Art Laffer: On economics, Trump was the BEST POTUS IN 100 YEARS!

Yo Daddy!!

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
Art Laffer: On economics, Trump was the BEST POTUS IN 100 YEARS!

This was uploaded to YouTube in the past hour.
You mean the ***** who blamed the great recession Obama, elected president after it started? Lol

And the architect behind kansas great experiment which failed. Lol
Last week, Republican economist Art Laffer told Fox News that Barack Obama "was the reason why we had the Great Recession." As Laffer argued, there was a global economic crisis because investors were panicked by the prospect of an Obama presidency

The great recession officially started well before Obama was the leading dem candidate let alone potus

Laffer is a Trump lapdog like so many spineless republicans
2012, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback sought to boost the economy by sharply cutting income taxes across the board.
Under his plan, the tax rate on pass-through business income fell to 0. The idea was to boost investment, raise employment, and jump-start the economy.
This type of supply-side trickle-down theory has been proposed by Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and many others.
The program in Kansas served as a lab test for how supply side tax cuts may work at the federal level. In Kansas, however, these tax cuts proved unsuccessful.
The Kansas economy did not grow faster than neighboring states, the country itself, or even Kansas’ own growth in previous years.
The experiment with tax policy was such a failure that a Republican controlled legislature not only voted to raise taxes, but did so over the veto of the governor.
Rather than Democrats overturning the tax measure, this was a case of Republicans in power looking at the effects of the tax cut on the economy and making the decision that it was, overall, a bad idea.

More recently, he served as the architect of Sam Brownback’s (R) failed right-wing economic experiment in Kansas, which destroyed state finances and did little to improve the state’s economy. Laffer vowed that Brownback’s plan would generate “enormous prosperity,” which is largely the opposite of what’s actually happened.

When the the GOP governor’s agenda failed to deliver on any of the expected results, Laffer was pressed for an explanation. “Kansas is doing fine,” he boasted.

Kansas was not doing fine.
Since the 1970s there have been four big changes in the effective tax rate on the top 1 percent: the Reagan cut, the Clinton hike, the Bush cut, and the Obama hike. Republicans are fixated on the boom that followed the 1981 tax cut (which had much more to do with monetary policy, but never mind). But they predicted dire effects from the Clinton hike; instead we had a boom that eclipsed Reagan’s. They predicted wonderful things from the Bush tax cuts; instead we got an unimpressive expansion followed by a devastating crash. And they predicted terrible things from the tax rise after Obama’s reelection; instead we got the best job growth since 1999.And when I say “they predicted”, I especially mean Laffer himself, who has a truly extraordinary record of being wrong at crucial turning points. As Bruce Bartlett pointed out a few years ago, Laffer was even wrong during the Reagan years: he predicted that the Reagan tax hikes of 1982, which partially reversed earlier cuts, would cripple the economy; “morning in America” promptly followed. Oh, and let’s not forget his 2009 warnings about soaring interest rates and inflation.

Laughing at laffer :)

But he pandered to trump so Trump gave him a medal and he returned the favor by kissing tru,ps posterior with this video lol
Art Laffer: On economics, Trump was the BEST POTUS IN 100 YEARS!

"Laffer is a bona fide economist with a doctorate from Stanford. He's also largely responsible for the Republican belief that tax cuts pay for themselves. Now 67, Laffer runs economic-consulting and money-management firms in Nashville. About the best I could get out of him on the question of whether the Bush tax cuts have paid for themselves was "I don't know."
Last week, Republican economist Art Laffer told Fox News that Barack Obama "was the reason why we had the Great Recession." As Laffer argued, there was a global economic crisis because investors were panicked by the prospect of an Obama presidency

The great recession officially started well before Obama was the leading dem candidate let alone potus

Laffer is a Trump lapdog like so many spineless republicans
USA is full of ratbags like him. Trump is one.
USA is full of ratbags like him. Trump is one.
Why don't you ever promote the ideology you mistakenly believe is better than ours and the
leaders you mistakenly believe are better than Trump?


Got your leaders, right here, Skippy!!!!

Why don't you ever promote the ideology you mistakenly believe is better than ours and the leaders you mistakenly believe are better than Trump?

You are a loser.

you certainly sound open minded in that post and open to discusison.