9/11 Conspiracy (continued from Ron Paul thread)


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
I have a PROBLEM with Ron Paul
in that he states the reason for 9/11/2001 is U.S. foreign policy.
OK ... to get to the point, the whole 19 radical Arabs hyjacked 4 commecial airliners and crashed 3 of them into buildings story is a FAIRY TALE!
The events of 9/11/2001 where VERY well planned out by the Military Industrial Complex (New World Order, Project for a new American Century... WhatEVER!) The whole scene as it played out could NOT have happened the way that the "official" 9/11 report claims.

have you ever heard of a comic called Bill Hicks? Look up his work on the web, funny and disturbing stuff.

Most people NOW understand that the JFK assasination "magic bullit" is bogus, its an excuse to limit the number of shots fired and thereby assign blame to the LONE GUNNMAN (Lee Harey Oswald)
We where lied to in the 60's and we are being lied to now.

How can we get more people to THINK and then kevtch at their Senators and Congresspeople? What does it take?

I have a PROBLEM with Ron Paul
in that he states the reason for 9/11/2001 is U.S. foreign policy.
OK ... to get to the point, the whole 19 radical Arabs hyjacked 4 commecial airliners and crashed 3 of them into buildings story is a FAIRY TALE!
The events of 9/11/2001 where VERY well planned out by the Military Industrial Complex (New World Order, Project for a new American Century... WhatEVER!) The whole scene as it played out could NOT have happened the way that the "official" 9/11 report claims.

have you ever heard of a comic called Bill Hicks? Look up his work on the web, funny and disturbing stuff.

Most people NOW understand that the JFK assasination "magic bullit" is bogus, its an excuse to limit the number of shots fired and thereby assign blame to the LONE GUNNMAN (Lee Harey Oswald)
We where lied to in the 60's and we are being lied to now.

How can we get more people to THINK and then kevtch at their Senators and Congresspeople? What does it take?


Lots of halucinagens and grape kool-aid.
Lots of halucinagens and grape kool-aid.

There's no reasoning with him. Most 9/11 conspiracies don't even make sense because there is no reason for the Bush administration to do what they say. The only real argument a sane individual can make is that Bush knew but didn't do anything and this in itself is unprovable (like FDR and Pearl Harbor).
My point here is that RON PAUL is either catering to the public with a statement that is acceptable to a larger audence rather than tell the whole truth and freak_out a lot of people and thus distroy his chances of getting elected.

Such anxiety-induced cultishness can lead to collective insanity, as the Jonestown episode shows. People can be led to ignore clear, obvious facts—even the evidence of their own senses—and live out a mass delusion or hallucination that they accept as consensus reality, and cling to in the face of all evidence to the contrary. They can watch videos of the Twin Towers being blown to kingdom come, WTC-7 being demolished conventionally, Larry Silverstein confessing to its demolition, Bush reading to schoolchildren with a guilty smirk while the nation is supposedly under surprise attack...and still cling to their preconceived notion that any “attack on America” must have been the work of outsiders.

As Galanter puts it:

“Cognitive dissonance theory...has shown how individuals cannot easily dismiss a belief or attitude they hold, even when the attitude is directly contradicted by evidence or events. People will sooner adopt farfetched ideas to explain events than relinquish their preconceptions. In so doing, they avoid having to face the dissonance between what they see and what they have long believed. The dismissal of plain reality can happen when people are confronted by challenges to their ingrained patriotism, their prejudices, or their religious values. Under these circumstances, they may ignore cruelty, hypocrisy, or incompetence, or create elaborate rationalizations rather than challenge the principles espoused by their leaders.” (Cults, p.152)


Now I know that all of the Conservatives on this forum will want to label me as the crazie one....

But just think for a moment, LOOK AT THE VIDEO record of WTC7 falling down.
Check out the Pentagon pix of the building right after the hit and before the collapse. Do you REALLY AND TRULY BELIVE that a BOEING 757 hit the PENTAGON?

Like I've said before, they lied to us in the 60's (JFK assasination, Golf of Tonkin ... etc...) and they are lying to us NOW!

Now I know that all of the Conservatives on this forum will want to label me as the crazie one....

But just think for a moment, LOOK AT THE VIDEO record of WTC7 falling down.
Check out the Pentagon pix of the building right after the hit and before the collapse. Do you REALLY AND TRULY BELIVE that a BOEING 757 hit the PENTAGON?

Like I've said before, they lied to us in the 60's (JFK assasination, Golf of Tonkin ... etc...) and they are lying to us NOW!


Well I can't speak for the conservatives but I do believe a plane hit the Pentagon. I worked with a man who was walking from the Pentagon parking lot on that side of the building when the plane hit. He saw/heard it come in and hit. I have no reason to think that he would be lying.
Note for Sgt Schultz Can your friend positivly identify what hit the Pentagon as a Boeing 757? or? It could just as well have been a cruse missile,
To quote Rummy "WHO KNOWS?"

The "official" 9/11 report .. Lame excuses abound!
and they "LOST" FLT77 for half an hour!?!?!?!?!

This is NOT acceptable, Cheney was in Charge of NORAD and just exactly what was Mr. Cheney doing from the time of the first hit to the WTC untill the hit to the PENTAGON?

Richard Cheney:
A: Inteneded for the PENTAGON to be hit.
B: is so incompetent as to be unemployable at anything!

pick one, and in any case, why is this clown still on the payroll?
But just think for a moment, LOOK AT THE VIDEO record of WTC7 falling down.

Your point? Would you expect it to "LOOK" differently?

Check out the Pentagon pix of the building right after the hit and before the collapse. Do you REALLY AND TRULY BELIVE that a BOEING 757 hit the PENTAGON?

Your point? A 757 body is 12 ft 4in wide and 13 ft 6in high. The hole was 16-20 foot across. WAKE UP! MARK
Your point? Would you expect it to "LOOK" differently?

WELL DUH! - do you expect orderly results from chaotic events?

Hve you looked at the Video of WTC7 falling? notice how neat and complete it is(?) If the fires and damage from stuff falling from the twin towers brought down the building, would you expect to see one part sag, one side of the building falling ahead of the rest? Instead what we see is the roof line very nearly level and at least the entire face of the building that is visible in the video going down in a very orderly and neat manner. To do this, THOUSANDS of welds and joints would have to fail right on "Q".
Neat and orderly results from chaotic input, ya, right & I'm the easter Bunny!

Also consider the big picture ... did you know that molten steel was observed at the site 16 days after 9/11! Something got hot enough that 16 days after, there where still puddles of molten steel in the wreckage.

BTW: look up DOUBLE THINK 1984

Hve you looked at the Video of WTC7 falling?

Still going at it, eh Spam? Don't you ever get tired of saying the same thing over and over again, stuff that has been so thoroughly debunked. There are 15 threads on your little conspiracy. Keep it there. You've still got a lot of questions to answer over there.
WELL DUH! - do you expect orderly results from chaotic events?

???? Gravity is pretty predictable. It pulls things straight down.

Hve you looked at the Video of WTC7 falling? notice how neat and complete it is(?) If the fires and damage from stuff falling from the twin towers brought down the building, would you expect to see one part sag,

It did.

Early on, we saw a bulge in the southwest corner between floors 10 and 13, and we had put a transit on that and we were pretty sure she was going to collapse. You actually could see there was a visible bulge, it ran up about three floors.
http://screwloosechange.blogspot.com/search/label/WTC 7 Collapse

Note for Sgt Schultz Can your friend positivly identify what hit the Pentagon as a Boeing 757? or? It could just as well have been a cruse missile,
To quote Rummy "WHO KNOWS?"

Believe me he can. Both of us have worked around airplanes for 20+ years in the military. He knows what a 757 looks like and what a cruise missile looks like. BIG difference.

This is NOT acceptable, Cheney was in Charge of NORAD and just exactly what was Mr. Cheney doing from the time of the first hit to the WTC untill the hit to the PENTAGON?

Unfriggin' believable. VP Cheney isn't and never has been in charge of NORAD. I have to ask how much do you even know about the military or the chain of command.
Please check this out

By way of the Drills and exercises that where going on that morning, Richard Cheney had COMMAND AUTHORITY. There are a lot of military officers who will weigh in on this and confirm that Cheney had taken command and indeed with the backing of Presidential authority.

I submit that Richard Cheney:
A, Intended for the Pentagon to be hit.
B, Is so incompetent as to be unemployable at anything!

Pick one and in either case, WHY is this clown still on the payroll?
Please check this out

By way of the Drills and exercises that where going on that morning, Richard Cheney had COMMAND AUTHORITY. There are a lot of military officers who will weigh in on this and confirm that Cheney had taken command and indeed with the backing of Presidential authority.

I submit that Richard Cheney:
A, Intended for the Pentagon to be hit.
B, Is so incompetent as to be unemployable at anything!

Pick one and in either case, WHY is this clown still on the payroll?

I submit that you are off your rocker and have little to no knowledge of this event wrt military exercises are conducted.

AND the WTC7 stuff is just bunk.
Have you ever heard of DOUBLE THINK?

Historical examples enclude Thomas Jefferson holding SLAVES and at the same time promoting
This "more perfect union" proved to be not so perfect.

However there are other examples of DOUBLE THINK and todays mass media and our so-called "leaders" are playing mind games with the AMERICAN public.
Bad News!

Kill Your Television!
Spam -- leave this "argument" for the conspiracy threads.

As for Jefferson -- you must remember that he was an 18th century man, where slaves weren't viewed as "men", but property protected under the 5th Amendment. Applying 21st century standards to a man of his times in the 18th century is unfair.