biden celebrates democracy that was threatened by trump

You are unhinged by think8ng courts refute things lol
Or maybe just a legal *****
You claim courts have something to do with voting fraud evidence and then you call people stupid for suggesting courts might have something to do with voting fraud evidence.
Is that so? No wonder the black DC cop shot the unarmed white woman and was cheered on by black racist cop haters for his act.
Yes it was no wonder people were shot in a violent riot insurrection threatening our government
Next time Republican morons should pursue change legally not violently
You claim courts have something to do with voting fraud evidence and then you call people stupid for suggesting courts might have something to do with voting fraud evidence.
I defined exactly what courts do with evidence, they evaluate it
Not something to do, *****
God you are stupid for constantly not understanding how courts work
Yes it was no wonder people were shot in a violent riot insurrection threatening our government
Next time Republican morons should pursue change legally not violently
Blacks don't care if unarmed non-democrat white women get shot and killed by black cops but they erupt like apes, looting and torching like savage bushmen when a threatening black suspect gets shot in self defense by a cop.
I defined exactly what courts do with evidence, they evaluate it
Not something to do, *****
God you are stupid for constantly not understanding how courts work
Democrats refused to allow suspect Dominion voting machines to be examined in court.
Suffice it to say you cannot prove the vulnerable voting machines wewre not corrupted.

So what are you asking for: a photo of people not corrupting voting machines?
Does anyone try to exonerate a horse thief by showing photos of him not stealing a horse?
Poor Mark, he cannot think rationally, perhaps he was infected by a fundie brain worm.
This silly person ignored the fact that Trump was found guilty of tax evasion and slander, used campaign funds to pay off a prostitute so he would not be seen as the whoremonger that he is, stole official documents, and attempted to overturn a free and fair election.

Trump is a CRIMINAL. He belongs in PRISON.
Wresting laws for the purpose of unjustly eliminating President Trump from 2024 election contention is wicked.
Suffice it to say you cannot prove the vulnerable voting machines wewre not corrupted.

So what are you asking for: a photo of people not corrupting voting machines?
Does anyone try to exonerate a horse thief by showing photos of him not stealing a horse?
Poor Mark, he cannot think rationally, perhaps he was infected by a fundie brain worm.
Democrats warned before the 2020 election that Dominion voting machines were known to be vulnerable to crooked manipulation and fraud. Dominion machines were found to have been corrupted in the 2020 election, proving democrats guilty of protecting and covering up fraud by refusing to allow investigators access to the suspect machines shortly after the election.
Blacks don't care if unarmed non-democrat white women get shot and killed by black cops but they erupt like apes, looting and torching like savage bushmen when a threatening black suspect gets shot in self defense by a cop.
Prove blacks don't care lying *****