
Well-Known Member
May 5, 2015
In the UK, it seems that UKIP is becoming more and more popular amongst voters, with a tough stance on immigration being it's main agenda.

Immigration is a big issue at the moment and where the likes of labour, conservative and the liberal democrats have chosen to bury their head in the sand, UKIP and Nigel farage have promised to tackle the problem head on.

Is this just a way of attracting the votes, or will this party actually follow through with their promises, and just how will they implement this 'tough on immigration' stance?
They're not stupid enough to think they'll ever get into power, what they're concentrating on, is winning as many seats as possible in order to vote on certain acts.

While They're a long way off becoming a major player, they've certainly got the support to cause some damage to the Labour and conservative parties.
Well that is a very good point!

What doesn't help is when they release their manifesto's claiming that they are going to do this for the NHS and that for the economy, but don't actually explain how they're going to do it.

It's all very well telling people what they want to hear, but when the question gets asked how they're going to achieve these targets, nobody seems to have any answers.
The aim of UKIP was to push those Conservatives who had lost their way back into the fold. I watched an interview with Farage and he indicated he never expected to be Prime Minister or wanted to be.

I do feel their aim has been achieved as people are beginning to look at issues that affect them and why things have changed. The party has been accused of being racist, but if you look at the effects of migration, that is why the NHS is over burdened, schools are under funded, the benefits system exploited and wages have not risen as workers under cut the domestic labor force. This was all the work of the Labor party and undoing it takes time.
A common saying was that UKIP was just the conservative party in disguise. I'm not sure if I agree with that or not but I do think UKIP have helped the conservative party, even if that was just from taking votes off Labour.