80 year old caught exchanging crack for sex.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
Seriously, what is wrong with this picture. The man is lucky enough to have a working phallis.

According to the news article, Felix Cocco was charged with exchanging crack cocaine for sexual favors from prostitutes. It was also noted that he wanted to stay sexually active after his wife died.

I don't know whether to feel disgusted or burst into laugher! Maybe I will do both!

The funny thing is that they're probably never going to put that guy in jail.
I'm going to go with laugher on this one . . . .

You just never think of old people doing things like that. Prostitutes, maybe. But crack? Wow. Just goes to show that old people can do anything, I suppose . . .
At some point in time i would have to assume the prostitute would have one of those introspective moments while performing for the said crack..You know one of those times where you look outside yourself and really evaluate what you are doing. I would assume she would have a moment of "i am blowing a 80 year old shriveled old penis..i am truly a crackhead ...I NEED HELP!":p
Gangster grandpandparents. Now thats just crazy. Old people do the craziest things. They shoplift a lot more than younger people do. Thats a statistical fact.
While it is certainly not the path I would want my daughter to take in life (if I had a daughter). I see it as sad as well but nobody forced the girls to become prostitutes. They made those choices!
Brandon said:
While it is certainly not the path I would want my daughter to take in life (if I had a daughter). I see it as sad as well but nobody forced the girls to become prostitutes. They made those choices!

I think you may find that some of the girls would say otherwise!
Forced in a tricky word. You really have to ask to what level are you forced into a particular social and political situation which then dictates your environment and what you are most likely to do.
OneofaKind said:
The sad thing is that the prostitute(s) were desperate enough to go with this.
The sadder part is THEY WERE DOING CRACK IN THE FIRST PLACE! (He should have known better,he took advantage of them by offering something he knew would reel them in!)

Sad......... (@ 80yrs old you think people arent like this anymore)