Kind of got off into this area in another thread but I thought it might deserve it's own platform.
I'm intentionally avoiding a poll a that presents bias on my part Same wth any other form of suggestion.
So whats it for (if anything) ?
(Lets try to avoid disagreements about what our government or some other one is doing that it should not or not doing that it should, we do that all the time.)
For me...
At the national level, you need a military, a judicial structure pertaining to interstate matters and the very few federal ones, a legislative structure and an executive to balalnce the checks and balances. The overall goal is the protection of rights all of which shall be stated and for me thats life, liberty and property. You need to make treaties with other countries but not pursuant to trade, govt is not in the business of business. Not totally unlike what the US has but far more limited.
At the state level, you need an intrastate judicial, a legislative and executive with the main goal of supporting the same rights.
At the local level, much the same.
As this stuff costs money, the power to tax is implicit. The judicial wil keep it fair, the elected legislature will keep it reasonable. At all levels the peope wil retain the right to generate ballot petitions to keep the legialature honest.
I'm sure I'm forgetting things, I*' also sure some will feel that I've forgotten things that I did not. But perhaps its a start.
So what say ye ?
I'm intentionally avoiding a poll a that presents bias on my part Same wth any other form of suggestion.
So whats it for (if anything) ?
(Lets try to avoid disagreements about what our government or some other one is doing that it should not or not doing that it should, we do that all the time.)
For me...
At the national level, you need a military, a judicial structure pertaining to interstate matters and the very few federal ones, a legislative structure and an executive to balalnce the checks and balances. The overall goal is the protection of rights all of which shall be stated and for me thats life, liberty and property. You need to make treaties with other countries but not pursuant to trade, govt is not in the business of business. Not totally unlike what the US has but far more limited.
At the state level, you need an intrastate judicial, a legislative and executive with the main goal of supporting the same rights.
At the local level, much the same.
As this stuff costs money, the power to tax is implicit. The judicial wil keep it fair, the elected legislature will keep it reasonable. At all levels the peope wil retain the right to generate ballot petitions to keep the legialature honest.
I'm sure I'm forgetting things, I*' also sure some will feel that I've forgotten things that I did not. But perhaps its a start.
So what say ye ?