200000 dead russians

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
That was the last estimate of how many have had to die so far to please his ego.
Russia already had a shrinking population.
How many more will he send to be slaughtered . I wonder if Mr. Eichmann would think its another smart putin move
That was the last estimate of how many have had to die so far to please his ego.
Russia already had a shrinking population.
How many more will he send to be slaughtered . I wonder if Mr. Eichmann would think its another smart putin move
That was the last estimate of how many have had to die so far to please his ego.
Russia already had a shrinking population.
How many more will he send to be slaughtered . I wonder if Mr. Eichmann would think its another smart putin move

i see i'm living rent free in your mind. lol.

yes, but from PUTIN's perspective, cannon fodder is a smart idea. he doesn't care how many people die as long as it serves him politically, and politically he can't afford to lose the war in ukraine..

so given HIS values and HIS ethics, its a smart move.

of course, i'm not putin, and My values and ethics are much different, but you will no doubt keep "attacking" me for my analysis of putin, even though I'm not putin :)
New estimate of 270000 dead Russians.about the time the dead reach 400000.putin should expect to get dragged. Out of his bed bed and put against a wall.