Alabama Hospital Shuts Down IVF Treatment Over Fears of Prosecution


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2024
A recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling declaring fertilized embryos as "extrauterine children" is already impacting fertility clinics across the state, with one of the largest hospitals temporarily ceasing in-vitro fertilization treatments.

The University of Alabama at Birmingham's health system said Wednesday that it is pausing IVF treatments in the wake of the ruling. University Hospital, the flagship hospital of the health system, is among the largest hospitals in the United States, with over 1,200 hospital beds.

"We must evaluate the potential that our patients and our physicians could be prosecuted criminally or face punitive damages for following the standard of care for IVF treatments," Hannah Echols, a UAB spokeswoman, said in an email to

The court missed a very good opportunity to give IVF patients rights while preserving the procedure for everyone.

The couples should have sued on the grounds that those embryos are their property. The clinic was negligent with their patient's property and it was destroyed.

Those embryos were the property of those couples. Not their children. At least not at that stage.

Now, people across Alabama who want to be parents using IVF won't have that choice.

So much for freedom, liberty and body autonomy.
A recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling declaring fertilized embryos as "extrauterine children" is already impacting fertility clinics across the state, with one of the largest hospitals temporarily ceasing in-vitro fertilization treatments.

The University of Alabama at Birmingham's health system said Wednesday that it is pausing IVF treatments in the wake of the ruling. University Hospital, the flagship hospital of the health system, is among the largest hospitals in the United States, with over 1,200 hospital beds.

"We must evaluate the potential that our patients and our physicians could be prosecuted criminally or face punitive damages for following the standard of care for IVF treatments," Hannah Echols, a UAB spokeswoman, said in an email to

The court missed a very good opportunity to give IVF patients rights while preserving the procedure for everyone.

The couples should have sued on the grounds that those embryos are their property. The clinic was negligent with their patient's property and it was destroyed.

Those embryos were the property of those couples. Not their children. At least not at that stage.

Now, people across Alabama who want to be parents using IVF won't have that choice.

So much for freedom, liberty and body autonomy.
Thank God the voices of opponents of the murder of unborn babies are heard occasionally in our nation that has a whole has demonstrated an unholy rejection of God.
Thank God the voices of opponents of the murder of unborn babies are heard occasionally in our nation that has a whole has demonstrated an unholy rejection of God.

so you think stopping ivf is a good thing?
that would be hateful.
those childless couples who want a child are being denied that, because of right wing religious beliefs.
sad and pathetic
so you think stopping ivf is a good thing?
that would be hateful.
those childless couples who want a child are being denied that, because of right wing religious beliefs.
sad and pathetic
I am not following you and suspect your reasoning and logic are flawed.
I am not following you and suspect your reasoning and logic are flawed.

do you support the alabama supreme court ruling which has shut down ivf in alabama?
yes or no?

you always post the usual vague right wing whining, you never want to put actual specifics in writing
do you support the alabama supreme court ruling which has shut down ivf in alabama?
yes or no?

you always post the usual vague right wing whining, you never want to put actual specifics in writing
I have not studied the Alabama decision yet, but I suspect I may approve of it once I learn more about it.
Thank God.
How was god involved? Did it make a submission to the inquiry?
the voices of opponents of the murder of unborn babies are heard occasionally in our nation that has a whole has demonstrated an unholy rejection of God.
This will be overturned before long. It's not about saving minute embryos that resemble a grain of sand that are not more a human than my dog. It's about the godbotherers getting their way. It's about taking their religious beliefs out of the Bible and into the wombs of women. Yet no where in the Bible dies it mention IVF. How coincidental.