Whats going on in Afghanistan thanks to lying Biden

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
What is the current situation in Afghanistan 2022?

According to the United Nations Development Programme, by 2022, 97% of Afghans could fall under the poverty threshold, which would plunge the country into a major humanitarian crisis.

thanks to Biden both the taliban and al qaeda are better armed today then ever before and Al Quads is slowing growing and moving back
so you are going to volunteer to go over there and fight the taliban? you want another war?
so you are going to volunteer to go over there and fight the taliban? you want another war?
what I am saying mr m iz the withdrawal was done wrong. . we needed to leave the people of Afghanistan in charge not a radical religious militia who have and still do support terrorist groups.
Then we pulled out to fast and left billions in military hardware for our enimies and terrorist to use against others.Americans were left there
The entire affair was mishandled .
what I am saying mr m iz the withdrawal was done wrong. . we needed to leave the people of Afghanistan in charge not a radical religious militia who have and still do support terrorist groups.
Then we pulled out to fast and left billions in military hardware for our enimies and terrorist to use against others.Americans were left there
The entire affair was mishandled .
In fact, leaving of the military hardware was part of trumps plan also. He did the deal with the Taliban originally and biden had no part of it. Now you come out and suggest it was his fault.

The Taliban have done what they are doing for generations. The whole place is a cess pool for violence and terrorism and will always be.

Biden did exactly the right thing. Pull out and let them have the filthy rotten desert shithole. Not one american has died through war since. Those left had 20 years to decide to get out but did nothing.
You will find the Americans left there chose to because of family and businesses. Not because Biden left them there as you suggest.

So since youre our resident military strategist, bearing in mind you weren't even aware of trumps plan to withdraw but assume Biden did it all wrong, how would you know it was done too quickly. What would your strategy be if you withdrew slowly, as you suggest. Let's hear how good you are now.

You bellow about open borders from the south but never say a word about those who flew to USA. How do you know some were not terrorists? A free flight into USA to plan there next attack. Not checked by anyone. How do you explain greeting them as long lost friends.
USA will regret the day they were welcomed here. The terrorist attacks will come again from inside the country.
I do not respond to terriost and fools that support hate crimes such as burning churchs they are morons and more like Saddam and Hitler and Stalin and the kkk . Scum of the earth and of no value to man kind lower then a fresh pile of dog shat.
what I am saying mr m iz the withdrawal was done wrong. . we needed to leave the people of Afghanistan in charge not a radical religious militia who have and still do support terrorist groups.
Then we pulled out to fast and left billions in military hardware for our enimies and terrorist to use against others.Americans were left there
The entire affair was mishandled .

how should we have "left the people in charge"? after TWENTY YEARS of being there, how much longer did they need to be "in charge"? "the people" needed to take responsibility for their own country.

and how would we have left "the people" in charge and also not left our weapons? duh. You think we should have disarmed the afghan military first and then left? hahahahahah

that's so stupid.
how should we have "left the people in charge"? after TWENTY YEARS of being there, how much longer did they need to be "in charge"? "the people" needed to take responsibility for their own country.

and how would we have left "the people" in charge and also not left our weapons? duh. You think we should have disarmed the afghan military first and then left? hahahahahah

that's so stupid.
We left weapons for a muslim religious terror nation to use. Only dummies would do that .
Like you hahaha
I do not respond to terriost and fools that support hate crimes such as burning churchs they are morons and more like Saddam and Hitler and Stalin and the kkk . Scum of the earth and of no value to man kind lower then a fresh pile of dog shat.
Why do you keep responding then?
You'll get sick of this before I do.
We left weapons for a muslim religious terror nation to use. Only dummies would do that .
Like you hahaha

how would you stop them from "leaving weapons", exactly?

disarm the entire afghan military and police force? duh.

there was no way to stop it from happening, dummy.