Biden’s re-election votes will be worse than when Hillary ran.

He might not even win the popular vote. He has pissed off at least half of his base he’s going to need to win. There’s a couple of reasons Biden won last time, and it’s definitely not because he was Joe Biden. I was saying it then when he rigged the nomination against Bernie Sanders by having all competition drop out before the first Super Tuesday votes were even able to be casted, that he was going to be a one term president. He’s so uninspiring. But I believe the reasons for his victory are a pandemic happened and he was running against an incumbent. A very unlikeable incumbent. But just as shallow and narrow minded it was to think Trumpism could be defeated by this weak ass sucker for the status quo and establishment, is just as quick as it takes for people to not see Trump as the legitimate threat he really is. You can’t defeat fascism that way. It’ll always come back if you don’t have a strong plan or leader in place. So I expect Biden’s numbers to be even lower than when Hillary ran this time around. She was very unlikeable. Biden wasn’t as unlikeable but now he’s more unlikeable than she could’ve ever been because genocide will do that. I truly am sorry that Trump is going to win this November. But it’s Biden’s fault. Just remember that.
Hillary got more votes than Trump. Biden got SEVEN MILLION MORE votes than Trump. And Trump still refuses to admit that he is about as popular as a turd in the punchbowl.
Which by the way, is exactly how he smells.
Hillary got more votes than Trump. Biden got SEVEN MILLION MORE votes than Trump. And Trump still refuses to admit that he is about as popular as a turd in the punchbowl.
Which by the way, is exactly how he smells.
Biden is running the worst campaign in history though alienating most of his base with the genocide enabling. So I guess we’ll see how many Nikki Haley voters turn out for him. Because that’s all I see going for him.
Biden is running the worst campaign in history though alienating most of his base with the genocide enabling.
No he's not. It's just that you want him to bow to your wishes. The election won't be fought over Gaza.
So I guess we’ll see how many Nikki Haley voters turn out for him. Because that’s all I see going for him.
Do you really expect the Haley voters to be the sum total and think that 81million will change their mind and vote for Trump???

You've become very bitter lately. You should do some meditation and yoga. You're stressing out.
Hillary got more votes than Trump. Biden got SEVEN MILLION MORE votes than Trump. And Trump still refuses to admit that he is about as popular as a turd in the punchbowl.
Which by the way, is exactly how he smells.
Both Biden and Hillary had poor showings at campaign rallies, especially compared to Trump. But both Hillary and Biden had massive numbers of votes in big Democrat election wards with bloated voting registries, uncheckable Voting machine anomalies, mysterious unverified last-minute and after election mail-in ballot dumps, and so forth.