Thousands of Brits celebrated Margaret Thatcher death


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South

Now if something happens to Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton or even Barrack Obama can we do the same? I Should danced to this Music when Ted Kennedy died
We don't have an exclusive hold on foolish kids. That woman saved Jolly Olde but people are stupid and will demonstrate this ad nauseum.
Well Fair is fair. Bill Clinton is responsible for lots of things. Hes responsible for North Korea getting that nuclear weapon. Hes responsible for 3000 deaths on 9-11 because he didn't do his job getting Bin Laden. Plus he was so soft on Islamic radicals
In fairness most Britiish and even Australians are sorry at her death. I did not support her policies but I would not celebrate anothe'r s death
Well Fair is fair. Bill Clinton is responsible for lots of things. Hes responsible for North Korea getting that nuclear weapon. Hes responsible for 3000 deaths on 9-11 because he didn't do his job getting Bin Laden. Plus he was so soft on Islamic radicals

lots of problems with that one.
I agreed with her her policies as well I agreed with Reagans policies. I supported the war of the Falklands. Lets say Russia tried to retake Alaska we would go fight now would we?
She sucked, but still no reason to cheer her death. But lets not pretend if Obama did die tomorrow...that some on the right would be cheering and throwing parties.

I would be doing this if Obama died tomorrow
Hi Ho the wicked witch is dead has reached second place on the charts already, they tell me, and the devils have come out on strike sooner than take in such scum. The famously austere tories are going to spend millions of our money to put her nasty leavings in a hole.