What Boris and 3 cell do not like to talk about

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
First here is a short vid of how they act when they are told no or told they are wrong.

Even when proven wrong they will not admit it . I know mark and myself have had to admit we were wrong and we did it like men Where Boris and good old 3 cell aka the ***** aka lug nut . Now I have never suspected Boris of being a narcissist like 3 cell just a mean old a hole who hates religion and any thing associated with decency.
While 3 cell on the other hand is a major narcissist , and a cowardly Progressive anti American. Boris seems to not like America either at least I do not think he hates it like lug nut.
Yes they casn not handle being wrong and admitting it . We are all just human and make a mistake from time to time when posting . and most of us will admit it when we do.but not these 2 narcissist lol. Now While I think 3 cell is a coward in real life I do not think Boris is. They both have closed minds and I think its funny as demo rats also claim they are the tolerant one and fair. What a bunch of bull that claim is.
First here is a short vid of how they act when they are told no or told they are wrong.

Even when proven wrong they will not admit it . I know mark and myself have had to admit we were wrong and we did it like men Where Boris and good old 3 cell aka the ***** aka lug nut . Now I have never suspected Boris of being a narcissist like 3 cell just a mean old a hole who hates religion and any thing associated with decency.
While 3 cell on the other hand is a major narcissist , and a cowardly Progressive anti American. Boris seems to not like America either at least I do not think he hates it like lug nut.
Where is ***** is 98% of my vocabulary anyway?
This is a goid example of how you are obsessed with me. Starting a thread about me although I do have to share star billing with birds lol
The anti-Christ will support the murder of babies by abortion, which is not something Trump is known for.

Here are six key times Trump weighed in on abortion over the years.

October 1999

–“I’m very pro-choice.

lets face it, trump changes his position to pander to right wing morons.
Here are six key times Trump weighed in on abortion over the years.

October 1999

–“I’m very pro-choice.

lets face it, trump changes his position to pander to right wing morons.
Here are 15 times Kamala and the demmie weenie mob weighed in on abortion:

Although then-Attorney General Harris was involved with the initial investigation of Daleiden and Merritt, she had left that office to take her seat in the U.S. Senate two months before charges were first brought against the pair by her successor, Xavier Becerra.

Here are 15 times Kamala and the demmie weenie mob weighed in on abortion:

Although then-Attorney General Harris was involved with the initial investigation of Daleiden and Merritt, she had left that office to take her seat in the U.S. Senate two months before charges were first brought against the pair by her successor, Xavier Becerra.

Nothing to do with Trump

As a ***** you always try to deflect when I make you look stupid lol
Nothing to do with Trump

As a ***** you always try to deflect when I make you look stupid lol
Democrats have been jailing abortion opponents left and right under the godless Biden regime. That never happened under Trump.

Pro-Life Women in Their 70s Found Guilty of Felony After Protesting at DC Abortion Clinic​

Democrats have been jailing abortion opponents left and right under the godless Biden regime. That never happened under Trump.

Pro-Life Women in Their 70s Found Guilty of Felony After Protesting at DC Abortion Clinic​

so biden is upholding the law and trump didn't?
not surprising
so biden is upholding the law and trump didn't?
not surprising
Yes, Biden is upholding unjust leftist perverted interpretations of the law to punish non-democrats. Trump never twisted or abused the law to punish his enemies unjustly.