Biden offers condolences for the Butcher of Iran

You rem8nd me how lazy you are
. Biden offered
and you remind me of what morons are really like the problem is you do not like the truth..
. Joe did offer Iran condolences for one of our biggest haters and Terriots enablers referred to as the Butcher of Teran by the Iranian people who many are celebrating his death. Your upset because he did it and all I did was point it out . And you do not like that do you lug nut . Now go ahead and use your weasel word excuses for it as usual .
. Biden offered
and you remind me of what morons are really like the problem is you do not like the truth..
. Joe did offer Iran condolences for one of our biggest haters and Terriots enablers referred to as the Butcher of Teran by the Iranian people who many are celebrating his death. Your upset because he did it and all I did was point it out . And you do not like that do you lug nut . Now go ahead and use your weasel word excuses for it as usual .
So no proof

Biden offers condolences for the Butcher of Iran

WHAT a and joe is sorry hes dead ***** this guy is a real enemy to America and Israel and his own people .


"FAUX Noise!!!!!!"
It is a global tradition to offer condolences for the death of leaders. To do do neither encourages nor discourages anyone. Morons do not understand diplomatic traditions, because they are morons.
It is a global tradition to offer condolences for the death of leaders. To do do neither encourages nor discourages anyone. Morons do not understand diplomatic traditions, because they are morons.
Stalin's own politburo partners were glad he died and even watched him die without offering him any assistance or comfort. Expressing condolences to the family ofa mass-murdering monster is like members of the Black Panthers expressing condolences to members of James Earl Ray's family after his death.
Stalin's own politburo partners were glad he died and even watched him die without offering him any assistance or comfort. Expressing condolences to the family ofa mass-murdering monster is like members of the Black Panthers expressing condolences to members of James Earl Ray's family after his death.
Update your calendar lol
Black panther? Lol