Why talking to Iran will not and will never work


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
Many people say that we need to talk to Iran to get them to give up their nuclear ambitions.

This ignores the fact that the EU and Russia have been talking to Iran for years now with no results. So consider this:

If you are shopping for a car, and five salesmen are offering you the same deal that you continually turn down... will adding a sixth salesman to the picture offering the same deal suddenly change your mind... I think not.
Many people say that we need to talk to Iran to get them to give up their nuclear ambitions.

This ignores the fact that the EU and Russia have been talking to Iran for years now with no results. So consider this:

If you are shopping for a car, and five salesmen are offering you the same deal that you continually turn down... will adding a sixth salesman to the picture offering the same deal suddenly change your mind... I think not.

It would be like trying to reason with Charles Manson or Hitler

You can not reason with a crazy person. Obama is a ***** to think you can.
You need to bomb them

The only nation on earth that has used WMD in anger should bomb other nations that want them.

Unless you are Pakistan or Israel in which case the US will give them to you provided you promise to fire them at the Russians come the day.

Bomb them, kill more people

Many people say that we need to talk to Iran to get them to give up their nuclear ambitions.

This ignores the fact that the EU and Russia have been talking to Iran for years now with no results. So consider this:

If you are shopping for a car, and five salesmen are offering you the same deal that you continually turn down... will adding a sixth salesman to the picture offering the same deal suddenly change your mind... I think not.

shows what you know about sales, I am in sales and yes someone else talking offering the same deal can change the outcome.

Also you change the Deal, dah.

But you can say no talking just tell me,

War or let them have it? What do you want? Those are your options.
shows what you know about sales, I am in sales and yes someone else talking offering the same deal can change the outcome.

Also you change the Deal, dah.

But you can say no talking just tell me,

War or let them have it? What do you want? Those are your options.

We did not and will not change the deal... therefore our talking is pointless... Further if 5 people are offering to sell you are car for 20,000 and you say no. If a 6th person comes in and offers you the same car for 20,000 are you going to accept it... no.

I think we need to incite a rebellion within Iran. That would be the best course of action in my mind. Domestically there is much dissent, and the youth of the country is mostly pro-western. If we back a rebellion and a new government comes to power (one that is not controlled by the Clerics) then I predict that Iran will back off developing the bomb and take a more pro-western approach.

Obviously the time-frame for this is disappearing quickly, because the current regime will get the bomb, and then we are basically out of luck.
No one with nukes has any right to tell anyone else not have them. If you think they do, why?
Many people say that we need to talk to Iran to get them to give up their nuclear ambitions.

meny people
that is so funny

you mean every frelling secetary of state
that is alive

would you like to post your creditionals
cause i'll take kissengers, bakers, shulth and even rice's opinion, over yours
unless you have a boat load of creditionls with world deplomocy

now if you like sister sarah
seeing iran in only good vs evil glasses

your part of the problem
We don't need to talk to Iran. Someone needs to "remove" the Ayatollah. All of Iran will cheer! along with those who have moved here. Of course I guess that means us, since the leaders of the rest of the western world are cowards. It's like the little red hen.
meny people
that is so funny

you mean every frelling secetary of state
that is alive

You realize that the entire purpose of the state department is diplomatic relations... obviously they will be in favor of talking...

I do not mind talking persay, but it is not going to get you anywhere, hence the title of the thread.

would you like to post your creditionals
cause i'll take kissengers, bakers, shulth and even rice's opinion, over yours
unless you have a boat load of creditionls with world deplomocy

BA - International Relations
MA - Defense and Strategic Studies

Worked on Capital Hill, and continue to work in the government.

now if you like sister sarah
seeing iran in only good vs evil glasses

your part of the problem

There is no "good vs evil" about it. It is all about strategic interests.
There is no "good vs evil" about it. It is all about strategic interests.

This is entirely true. So tell me, why does the gov. try to make it good vs. evil to the American public? It would make a lot more sense to use the strategy angle. Are we the people supposed to play dumb forever?
This is entirely true. So tell me, why does the gov. try to make it good vs. evil to the American public? It would make a lot more sense to use the strategy angle. Are we the people supposed to play dumb forever?

Well once you identify what those strategic interests are many people do not want to hear it, and will not support the action that needs to be taken.

Framing it in the context of "good vs evil" makes it easier for a policy maker to sell whatever their plan may be.