trump is just the one who can do it faster.
I find the argument irrational which claims a Republican president who honors Christian values will lead the nation into hell. Those who lead nations into hell are the degenerates who dishonor God and hate His people.
I find the argument irrational which claims a Republican president who honors Christian values will lead the nation into hell.
Republicans don't honour god. Was Trump a Christian? GWB didn't consult god in Iraq. You're mad.
Those who lead nations into hell are the degenerates who dishonor God and hate His people.
Oh dear. You're certainly losing it now old timer.