9/11 Former Police Officer: "Inside Job"

This isnt a conspiracy?

you friggin people are something else this site really is a interesting piece of propogandic works

this man told a story of what happened to him after being at ground zero

there was no need to move this post

shiit moderation

this place wreaks of censorship and pro govt bullsh%t
This isnt a conspiracy?

you friggin people are something else this site really is a interesting piece of propogandic works

this man told a story of what happened to him after being at ground zero

there was no need to move this post

shiit moderation

this place wreaks of censorship and pro govt bullsh%t

Roker, he was talking about 9/11 being an inside job. That's a conspiracy. It belongs in the forum with other conspiracies. And censorship would be deleting the thread, not moving it.
First of all, why does this get away with insulting moderators all the time?

And second of all, the "9/11 was an inside job" concept is by definition a conspiracy theory, it being yet empirically unproven (and therefore only theoretical) and concerning itself with a deliberate conspiracy to inflict harm on the American people.

Why are we take the testimony of one emergency responder as definitive proof of a conspiracy? This doesn't even count as a preponderance of evidence, much less the kind of proof beyond a reasonable doubt that justifies the scorn and derision with which you react to any dissenters (which, for the record, is typical of all conspiracy theorists across all places and times).
The "19 radical Arabs hyjack 4 commercial airliners and crash 3 of them into buildings" bit is a CONSPIRACY!

So, is this a CONSPIRACY by ARABS or by Rich White members of somkina exclucive club (skull&bones, masons, ... whatever)

Please see http://gordonssite.tripod.com/id2.html
