Should a man be ordered to pay child support for a child he does not want?

ooops...sorry mate was that it!!! I thought there was some big revelation or solution coming...:confused:
shit...I hope we haven't trashed your lifes work?
It must be a big revelation because it’s beyond your comprehension. Oh, wait. That’s the wrong standard of comparison. Oh, well. Maybe it isn’t such a big revelation.
In the landmark case of Roe v. Wade (1973) (“the fetus, at most, represents only the potentiality of life”), the United States Supreme Court held that a zygote is not alive as a matter of constitutional law. However, a man cannot pass his DNA to a zygote that is not alive. Therefore, as a matter of constitutional law, there cannot be any such thing as “his” child.
such a man should be MORE under the law to support that child. You can't condemn the woman or the child she wants and say you are being human.

Does human life begin at fertilization. Let's see you attack once again science

" Biologists from 1,058 academic institutions around the world assessed survey items on when a human's life begins and, overall, 96% (5337 out of 5577) affirmed the fertilization view. "