If you care for Africa. Read this
An international, high level Africa Commission has been established with the aim of presenting new, innovative and very concrete strategies to improve international development cooperation with Africa, focusing on African youth and employment.
Important sub-themes are education, women’s role in development, economic growth in Africa and climate change. It is the ambition, that the Commission can rejuvenate the political willingness to improve the effectiveness of international development cooperation with Africa.
The Commission is composed of 18 members and includes the President of Tanzania, the Prime Minister of Mozambique, the Director of the World Bank, the President of the African Development Bank, high-level representatives from, inter alia, the UN, the African Union, ECOWAS and the EU as well as leading academics and the private sector. The majority of the members are from Africa. The Prime Minister of Denmark is Chairman of the Commission, which has been initiated by the Danish Government.
The fist thematic conference about education took place in Ouagadougou on 16 June, and between now and late October four more conferences will be staged. Here the grass roots, youth representatives, the NGO’s and representatives from civil society will meet to discuss specific challenges in creating a prosperous future for the youth of Africa. Later a youth forum and several workshops will be arranged.
Link to the Africa Commission website, take part in the debate and receive the news
It is the ambition of the Africa Commission to start an international debate about the future of Africa and to put Africa higher on the international agenda.
You can help us do that – and you can be part of it yourself. All you have to do is this:
• Visit the Africa Commission website: www.africacommission.um.dk/en
• Create links to The Africa Commission on your website.
• Sign up for the newsletter and all other news
• Spread the word about the website
• Join the debate on the website
An international, high level Africa Commission has been established with the aim of presenting new, innovative and very concrete strategies to improve international development cooperation with Africa, focusing on African youth and employment.
Important sub-themes are education, women’s role in development, economic growth in Africa and climate change. It is the ambition, that the Commission can rejuvenate the political willingness to improve the effectiveness of international development cooperation with Africa.
The Commission is composed of 18 members and includes the President of Tanzania, the Prime Minister of Mozambique, the Director of the World Bank, the President of the African Development Bank, high-level representatives from, inter alia, the UN, the African Union, ECOWAS and the EU as well as leading academics and the private sector. The majority of the members are from Africa. The Prime Minister of Denmark is Chairman of the Commission, which has been initiated by the Danish Government.
The fist thematic conference about education took place in Ouagadougou on 16 June, and between now and late October four more conferences will be staged. Here the grass roots, youth representatives, the NGO’s and representatives from civil society will meet to discuss specific challenges in creating a prosperous future for the youth of Africa. Later a youth forum and several workshops will be arranged.
Link to the Africa Commission website, take part in the debate and receive the news
It is the ambition of the Africa Commission to start an international debate about the future of Africa and to put Africa higher on the international agenda.
You can help us do that – and you can be part of it yourself. All you have to do is this:
• Visit the Africa Commission website: www.africacommission.um.dk/en
• Create links to The Africa Commission on your website.
• Sign up for the newsletter and all other news
• Spread the word about the website
• Join the debate on the website