80% of donations to democrats by pro-war & zionists


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
As it was expected, but not only democrats:

Warhawks Dominate
Both Major Parties

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) recently (although indirectly) put his finger on what may be the foremost problem of the American political process:
Obama exposed the fact that in the foreign policy realm, all of the leading presidential candidates of both major parties have actually come together as members of what some call “the War Party.”
During a recent debate, responding to critics among his rivals, Obama snapped, “I find it amusing that those who helped to authorize and engineer the biggest foreign-policy disaster in our generation are now criticizing me.”
Obama was referring to the point that the other “top tier” Democratic candidates—Senators Chris Dodd (Conn.), Joseph Biden (Del.) and Hillary Clinton (N.Y.) and former Sen. John Edwards (N.C.)—all voted to support Republican George W. Bush’s senseless decision to wage war on Iraq. (As an Illinois state legislator, Obama opposed the war.)
By publicly reminding grass-roots Democrats— some of the staunchest critics of the war—that their own party leaders lined up with Bush in waging the war, Obama effectively pointed toward an unspoken reality: that the primary motivation for Democrats to support Bush’s war was that destroying Iraq was at the top of the “want list” of the Israeli lobby and its American supporters who funnel tens of millions of dollars in campaign money to both major parties. Pro- Israel donors swell Democratic coffers to the tune of perhaps as much as 80% of all contributions. The level of pro-Zionist contributions to GOP campaign funds is not quite that high—but almost.
So now that the war has proven to be a catastrophe, Democratic office seekers are using the war as a campaign issue against Republicans, eager to keep voters from remembering that Democratic leaders—bankrolled by the same interests as the Republicans—supported the disastrous war in the first place.
And despite the anti-war rhetoric coming from Democratic presidential hopefuls, The NewYork Times laid out the truth in its lead story on Aug.12: “Even as they call for an end to the war and pledge to bring the troops home, the Democratic presidential candidates are setting out positions that could leave the United States engaged in Iraq for years.”
The only Democratic contenders truly opposing the war are former Sen. Mike Gravel (Alaska) and Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), joined by a lone Republican, Ron Paul (Texas). No wonder the three have been shut out by the mass media.

I was really optimistic!; but now it smells like the people is enthralled by mafia donators who laugh at the majority of americans ( antiwar)!

Indeed it's money that will decide the favorite, ie the money would say the last word !

Why good guys who represent the majority -I suppose- are always spared and never got the enough support and money?

I can't believe on Democrappy! :(

Its disgusting ....understanding that if say blacks want some equality in America ....most whites rail against it. But whatever the Israelis want ...they jump to it!! Truly amazing!! I have asked the question without a coherent answer for years now ...why does Americans feel it is our responsibility to dutifully pay Iraelis? Why must every GOD-DAM American spend some portion of their working day ... paying Israel?
They claim to be this progressive country ..yet for all my life ...they have been a suckling at the breast of America!!

A few weeks ago CNN ran a piece where they showed 1,000's of Iraeli lobbyist storming Washington on both sides of isle without resistance!! From Pelosi ...to ...Bush ...they have all bases covered!! And these are the extremist who want to re-settle on their neighbor's land!!

And not to be outdone following that piece MSNBC claimed the piece (though factual) was biased!!

They have the freaking politicians ..and the media ...in their pockets!!

Whats even worse is ....we have the right wing goons and the evangelical morons giving them even more money. Now stay with me on this ..if I as an Atheist say Jesus is a myth ... you better believe these people are going to think I'll be torched in hell!!

But the the Jew ..have no qualms in making this very claim ... and they sheepishly laugh at this..fact!! Somehow ..in their minds ..the jew who also deny Jesus ...will by-pass the process!

Its ideology handed passed down from generation to generation. The average American only knows we need to give our money and millitary equipment to Israel ..because their daddy told them its our duty. Thats it ..no question asked. In fact, if your an influential person, question this practice and watch these Israeli come down on you.

Look at what they tried to do against one of the greatest humanitarian on this earth ...JIMMY CARTER ... for telling the truth!

Whats even worse ..is these people will tell any politican without hesitation, without fear of reprisal ..that if they do not support Israel they will not get elected!! Which other foreign group can do that and get support from Americans ...specifically white Americans??
A useful ally in the middle east. The poor black communities of America serve no beneficial purpose enough to do anything decent for them. Look at New Orleans. I reckon if that had happened in Israel (I know its a landlocked country) they would have recieved more American aid.
My personal reason for supporting Israel is because I believe they act as a "shock absorber" for Muslim outrage. If the Islamists weren't so caught up in attacking Israel, their anger would be directed at the U.S.
I think if you made Israel go, the arab world would like you so much more you would have little need of a shock absorber.
Well this gets into that entire Ron Paul "blowback" debate. Some people like to make excuses for the Islamists and try to justify their terrorism by blaming American foreign policy (support for Israel).

Personally, I don't buy this argument because the Muslims have been "killing infidels where they reside" as their Koran orders them to do long before the estabishment of Israel in 1948 -- I have posted numerous examples on other threads. The irreconcilable wing on Islam does not need a pretext such as "American foreign policy" to wage war.
My personal reason for supporting Israel is because I believe they act as a "shock absorber" for Muslim outrage. If the Islamists weren't so caught up in attacking Israel, their anger would be directed at the U.S.

Maybe its just me ...but something tells me had we not dutifully funded and supported Israel savagery for some 50+ years now much of the muslim world would have no issue with us.

The fact is, as Americans we are extremely immature because we believe guns give us a right to do anything.

A useful ally in the middle east. The poor black communities of America serve no beneficial purpose enough to do anything decent for them. Look at New Orleans. I reckon if that had happened in Israel (I know its a landlocked country) they would have recieved more American aid.

Its laughable reading this comment. It only expose how much milage Rush Limbaugh gets out of pandering to white bigotry on the air everyday!!

I'll just count you as one more zombie ..midlessly supporting Israel! :D

Personally, I don't buy this argument because the Muslims have been "killing infidels where they reside" as their Koran orders them to do long before the estabishment of Israel in 1948 -- I have posted numerous examples on other threads. The irreconcilable wing on Islam does not need a pretext such as "American foreign policy" to wage war.

Wrong wrong wrong!! This kind of belief works only to justify your hatred ...thats all it does. The fact is there are many many people in those countries that are not fully commited to any religous beliefs, much the way we have many "christians" in the US who goes to church once or twice a year who does not like us. Why? Because they witness first hand the ills we do to them. When bombs and bullets are flying around you, when you can directly attribute the squalor in which you live to a a nation, or a country ... its only expected that these people would not like us!

The funny part in all of this is linked to something John McCain said yesterday about torture!! Many Americans harbour these beliefs because they know we have overwhelming fire power ...and they know even if a war ensues ..they don't have to fight it, nor do they have to see the carnage first hand!

Under those circumstances ...there is very little hesiation to kill people!

In short ..America has become a nation of chicken-hawks!!
Well I still think Israels existence is ridiculous.

What happened to the Jews was horrific in WWII, no denying that. But wether or not the Arab world deserved to be plunged into inevitable conflict for what happened is very questionable.

The leaders of the time should have known better than to think that human nature would not have kicked in and war would have broken out. Creating Israel showed total lack of foresight.

But heres another thing, the Jews may call it their holy land, but nobody else who is not a Jew believes its the Jewish holy land, so why should anyone else have to suffer at all for someone elses religion.

In the 19th century the native Indians had already been perseucted in their homeland, but their land that is now the southern states was stripped of them and turned into the five southern states. If they asked for it back now, a much shorter time than after when the Jews were kicked out of the old Israel, would they get it back? I think not.

America would not give that land over to the Indians, but is more than happy to shell out land to the Jews (on an ancient, religious claim).
Its laughable reading this comment. It only expose how much milage Rush Limbaugh gets out of pandering to white bigotry on the air everyday!!

I'll just count you as one more zombie ..midlessly supporting Israel! :D

This is hilarious. 9sublime doesn't even live in the U.S. so I highly doubt he listens to Rush Limbaugh and secondly, he is currently closer to your position regarding Israel than mine.

Try to not be so narrow-mindedly partisan all the time and actually read what people are writing.
Oh by the way, I hate Israel. Not Jews, but I hate it that Israel exists. I don't know who Rush Limbaugh is.
I think if you made Israel go, the arab world would like you so much more you would have little need of a shock absorber.


No person asked about peace before 1947, no "terrorism", no tension, no wars...

The story began when an ashkenazi alien came far from east to the ME!

Do you think that WH would spend billions USD to lauch a non legal war, if Israelis were not there ?!

No person asked about peace before 1947, no "terrorism", no tension, no wars...

Mohammed commanded the destruction of all cultures except Islamic fanatic submission in the 6th century AD when the West, including Britain, didn't even know the Middle East existed. Islamic imperialists have engaged in one war of cultural conquest after another since the beginning, and what we face in the 21st century is precisely the same war for precisely the same reasons that the Byzantines died because they were so divided over internal political dogfighting that they failed to defend their people from the world's most adamant and dedicated racial and religious bigots.

The war started in the 6th century AD -- and has absolutely nothing to do with our foreign policy.
Well I still think Israels existence is ridiculous.

What happened to the Jews was horrific in WWII, no denying that. But wether or not the Arab world deserved to be plunged into inevitable conflict for what happened is very questionable.

The leaders of the time should have known better than to think that human nature would not have kicked in and war would have broken out. Creating Israel showed total lack of foresight.

But heres another thing, the Jews may call it their holy land, but nobody else who is not a Jew believes its the Jewish holy land, so why should anyone else have to suffer at all for someone elses religion.

In the 19th century the native Indians had already been perseucted in their homeland, but their land that is now the southern states was stripped of them and turned into the five southern states. If they asked for it back now, a much shorter time than after when the Jews were kicked out of the old Israel, would they get it back? I think not.

America would not give that land over to the Indians, but is more than happy to shell out land to the Jews (on an ancient, religious claim).

What I hate more than the Jewish murdering actions are the Americans who literally makes it all possible!! Even the friggin KKK are afraid of the jews ...sure they'll talk behind their backs ...but they know better than to do what they do to poor defenseless blacks or hispanics!

Its mind numbing to see the fact that they duped Americans into thinking they owe and owe and owe them!! How the hell did this happen? How the hell did these people get so embolden that they would attack anybody ..anybody who dares say they don't support them ....100%???

They attacked Jimmy Carter ...but I will gurantee that these people could easily attack bush ...like no left-wing-liberal could ..should he say anything slightly similar!! And Americans ...especially white Americans will sit by and either support it ...or say nothing!!

They literally bow down to ..or are afraid of the jews ..pick your poison!

This is hilarious. 9sublime doesn't even live in the U.S.

I believe this is the ...US ...forum maybe he needs to relegate himself to world politics! But it doesn't matter these people telecast on the internet as well.....I'm sure Rush Limbaugh's or Shawn Hannity's Goolah is reaching him where-ever he is! Read his post and tell me how different it is from what your everyday red-neck in some red state would say! :D