Alaskans: Palin is lying about the Bridge to Nowhere


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Palin continues to lie about her stance on the Bridge to some Alaskans are speaking out:

During her first speech after being named as McCain's surprise pick as a running mate, Palin said she had told Congress "'thanks but no thanks' on that bridge to nowhere."

In the city Ketchikan, the planned site of the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere," political leaders of both parties said the claim was false and a betrayal of their community, because she had supported the bridge and the earmark for it secured by Alaska's Congressional delegation during her run for governor.

The bridge, a span from the city to Gravina Island, home to only a few dozen people, secured a $223 million earmark in 2005. The pricey designation raised a furor and critics, including McCain, used the bridge as an example of wasteful federal spending on politicians' pet projects.

When she was running for governor in 2006, Palin said she was insulted by the term "bridge to nowhere," according to Ketchikan Mayor Bob Weinstein, a Democrat, and Mike Elerding, a Republican who was Palin's campaign coordinator in the southeast Alaska city.

"People are learning that she pandered to us by saying, I'm for this' ... and then when she found it was politically advantageous for her nationally, abruptly she starts using the very term that she said was insulting," Weinstein said.

Caribou Barbie is a liar, I don't really see how it can get much plainer than that. I'm somewhat surprised that she continues lying, except that maybe the McCain campaign feels comfortable with the media right now. After all, the MSM is obviously enamored with Palin at the moment and exposing her lies is something that apparently they're not willing to do. So much for the "liberal media."
Your other slurs exposed as fraudulent, you're reduced to obsessing over this one non-issue. Sad, actually. :D
POOPEYE, quit SPAMMING THE BOARD!!! There are at least a dozen other threads for you to keep posting your bovine excrement and LIES about the bridge.


So how did Palin exactly secure those earmarks? Isn't that what they do in Congress?

lets go over the quote from the article,

Palin said she had told Congress "'thanks but no thanks' on that bridge to nowhere."

In the city Ketchikan, the planned site of the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere," political leaders of both parties said the claim was false and a betrayal of their community, because she had supported the bridge and the earmark for it secured by Alaska's Congressional delegation during her run for governor.

sounds pretty clear to me. Palin never told Congress 'thanks but no thanks' or anything like it. Indeed, she actually supported the earmark secured for it as is shown in the video here: