Biden promoting overseas solar panels over American

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes joes way of saying screw American
its a way for republicans to say "screw the environment".

fixed that for you :)

The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted to repeal President Joe Biden's suspension of tariffs on solar panels from four Southeast Asian nations, a move solar project builders say would stall clean energy development.

you're so stupid..and you hate the environment, apparently :)

tarrifs - socialism and big government in action. you love socialism and big government :)

Yes joes way of saying screw American
You never said anything when Trump put the tariffs on all Chinese goods.
Oh. You forgot who introduced the tariffs.
Sorry. I thought you knew.
You never said anything when Trump put the tariffs on all Chinese goods.
Oh. You forgot who introduced the tariffs.
Sorry. I thought you knew.
Yes trump put tariffs on overseas goods, It made them more expensive and less completive with American made products you lug nut. Biden is taking tariff off you lug nut That makes them cheaper. Tariffs add to the cost of overseas good making them more expensive and less completive with American goods you lug nut .Biden is removing tariffs making American made panels more expensive and less desirable . And you claim you own and operate a business and are rich lol .
What is it a lemonade stand or selling pencils on the corner ? Those 2 seem to be about as far as your business and economic wisdom can comprehend .
so TAT, should we have taffifs on everything? how about we forbid anything foreign from coming over? that will help american manufacturers, amirite?

why don't you believe in free trade? why do you hate capitalism? :)
so TAT, should we have taffifs on everything? how about we forbid anything foreign from coming over? that will help american manufacturers, amirite?

why don't you believe in free trade? why do you hate capitalism? :)
you don't get it do you anti American as usual pro illegal pro china pro drug pro trans anti law typical democrat
i get it. you are in favor of big government socialism.
you hate free trade you hate capitalism.
No Thats what democrats want free freecfree as long as others pay for it.
You see I want to see AMERICAN technology and products make Americans wealth and employees Americans on such future markets. The home market for solar is going to but open and become affordable enough to be included in all new home .And beca great investment for people who intend to stay in. Thier home for 10 to 15 years and a great investment to improve the value of the home .
Excuse me for being more interested in my country then how it affects Chinese communist in the country that absolutely hate us I know that your main concern and you have to live up to being a Democrat but sorry that's not how I think.
They tariff the crap out of our stuff.Screw them .
you are upset about no tarrifs.

tarrifs are anti-free trade and anti capitalism, moron.

you love big government socialsm :)
you are upset about no tarrifs.

tarrifs are anti-free trade and anti capitalism, moron.

you love big government socialsm :)
Lol sorry Im not a democrats. tariffs are used by governments to protect some industry.
Your unable to see the big picture but considering the size of your head I understand why.
Yes trump put tariffs on overseas goods, It made them more expensive and less completive with American made products you lug nut. Biden is taking tariff off you lug nut That makes them cheaper. Tariffs add to the cost of overseas good making them more expensive and less completive with American goods you lug nut .Biden is removing tariffs making American made panels more expensive and less desirable . And you claim you own and operate a business and are rich lol .
What is it a lemonade stand or selling pencils on the corner ? Those 2 seem to be about as far as your business and economic wisdom can comprehend .
Did you read who owns the four factories mentioned? Of course not. You're a fruit loop.
Biden has been big buddies with China especially company's that hunter was involved in and his family has profited from the commie.
Joes got to make sure he helps out some of the Chinese company's over our and makes sure they keep helping the Russians , Iran is doing the same think while joe eats ice cream and mumbles incoherently .
not employing American and its clear you ding know anything about tariffs
Americans can't compete on prices so he suspends the import tariffs to make them competitive.

The irony of this is you don't believe in climate change but now you supporting the origin of panels.

What I do know is trump said the Chinese will pay for all the tariffs and he lied yet it's me who doesn't understand about tariffs???
Grow up. You know nothing and now defending your ignorance.
Biden has been big buddies with China especially company's that hunter was involved in and his family has profited from the commie.
Joes got to make sure he helps out some of the Chinese company's over our and makes sure they keep helping the Russians , Iran is doing the same think while joe eats ice cream and mumbles incoherently .
Not according to this but you're not into facts. You enjoy the juicy propaganda.

So get that up ya big mouth.