The stupidity of the Biden administration's view on fossil fuel energy plants

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Leftists have taken over the Democrats party where politicians have been promoting insane leftist ideas and opinions in effort to keep the votes of the deceived and disgruntled radical members of the minority of Americans who support leftist idealism. The Biden EPA does not seem to know or care what a mess they are making by essentially decommissioning the vast majority of American energy plants to be replaced by technologies currently not available, not practical, very costly, and/or unreliable.

Biden officials warned against EPA's plan to ban fossil fuels from electrical grid - Washington Times 12-16-23
Biden officials warned against EPA’s plan to ban fossil fuels from electrical grid
By Susan Ferrechio - The Washington Times - Saturday, December 16, 2023

President Biden’s sweeping new rule to end power plant emissions encountered opposition from administration officials, including warnings that there is currently no viable way to fully replace fossil fuels in the electricity sector in the next 15 years.

Congressional lawmakers have obtained hundreds of internal comments from “unknown Biden administration officials” who “cast significant doubt” ahead of the EPA’s unveiling of the new rule, announced in May, that would effectively eliminate fossil fuel-fired power plants by 2040.

Concerned administration officials who reviewed the power plant rule said the EPA’s proposal to end coal-fired and natural gas power plant emissions relies on technologies to replace fossil fuels or capture emissions that are either too expensive or are not feasible on a large scale, including hydrogen combustion and carbon capture, utilization and storage.

Thomas J. Pyle, president of the Institute for Energy Research, which analyzes government regulation of global energy markets and advocates for market-driven solutions, said the emails show the administration is determined to eliminate fossil fuels at any cost, even if their own advisors warn against it.

“It’s a sign that even if there are rational and reasonable people within the inner workings of the administration, the political agenda trumps all logic and reason,” Mr. Pyle said. ”It’s clear to me from the way that the rule is written, that the easiest option for utilities would be to close all gas or coal plants.”